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How to use LEA in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word LEA? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The opening ceremony was also attended by school staff, governors, school sponsors, LEA members and local councillors.
She attended meetings with the school, the governors and a representative from the LEA and in December 2002 managed to get two hours a day extra support for Michael in school.
At GCSE, the lowest performing area is Knowsley, consistently the worst performing LEA in England.
Gateshead and North Tyneside were the highest, and Gateshead was the only LEA above the national average for this measure.
Parkwood Outdoors Dolygaer was open in 2015 on the site of a previous LEA centre.
Geographically inside the Hampshire LEA are 24 independent schools, Southampton has three and Portsmouth has four.
The City of Nottingham LEA has 18 state schools and 6 independent schools, not including sixth form colleges.
The LEA is required to support schools in special measures or with serious weaknesses.
Schools Stoke-on-Trent LEA performs fine, if unexceptionally.
Each LEA has a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education.
Kristin Watkin, aged 54, a former head of modern languages at Ashlawn School, is claiming unfair and constructive dismissal against Warwickshire LEA and the school governors.
The Somerset LEA also provides special schools such as Newbury Manor School, which caters for children aged between 10 and 17 with special educational needs.
No schools in this LEA usually get above average GCSE results.
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