The combination of weight, a very effective recoil pad, the pistol grip and Remington's LE buckshot makes recoil almost a non-issue. |
Common manifestations of drug-induced LE include arthritis, serositis, and rashes. |
The metastable film melts with no increase in area beyond the thermal expansion of the LE phase. |
Heroglyph V4 LE joins the proDAD family as the younger brother of the immensely popular Heroglyph V4 Pro titler. |
In Mumbai, officers and LE Staff celebrated the nine-day Navratri festival for the goddess Devi by wearing the correct colors on each day. |
Cannel LE, Savell JW, Smith SB, Cross HR and LC John Fatty acid composition and caloric value of ground beef containing low levels of fat. |
Post-operative outcomes of a 56-year-old male patient receiving IntraCor refractive surgery Vision Sph Cyl Axis LE 1 week post-op. |
There was some opposition to breaking a tradition of naming vessels after mythical Irish female figures such as the LE Aoife and LE Emer. |
The ability of LE activity to predict significant bacteriuria has been previously demonstrated. |
By NATHAN HEMMINGHAM LE L EDS head into the fe f stive period full of chc eer following their fof urth straight home league victory. |
A study on female tennis players found significantly reduced lower trapezius strength in those diagnosed with LE, compared to symptom-free players and controls. |
This will be followed by a message from Cobh Town Mayor and other dignitaries in the Promenade Band Stand and a poignant gun salute exchange from Spike Island and the LE Emer. |
Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Racker LC, Bean JA, Wanner A, Dalpra D, et al. |
Egypt raised the price it will pay local farmers for their wheat next season to LE 380 per ardeb from LE 350 during the last season to encourage planting. |
Patients frequently have more than one subset of cutaneous LE, as demonstrated by the frequent concurrence of discoid LE and lupus panniculitis, even in the same lesion. |