Each Colorway Tells a Story The colors tell their own story about Stephen's life on and off the court. |
This album reached the Top 10 on both sides of the Atlantic on the back of the success of Every Picture Tells A Story. |
He tells them that the olive tree has been broken at the branches, but that these branches could be replanted. |
The bare observation of the total eclipse tells you that on that date the Sun, Moon, and Athens were aligned. |
World Weddings tells five personal stories of nuptials in extreme, hazardous or divisive situations around the world. |
The drunkard becomes a moral enthusiast as he tells the truth about the amorist, and the amorist as he tells the truth about the sot. |
She has worked hard to reach her rank, and junior officers do what she tells them, she says. |
Then a numpty, walkie-talkie jobsworth in a parka sidles up and tells me to shove off. |
That they were surprised by the voters, and have no Plan B, tells us just how out of touch with the grass roots the elite is. |
He tells me this while sipping a Coke in a small downtown Lewiston luncheonette on a wintry afternoon. |
At the end of the meal he rings a cowbell to get attention, then tells the story of the island. |
The manager rudely tells him that it was a sham marriage and that his wife wants him to get lost so she can annul it. |
The new movie, Love, Honour and Obey, which tells the story of a postman who falls in with criminals, is premiered in London. |
To illustrate, she tells the story of the night watchman given to practical jokes. |
Bessie tells Jane that she fell sick and was crying, and that was why the doctor was called. |
She tells me she is just back from the hairdresser and the coiffure will revert to ragged ringlets as soon as it hits rain. |
A comedian tells jokes, customers buy lots of drinks and, as the evening progresses, everyone finds the succession of stand-ups even funnier. |
Ease on in to the cool interior and the steady throb of the reggae beat tells you that you are in Marley Country. |
This tells us that aepyornis was definitely not a distance runner like the slender-legged ostrich. |
This tells us that human beings are exquisitely attuned to interpreting and responding to social signals. |
Cosmo tells us the safe way to wear animal print is to team a leopard print top with black pants and stilettos. |
Rachel tells her Alabaman prom date the truth about herself and his reaction makes the scales fall from her eyes. |
Oh, and checking out of a cheap hotel is not much fun when the receptionist tells you that your girlfriend's husband called. |
Brad tells a similar story about the contract sales manager at the lumberyard he got most of his wood from. |
In the game nobody watches you and holds your hand and tells you what is what. |
While the film looks realistic, naturalistic, it is still a film and tells a story. |
Much of what Orme tells us is familiar, though he brings the fruits of very wide reading to enrich the discourse. |
Up front the forwards made no impression and the fact that they failed to score tells its own story. |
The evidence of the accused tells an entirely different story, in that he says he did not arrange the marriage. |
Earlier masons, he tells us, produced simple tracery in round windows by piercing stone discs. |
It's a small, nondescript, red-brick building on a short street downtown, but the stone crest above the door tells most of the story. |
A woman patron tells me that electrical outlets are so shockingly few as to make your hair stand on end. |
He tells me about a 22-year-old he knows who has almost no literacy or numeracy and few social skills. |
Animation, a by-necessity wasteless industry, typically tells its story as spartanly as possible due to budgetary constraints. |
The film tells of the children's escape and how they follow the rabbit-proof fence across a blistering desert. |
The play tells the story of his life amidst the turbulent times of the Penal Laws, and the narrative is threaded with her music. |
The wife tells me in a quiet voice that they went into the room with another woman to have a threesome. |
Seismology tells us only about physical properties such as seismic velocity, attenuation, and, more indirectly, temperature. |
It tells us to stop buying rounds but offers little practical advice on how to dodge them. |
There are a lot of clues pointing you in the right direction, but nobody just tells you where it's at. |
The clerk shuffles through a pile of documents, tells him not to worry, he does have an appointment, and to go back to where he came from. |
Paul Revere tells Johnny to tell Robert Newman, the sexton at Christ's Church, to hang two lanterns. |
The tablet's inscription tells the story of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. |
She tells us that she cannot read Spanish well, so she quotes maddeningly few lines from his letters. |
The movie tells a number of different stories, most of which connect tangentially. |
My brother tells me that during the hanami season, the sakura blossoms fall down like snow along this street. |
For example, it apparently tells you not to end sentences with prepositions. |
He tells her to hold out her hand, and he hits it several times, then makes her stand in front of the class until recess. |
Rushwind activates his wrist-comm and tells them to prepare to beam them up. |
The vitality of Mason's society reflects fifties optimism, it tells us about the prosperity of its time, the optimism of the baby boom. |
He tells the funniest jokes and stories and he ends up dominating every conversation. |
Spanish whistle-blower Ana Garrido tells James Badcock how exposing murky deals in the ruling Popular Party ruined her life. |
It shows that a fund's past track record tells us nothing about its future performance. |
Well, if the universe is flat, this tells us something about the total amount of mass and energy in it. |
She also tells the astonished projectionist that they have reincarnated together many times throughout the centuries in different roles. |
This is what tells us that the Universe probably does have a finite age, it probably is not eternal and ageless as Einstein wanted to believe. |
Although intricate in their themes, each picture tells a thousand different stories while remaining beautifully simple. |
This book teaches you how to interpret tells, such as subtle shrugs, sighs, shaky hands, eye contact and much, much more. |
But if you want a work of art, a thing of beauty that also tells the time, buy a clock. |
A planner that tells you when and where you're supposed to be, usually a whiteboard with jottings left over from six weeks before. |
It tells of a young actress's attempts to emulate her mother's glittering career on the London stage just before the Second World War. |
History tells us that whenever the State has failed to perform this role, the roles are reversed. |
He tells her that he almost hopes something bad would happen to her so that he could save her at any cost. |
Almost as bad as the direction is the embarrassment of a screenplay that tells us everything and shows us nothing. |
She tells him that it is in her evening bag, which was thrown into the bushes. |
The play tells of a lady seduced by a villain after being tricked into believing her husband is having an affair. |
It tells six stories, tenuously linked, that are at times heartbreaking, but still laugh out loud funny. |
An eighteen-year-old girl goes to see her mum and tells her that she has missed her period for two months. |
The first film tells the story of a mariachi in the wrong place mistaken for someone else. |
He tells of growing up a model Mormon man, excommunication from the church, divorce, a life as a high priced call boy and drug abuse. |
The way his mother tells it, Allen was a scrawny kid who the high school football players used to carry to class on their shoulders. |
In contrast, Lakoff tells us, progressives are modeled as the nurturant parent. |
She of course has no memory whatsoever of the entire incident, and tells him to rack off. |
The album's standout track, recent single Metarie, tells of a girl who loved him, but not enough to actually be seen with him. |
Paul, the publicist tells me, is having a far more difficult and epic journey. |
Anne tells Kitty that she is worried about Daddy, who has a fever and a rash, which looks like measles. |
When an electron and a hole interact in a polymer, quantum mechanics tells us that their spins can combine in four different ways. |
Thetis tells the other nymphs to go home because she plans to visit Hephaestus. |
You have an advance man who attends every dinner who comes and tells you if there are any problems. |
She tells him that Odysseus will not come back and calls her maids in to bathe the beggar and give him finer clothing. |
He tells all the special children that he will visit them on Christmas Eve and gives them special pieces of hay for his reindeers. |
In As White as in Snow, Troell, now 70, tells the true story of Elsa Anderson, the first Swedish woman to become an aviatrix. |
If the Justice Department tells the press we don't have anything on him, why do they keep telling the press that he's a person of interest? |
Dorothy tells us that what is called madness is really immense mental distress, inability to cope. |
A quartz watch powered by a battery is constantly powered and tells accurate time all the time and do not need time adjustment. |
Then he tells me that he is racked by self-doubt and is never satisfied with the interviews he has conducted. |
Your response counts, because it tells them, and the BBC how the land lies. |
Paul tells me all times recorded for the brewing process are taken from the clock, not our wristwatches. |
In this significant book, Jan Rocha tells the story of the brutal massacre of Yanomami Indians in the Amazon rainforest by Brazilian garimpeiros. |
In jest, he tells Jake he shouldn't talk about his injury, making it a mystery like Henry's bicycle. |
It matters because it tells us of the yawning chasm between Labour's dreams and what happens when it tries to implement a policy. |
Smith ain't the answer, and anyone who tells you he is is either hopelessly delusional or a spin doctor in disguise. |
Although her children are relieved when she wakes up, the doctor tells them that any sudden shock could provoke another heart attack. |
Jonnie Daniels tells me a White Russian is equal quantities of Vodka, Kahlua and milk. |
He tells the story of Earth's 4.56 billion-year history as a complex co-evolution between the geosphere and biosphere. |
Abuela Celia presents herself in the form of a narrative, represented as she is in the stories she tells about her life. |
Richard tends to be much stricter with Lucie in general and is fed up of being the bad guy who tells Lucie off and reprimands her. |
He tells them that if the basin is a helmet, then the saddlebag must be a fancy harness. |
Yeelen, based on an actual myth, tells the story of a young man of the Bambara tribe in 13th century Mali. |
It tells the story of Ellie, Gerald and Dan, three street punks fresh from reform school, who are desperate and need money. |
His lovely book tells the tale of Brother Antoine, a young Canadian who enters a Trappist monastery in the 1970s to the dismay of his family. |
Still another computer scans the debit card information, tells the cashier's computer that the transaction is complete, and prints a receipt. |
If some angel appears to me and tells me I will spend eternity in heaven shining his shoes, I will weep with gratitude. |
The general tells the story about how he had been away from the Pentagon for a while and then was brought back to give a backgrounder. |
Shaking his head, Glanville tells me that he once dragged up the husk of a 1939 Oldsmobile in his trawl. |
The eighth of 16 children, he tells the story of how, as a child, he worked shining shoes on the street. |
Technical analysis sees price as an all-important factor that tells the direction a security will take in the short term. |
Caine then tells Parkinson about his love for the movies, and the main reasons he became an actor. |
So James tells us where we must look for the source of our temptations to do wrong. |
She tells me they're giving an award to the senator because he stands athwart conventional wisdom on many issues. |
Each painting tells a story and relates back to Stadium Australia and the workers. |
I don't think it tells us about deep underlying trends or revisions to ideals of womanhood. |
One keeper tells me this kennel of dogs has been bred from the best working black dogs for years. |
We wait while she buzzes someone and tells them she has an emergency out front. |
She turns to a mysterious woman named Mary who tells exotic tales and teaches Tessa to read. |
Talking about bears leads him to tell an amazing bear story, which becomes our film with Harris narrating as he tells the story. |
Feste tells a fool's tale about those who'd want to tax owners of more than one car. |
This man tells it like it is whether you like it or not, and he gained my respect after two seconds of listening to him. |
She tells of how Hartwood was once closeted off from society, with its own market garden and graveyard. |
In this regard, my friend Craig Harrison tells me that three judges have recused themselves. |
Set in a beautifully kitsch New York, The Royal Tenenbaums tells the story of a most unusual family reunion. |
Daddy does all kinds of voices when he tells stories and he always makes me laugh. |
The two-hour show tells the story of Irish dance through the ages with live musicians, singers and dancers. |
It simply tells the tale of one man who made his feelings very publicly known on the intentions and desires of his own life, such as it was. |
She tells Harriet that when he marries, she won't be able to see Mr. Martin because his wife will likely be too low-class. |
But for all his faults, I like Gordon because he's one of the few celebrities that tells it like it is. |
His use of the stage and his movement through the audience shows us how Sparrow tells a story. |
Ancient cities are now identified by the mounds raised above the surrounding terrain, called tells. |
Patient B tells his acupuncturist that the low back pain is worse first thing in the morning and much better when walking and moving around. |
She tiptoes through the garden and tells you how to use watercress as a hair conditioner for oily hair. |
The story of Adam and Eve tells of the imperfections and temptability of man. |
Although something tells me that there's probably a market for it amongst the shop's more hair-shirted customer base. |
Then he tells her of his wild tales of the savage barbarian Conan, and she sees the fire in his eyes. |
The message to Viaux tells him to preserve his assets, remain prepared, and he would have another stab at it another day. |
For example, he tells of art experts who examine a purported 6th century B.C. Greek kouros statue and instinctively know it's a fake. |
He tells that story, without abashment, with pride almost, but then being who he is he can get away with it. |
He goes into prison to interview the much feared mogul, who is polite and tells him nothing. |
An eighteen year old girl tells her Mother that she has missed her period for the past two months. |
Kathopanishad tells the story of Nachiketas who boldly wrangled with Yama, the god of death, and worsted him. |
Bowling newspaper publisher Dan McDonough, also a Boy Scout official, tells about the two scouts who went bowling for the first time. |
The movie tells the story of two middle-aged pals, Miles and Jack, attempting one last bachelor bacchanal before Jack gets married. |
As he tells it, Kwan approached his criminal life with workmanlike discipline. |
The Descent tells the story of six women, adrenaline junkies all, on a thrill seeking trip spelunking in the Appalachians. |
The stricken look on his face tells us that the narcissist has no answer and never will. |
He tells him of the jewelry store heist idea and Vogel immediately wants in. |
Her Jewishness is a natural part of her character, affecting how she sees things, even how she tells her story. |
On the contrary, their availability in computer stores everywhere tells us that it remains alive and kicking. |
Economic theory tells us that if it weren't so, there would be tons of new entrants into the market, attracted by juicy profits. |
It's only after the money has been donated that he tells Lil, who pretty much goes off her nut. |
A similar legend tells of a hungry bhakta who plucked a fruit and left it on the river bank while bathing. |
The pituitary, in turn, tells the fetal adrenal gland to secrete more cortisol. |
The lawyer says his client has started compiling documents that he says will authenticate her life story as she tells it in the book. |
It tells the stories of three families of different culture in the same borough of London and is an exuberant read. |
The colour-coded chart in his office tells the same story in a different way. |
He tells of raising four siblings alone while his mother took drug rehabilitation. |
But, she tells Tom, when her mistress took sick, Prue had to spend days and nights caring for her, and she lost her milk. |
Legend tells it that it was dragons that first taught humans and elves how to use magic. |
I really can't be bothered to get all dressy for school, though Tahlia tells me I should in case a talent scout is around. |
The Yahwist tells us that from the beginning of time, God intended marriage to be a covenant of oneness, a unity of heart, mind, and body. |
He tells me about a dinner he held last month for the latest graduate trainees at Cadbury. |
It has led to computers, lasers and nuclear reactors, and it tells us why the Sun shines and why the ground beneath our feet is solid. |
The setting is one of abject poverty and misery, yet the upbeat caption tells us that even victims of disaster need a good shoeshine. |
When the tender is safely alongside the ship, climb aboard when the coxswain tells you to. |
And the odd bureaucrat who will speak his mind tells you why he has no use for journalists in his State. |
That tells us about a time in the past when sheep were the mainstay of the economy. |
My neighbor tells me it's the magic of the wand combined with my psychic aura. |
Juliet tells Nurse to tell her mother that she is going to Friar Laurence's cell to confess her sins and be absolved. |
She tells part of the story through her letters to her sister in pidgin Bengali, rendered into pidgin English. |
It also tells us about his wonderful talent for reducing all the most serious moments of life to a kind of cheerful absurdity. |
Demetrius is frustrated with Hermia's jabber and constant chatter and tells her he did nothing of the sort. |
Salles just gets on and tells the story without making a big deal of the beautiful landscape or the moral awakening of the two young men. |
He was good at his job, he tells us, and relished the godlike power he felt when he saved someone's life. |
The first step is a prime minister or a cabinet minister who tells the truth and can be believed. |
The film tells the story of a ragged group of orphan children who attempt a desperate walk to freedom across a war-torn country. |
As a batter steps into the box, Vin tells you where he comes from, what his mother and father do, or what he likes to read. |
The clinic also tells patients that the risks are so unknown it does not think informed consent is possible. |
The drama tells the story of a king who takes a second wife because his Chinese queen is unable to bear children. |
Before we meet, her PR tells me that on no account will she answer any questions on the subject. |
In the final chapter, Kiely tells us about his adventures as a master of one of Harvard's residential houses. |
It tells the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and their quest for the Holy Grail. |
He tells me that at this stage in his life he is reflective and thoughtful, very different from his stage persona. |
You may occasionally be accosted in a public place by an attaccabottoni, a doleful bore who buttonholes people and tells sad, pointless tales. |
History tells us that in the sixteenth century Ignatius Loyola decreed that henceforth all priests of the Jesuit order must wear a collar. |
It seems Faustus hears what the Evil Angel says, but tells himself that even if he were a devil, God will pity him if he repents. |
Over in Seattle, some jagoff comported himself even more offensively as this anonymous writer tells it. |
This book tells the extraordinary stories of the most remarkable air-sea rescues in Irish waters. |
Midori tells me to not take it the wrong way but it's a question of my youth. |
Dilsey tells her such talk is ridiculous, but Mrs. Compson enjoys complaining, so continues with her laments. |
God tells Jacob, the man of so many wanderings, that he has to make one more journey. |
This man tells us he was blinded after a bombing raid by Sudanese aircraft. |
My read of the story tells me that this man is easily offended and a persistent complainer. |
This comic tells stories from the lives of an agender person, their wife, and their cats. |
It tells the story of young Pip, who encounters an escaped criminal in a memorably spooky graveyard on the Kentish marshes. |
It tells the story of a Latin American who came to the United States during the Vietnam War. |
The green part of the book tells us what mainsprings can be used of different calibers by different watches. |
However the accompanying text still tells of using keypunches and verifiers to ensure that the data is entered correctly. |
The syntax tells us which diagrams are acceptable, that is, which are well-formed, and which manipulations are permissible in each system. |
The progression of kibbutzes from socialist ideals to capitalism tells an interesting tale of structural change. |
I have a windlass on my boat and my best friend tells me that I am lazy for using it. |
I hope a judge tells this airy-fairy libertarian just where he can shove his human rights. |
The letter, which came from an address in London, tells recipients to quote box numbers when replying. |
Bill Quick is the guy who tells Winer that the group should shoot the murdering creature down before it kills them all. |
Time will tell, but if it tells me to read Yours Magazine, I may well tell time to take a running jump. |
So one of these rednecks tells a racist joke and they're all laughing, except the big guy. |
It tells us something by way of typographical layout, a luxury that ancient Roman poetry didn't have. |
This is a general article which tells about the lapine practice of refection. |
His distant kinsman, Mr Enfield, tells him a story of a mysterious Mr Hyde. |
The book tells the great, all-American story of a second generation American who lived out his wildest adolescent professional dreams. |
Even the fact that there are 2,170 Ugandan shillings to the euro tells its own tale of how wrecked the economy there is. |
Nobody tells journalists not to write articles and leaders condemning this insane corporate stoking of the fires of climate change. |
My mom tells me that an angel is always watching over me and helping me to get over the bar. |
A head gas cutter tells of the time he made a mistake on the job and cut the metal rafter he was sitting on. |
Giving capsules to children to resolve dietary deficiencies tells their families the problem is beyond their control. |
My wife tells me there are now many more ladies of the night in Bangkok and Pattaya but I must concede she may have a point. |
Afterwards, Henry tells the wise guys at the cabstand that he has to quit his job. |
The Huron tribe is convinced that the clock is the foreigners' god, since it tells them what to do and when to do it. |
They way he tells it you'd think we were all of us permanently roaming about the land in sackcloth and ashes, wailing and mithering. |
In the parlour your claret was made free with, as Stephen tells me he opened 34 bottles. |
Legend tells of a beautiful girl who lived in a village on the Wild Coast near a great landlocked lagoon. |
Jeff tells us he understands why fans want Stiles and Derek together, saying he realized he's a shipper himself. |
Prince Unleashed tells the story of Holly, a young girl forced to live with relatives after a tragic family accident. |
Back in the car he tells me she's a prostitute and that was her john and she's using her pad for tricks. |
The author tells of five men sentenced to death for intentionally wounding themselves in the hope of repatriation. |
Predictably enough the game follows the same storyline as the movie and tells of Potter's fourth year at the school of witchcraft and wizardry. |
It tells the story of a woman suffering from psychogenic amnesia who wakes up daily with her mind a total blank. |
Sachs tells us that reading these impassioned letters eventually became repetitious and boring. |
It activates your parasympathetic nervous system and tells your body to relax and recuperate. |
In case you are wondering what else it takes to be a research curator at one of the world's top historical attractions, Sarah kindly tells it like it is. |
We are all living much longer, which is one reason the government now tells us to make our own pension arrangements because there's not enough cash in the corporate kitty. |
She tells Tim Teeman about celebrity, fighting sexism, and where she goes for a greasy burger. |
In The Abyssinian he tells the story of a diplomatic mission from Louis XIV of France to the King of Abyssinia. |
He just tells it like it is, and I think that's a great quality. |
Authentic tells are unbeknownst to the player and are unconscious. |
Also, experienced pros will give out false tells to fool players. |
The secret interpretation of tells is not unique to this century. |
Astrologically, it tells me Jupiter is in conjunction with Venus. |
But closer examination of the figures tells a different story. |
A dancing cosmos and a waffle iron tells of a slight decrease in your woe. |
Its whiteness shocks me like a cameras flash and will be the first thing Ill think of when, within months, John tells me that his father has left for another woman. |
But I think you could waste a poker lifetime looking for tells like those. |
It also draws a graph of how well you slept, which tells you whether that midnight snack was good for your sleep or not. |
She tells a harrowing tale of how the owners waited until it was too late. |
The way he tells his stories and jokes is true to life everywhere. |
Sadly, the reality tells a different, a gloomier kind of story. |
Very Deep in America Lorrie Moore, New York Review of BooksWhat Friday Night Lights tells us about the country. |
One way to lose friends but perhaps gain wider influence is to blow the whistle on what your conscience tells you is sharp practice, by government or employer. |
Each movement of his body tells the story described by song. |
Charlie tells her to keep her chin up and then he disappears. |
When the interrogator enters the room, Pickton tells him that the montage is missing a redhead. |
It's been hectic for Pragnell ever since he left Purdue and something tells me it's only going to get crazier. |
He tells Michael Daly why he could no longer stand by and watch the crazies in his party damage the country. |
This time, Devellyn tells her, she'll have the devil to pay. |
Her mother tells her how wonderful everything is in the city. |
I grew up on the prairies of South Dakota during the years of the Dust Bowl and this book tells our story. |
Since Zarathustra tells women that their greatest hope should be to bear the overman, Nietzsche is sometimes taken to exclude the concept of the noble woman. |
Johns' blue eyes brighten as he tells this story, and he laughs. |
Kids no longer quake in the street when a policeman tells them off. |
Miss Ophelia goes to Marie and tells her that Rosa is very sorry for her fault and that she feels a lashing from a whipping house is too harsh a punishment. |
The story tells how he miraculously managed to escape from his icy tomb and then crawl with his broken leg for three days and nights to reach the camp. |
He was educated, he tells us, at expensive private schools, speaks with a languid upper-class voice, lives in a very nice house and has a semi-dormant baronetcy. |
Murmelstein was stuck with a thankless and impossible job, caught between the hammer and the anvil, as he tells us. |
Over the phone, she tells me how NYC Prep was sold to her and her similarly privileged peers as a docudrama. |
The author tells of her grant to visit New Zealand and of the similarities she discerns between the Maoris, Lakotas, and Africans, but we question where all of this is going. |
The tilt of the shoulders and the angle at which you hold your blade, it tells not only the direction of the strike, but what type of strike as well. |
The mechanism must be as foolproof as the Laffer curve, which tells you that as you reduce tax rates, the tax yield increases and approaches a maximum. |
The bottom of the rock has a layer of calcrete that tells us it was at one time exposed to air and it shows the transition between being exposed and becoming submerged. |
The almanac also tells us it would be a good time to perform demolitions, if you had any of those planned. |
When his father tells him that he thinks his son is mad, Zeno triumphantly informs him that, on the contrary, he has a certificate from the doctor attesting to his sanity. |
Chang kowtows before the Emperor, who tells him of his mission. |
There's a story he tells which may be particularly resonant here. |
That its opening film was the re-edition of a Cannes hit tells much. |
The book also tells one a lot about Herge, who was a stickler for accuracy and detail and how he ensured that each of the stories was firmly anchored in fact. |
He flatters, massages their egos, tells them that they are statesmen, hints at his own ability to further their careers, provided the gesture is reciprocated. |
Murray, who tells the story over six nights at Zuckerman's rural New England hideaway, was the writer's high-school English teacher, his goad and guru. |
This is a good deal like having a theory that tells us that the area of a plane figure is one-half the base times the altitude, without telling us for what figures this holds. |
The opera tells of the adventures of a sharp-witted young vixen cub who defies all men who want to tame her to explore life for herself in the forest. |
The drama-documentary series tells the story of the Army's rearguard who valiantly held a last line of defence, allowing hundreds of thousands of others time to escape. |
As she tells the story in her book nomad, she met with liberal and conservative outfits. |
A person, Kant tells us, is crooked timber from which no straight thing can be made. |
How are you supposed to understand all of the unusual phrases and anacronyms used by Estate Agents, Solicitors and Mortgage companies unless someone tells you? |
Yankee Doodle Dandy, from 1942, tells the story of the man who practically wrote the soundtrack to American patriotism. |
Daniel Smith, keeper of social history at the museum, tells me they recently received a large collection of old photographs featuring Poppy's work. |
It tells me how people have found me and stuff, pretty neat huh? |
It tells the story of a polluted river, a consultation with a kaumatua, traditional Maori gods destroying a factory, and an expression of Maori sovereignty. |
That is precisely what the mental health profession repetitiously tells us, considering that an enormous amount of tax subsidies has a great deal of influence on this issue. |
The amplitude of a wave tells you how much energy the wave has. |
As a side note, anyone who tells you all Muslims think a certain way on any issue understands nothing about Muslims. |
This story tells of a renowned German music professor who falls in love with an alluring Brazilian woman whom he met on Atlantic Avenue in Copacabana. |
We'd suggest Lisa checks her locks and tells her friends to watch out. |
I know this because Abel and Cole always send a little letter with their boxes which tells me where everything has come from and how the farmers are getting on. |
The man with the skinny tie tells me that the comic book is transported in a manila envelope. |
He tells of getting acclimated to Saudi Arabia and the life of an advisor. |
She tells him the name of a real ship and says his father is a sailor, even writing letters from this imaginary dad and sending them via a post-office box. |
If somebody tells me that they're on the verge of arresting me, my response would be, I haven't done anything to be arrested for, not, they don't have anything on me. |
De Niro's performance communicates his longing for normalcy so well that the movie doesn't need Bassett as the moral balance who tells him to quit jacking diamonds. |
Anyway, Mary tells me that the Cuckoo has been warbling outside her door in Ardrahan for some time now and the swallows have come back to old Kinvara. |
She tells a story of a young girl who lives in The House, where she works. |
He sometimes tells the story to high school students, and jokes that he could have easily ended up as shark bait because of the bad choices he made. |
It tells how this young, middle class, newly qualified Argentinian doctor with wanderlust became a dedicated revolutionary whose name became synonymous with Cuba. |
You may have been dealing with illness in the family, but something tells me you would have been this abrasive, arrogant and lacking in self-awareness anyway. |