In fact, although Americans tell me how much things have tightened up, compared to Britain everything seemed remarkably free and easy. |
Kate's dad Ron phoned me up to tell me and when I heard I couldn't take it in. |
Think back on all of his forefathers, and tell me his family is worthy of salvation. |
For a while, they wouldn't even tell me how many digits were involved but I wormed the information out of them that there were three more. |
If you could only tell me what I've done, I will do my best to offer amends. |
Can you tell me the hitter and pitcher who played the longest in the minors without ever appearing in a major league game? |
I put a lot of skepticism in anything a campaign or its supporters tell me about polls this late in the game. |
Friends tell me it is cheaper to buy a new sofa than to re-cover my trusted old one. |
One of my childhood babysitters used to tell me that I'd turn into chocolate milk if I drank too much of it. |
Over dinner, two members of the press pack tell me they've split up with their girlfriends by phone or e-mail in recent days. |
I wonder who can tell me what you would call that ugly animal with a great big hump on its back that is condemned to live in a desert. |
Poor wretch, the officers tell me that he was caught robbing a loaf of bread from the basket of a wealthy Lady who had bought it. |
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with that paragraph and why it is self-refuting? |
If I give them a bag of nickels and an ashtray full of cigarette butts, will they tell me my future? |
Can you tell me when a person aged 75 is given an extra allowance for tax purposes? |
I was mainly doing vocals and they'd tell me what they had been doing all day, mainly we'd get together and yak away, mix all the material up. |
Oh, and they replaced knowledgable produce staff with people who couldn't tell me the difference between a sweet potato and a yam. |
Could you tell me what is the sleep duration a person needs, with respect to age in general? |
So don't tell me that this game will eventually come to a stalemate like chess, where the player turns over his king and quits. |
At 21, if I approached a 40-year-old hard-nut comedian to play my new little comedy club in York, they'd probably tell me where to get off! |
She had to tell me off, otherwise she would be implicitly encouraging the students to bring drinks into the library. |
I have also had people tell me personally that this is both a turn off and makes sensation nugatory, in a way that was designed to elicit shame. |
A man bailed me up in a car park years ago, after a talk I'd given about war, to tell me his story. |
Are you going to tell me now that they're geniuses and I can learn trig faster by listening to them? |
If it's not sensitive information could anyone please tell me where to find wallcreeper at any site in the Pyrenees? |
My mom and dad were not very demonstrative parents and seldom if ever did they tell me these kind of things. |
Oh, you'll tell me the protonotaries and clerks of the court are writers too. |
She shook her head to tell me she was not joshing me, and that really was the definition of her relationship with Mr. Patrick. |
Yet people who have met Gray tell me he is perfectly affable and pleasant, if a bit miserable. |
I was moving to Dublin and nobody was going to tell me when and where to smoke. |
I told him it was too late when I saw he was debating whether or not to tell me more. |
It doesn't matter, maybe he doesn't want to tell me his name or he was just playing a joke on me the whole time. |
So if you want to tell me about your boyfriend or whatever it is that ails you, I'm all ears. |
I like to play the solitaire game that ships with Windows, but I wish it would tell me whether or not each deal is winnable. |
My mother always used to tell me that a lady never discusses such things in mixed company. |
Don't tell me this is masquerading under the guise of some kind of tribute. |
And if anyone can tell me why my beautiful scrabble tiles don't show up, I'd be well chuffed. |
One day, she called to tell me that she had mistakenly taken the antidepressant pills of my schizophrenic brother. |
The good lady will be getting up any minute and she'll be sure to tell me what I said or did. |
I tried to watch it once after having many friends tell me how good it was. |
You tell me which is the bigger intrusion into the average American's liberty? |
I don't care if you are crazy and tell me something mental like you brought a teddy bear. |
I won't tell you what Yannick argued for, y'all go and read it yourselves, but tell me what you think on the issue. |
Ron, if I had a horse racing handicapper here, I would ask him to tell me who is going to win first tomorrow at aqueduct. |
After a show, when it was just the two of us alone together, he would leap up in the air three times to tell me how much he liked the work. |
I've been tinkering a bit, so do please tell me if you have any difficulty posting comments here or linking to any part of this site. |
It looks as if the only contentious affidavit is this one you are about to tell me about, Mr Douglas. |
One of my dazed wits tried to tell me the odds against this actually happening. |
One being the stories my father would tell me of Crowded House recording in the same studios as him, when he had his popular Lao music band. |
Despite the stressful transition, she was also happy to tell me that she had not used marijuana since her single lapse after leaving treatment. |
Please tell me that someone has YouTubed a video of Bill Murray driving a golf car through Stockholm. |
They tell me I have to send a work requisition and that they are going to mail me the form. |
Anyways, thanks heaps for reviewing and don't forget to tell me what you thought of this chappie. |
When the fish aren't biting, I want to listen to her tell me what makes her happy and what makes her cry. |
You said it depends on the corporation, so tell me what difference the corporate culture makes to fostering psychopathic behaviour? |
Gentlemen, I was in the middle of it as the moderator, but I need you all who were observers to tell me what it all meant. |
Various readers have written in to tell me that the set of studies was biyearly until 1968, so the 1963, 1965, and 1967 issues don't exist. |
Friends try to tell me otherwise, but if you knew my friends, you'd recognize them as the sort not to be trusted with the truth. |
I want my mommy or someone to stay with me until I get better, to tell me that I'm going to be alright. |
I'm doing a college paper on rodeos, more specifically Saddle Bronc Riding, and I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about it? |
Even if you think my story is horrible, please review and tell me why, don't just flame me. |
He was trying to tell me all you get to eat in Japan is raw fish and whale blubber for every meal. |
Now, out of the blue, my own bank, write to me to tell me that they may have inadvertently ripped me off. |
Can someone tell me how to make a simple iota subscript using the Greek Polytonic keyboard layout? |
So tell me how a simple point mutation changes the information content of the gene. |
If anyone can tell me how to change the font for headings, I would be grateful. |
Lots of readers tell me they have been offering up their own version of a prayer that my illness will not carry me off too soon. |
Have a sift through and leave a comment to tell me what you think, particularly if you come across any bugs of any sort. |
To my dismay, the boys tell me the stint was just a one-shot deal and they won't be setting up any Yellow residencies. |
The drummer didn't tell me to turn off the tape recorder, nor did he ask me not to print his remark. |
My mum used to tell me 'More Haste, Less Speed', mostly when I had made a mess of something by rushing. |
But the OP doesn't tell me what's going to make him and his wife happy with the outcome, either together or apart. |
He went on to tell me that he was a close personal friend of John's and gave me his telephone number. |
When he opened his mouth to tell me he was fine, I spotted a silver tongue stud. |
Randall herself goes on to tell me students of hers often make the same comparison. |
They tell me the best baits are pellets and boilies but some fish are being caught on luncheon meat. |
He was starting to tell me when and where to meet him when you came skipping past and I told you to scram, remember that? |
Do you mean to tell me that they are just going to sit there while people continue to drop like flies and offer no solutions? |
I caught the train to Slovenia with a local, who was happy to tell me a bit about the country and help me master a few language basics. |
So have a look at the links and see if you can tell me if there's any real difference between the two. |
Mr. Mixson went on to tell me the feral pigs were almost swimming in mud that was covered in slimy green algae. |
Billy and my Dad tell me he could hit a sixpence from 30 yards with his head, but couldn't hit a barn door with either foot! |
Notice the states they represent and then tell me that the key to victory is to purge these people in favor of more liberal candidates. |
My dad used to tell me off because I would wear things like boot-cut trousers, trainers and polo necks. |
If anything really exciting has happened to you in the past month, please tell me in the comments because I just cannae go on like this, hen. |
Can someone tell me how many concentration camps and ovens would that take? |
Are you trying to tell me that our obvious gravitation towards each other isn't real? |
I do not need those Labour members to shout across the floor of the House and tell me what to do. |
Many of my correspondents wrote to tell me they could retire now if they made that much per house. |
Some folk tell me I should be more demanding from the board, but I manage with one eye on the balance sheet. |
Instead of chastising their son, they just tell me that this is natural for a man of his age. |
Though, if he was so regretful he'd tell me what in good bejesus was going on! |
Please tell me if I am overreaching myself but my namesake is an ancient Celtic-Irish goddess, so I feel an affinity with her. |
I'll snap his neck if you don't tell me why you are trying to kill us by sending hit men after us. |
The sociologists out there would probably tell me I'm teaching my son to settle problems with violence. |
I even had someone come up to me in the street and tell me I had let the country down, after TV commentators had a dig at me. |
Can you tell me about some of the experiences of the other detainees that you've talked to, people who were caught overstaying their visas? |
We would run to him, sweaty and out of breath, and he would embrace us both, and tell me how putridly I stunk of perspiration. |
Jennifer did tell me she's a micromanager, but she let's the family pitch in and help, too. |
She proceeded to tell me that I was going to have to have chemo, which would make my hair fall out and I'd probably put on weight. |
Feel free to add your own sins, or just pile in and tell me what an awful person I am. |
My sister continued to tell me that that whole notion was a sham, and that they tried to screw everyone else but themselves. |
So you mean to tell me that those hoodlums are free to go after what they have been doing to my son? |
Every time I tell someone my name is Hannah, they tell me that it's a palindrome, as though I didn't already know. |
I don't care if they made you laugh, cry, scream in shock or from horror, just tell me what they are! |
Don't tell me the odd player didn't take advantage afterwards of an impressionable chorus girl. |
Dinner was a great success despite me nearly strangling my BIL for phoning up to tell me how to cook the sprouts properly! |
Listen, I'm a Pisces, so can you tell me if I'm likely or not to misfile your application? |
And every time I try to buy it, they tell me I have to go to the shooting gallery, which is where? |
Can anyone tell me what symbols correspond best with the symbols around the pentagram in this picture? |
If I have misspelled a word, or a sentence really doesn't make any sense, please do tell me and I will fix it. |
Christmas, my colleagues with young families tell me through misty eyes, is for the kids. |
For now, to lighten my mood up a little, tell me your favorite arcade games. |
Now, tell me all about your trip, Eden asked, sipping some pina colada from an oversized pink straw in an oversized wine glass. |
Why didn't you tell me there was a shuttle bus up to the Alhambra when I asked you for directions? |
Who are the Conservatives to tell me what God, family values and social morals are? |
One student returned years later to tell me how I had been a significant part of her collegiate life. |
Why, after all, should she tell me that more than anything else she dreams of being a massive blockbusting star? |
They tell me that in spite of what happened, every syllable of my message came through. |
As part of my research I met psychics, mediums and clairvoyants, and just got them to tell me about their lives. |
I was glad that there was no clock to tell me exactly how slowly the time was passing. |
All a client has to do is tell me what they want and then sit back and relax. |
You tell me my son died to spread the cancer of Pax Americana, imperialism in the Middle East. |
That's why I like you, you will always tell me to come on and hurry up with a review! |
One was to tell me how unlucky I was not to have been selected and the other was to invite me to attend for interview. |
You tell me you're coming over to talk to Tom, but then the two of you wind up grilling me on my wedding plans. |
On the other hand, I've had patients hobble in with a grimace and tell me their pain level is a two. |
I'm hoping that you don't come back and tell me that I have to use one of my untransferable domains. |
I've had a few people email me and tell me that their virus scanners caused the mouse to stop functioning. |
Feel free to email me instead, particularly if you want to tell me nice things. |
Don't tell me you once got your hands dirty between VCA and graphic design. |
From what people tell me this album has more of an emo feel in some places. |
Emily had broken her arm falling off a piano stool and was ever so desperate to tell me all about it! |
Don't tell me that, as a nation, we can't distinguish courage from stubbornness, philosophy from platitudes, and an empty suit from a full one. |
He would give me a penny to get a gumball, tell me not to tell my mother, and on we would go. |
Then you tell me that you're using drugs to enhance your artistic endeavors. |
Practically enslaving me, killing my parents, ruining my estate, and refusing to tell me whether my only brother is still living is kindly? |
My grandmother used to tell me you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. |
I'd find bugs and the program manager would tell me to close the report without addressing the issue. |
Several people have written to tell me that the colon-like division sign is used in elementary education in their country. |
I wanted Michael with me to soothe away my pain, to tell me that everything would be okay. |
He can tell me that Jack is just some stupid Junior that I should have nothing to do with. |
Finally, if anyone out there can tell me how to vowelize Hebrew in Blogger, please do. |
Now tell me about the stag beetle because that's quite a fascinating species in the north-east of Tasmania. |
We're both very expressive of our thoughts and feelings but she'll tell me straight up what she thinks and what she feels. |
I wasn't born housebroke, they tell me I could wet the best of diapers clear through to the lap I was sitting on! |
It's like telling your doctor why do I need a cardiogram, just tell me how to get rid of this cough. |
They tell me we were happy, holding each other onto the sledge as it hurtled down into the fog and white voided fields. |
But I will not listen to the chairborne commandos who tell me that our military cannot defeat the regime. |
On the other hand, friends who went to live in Oz would tell me I should never visit. |
Anyone care to tell me whether this bill made it though Parliament this week? |
I don't need the somber faces in our hushed conference room to tell me what it's about. |
My mother used to tell me a story about a young woman whose chief domestic duty was cooking for her innumerable brothers. |
Could any readers tell me the title of a lament played by a massed pipe band at the Queen Mother's funeral? |
In the last week, I have had three different cosmeticians tell me my skin is looking fantastic, and I should stick with what I have been using. |
Just tell me the truth and I cross my heart, I won't tell anyone else in the world. |
I mean, don't tell me that I'm turning into a politician, skipping over the real problems to focus on the flashy, easily remedied crowd-pleasers. |
A stream of people I half-knew kept coming up to tell me how daft I looked. |
If I asked you to tell me three days later about a chapter you read in geography about weather cycles would you be able to tell me all the facts? |
Can you tell me if the pods that form on the top of my dieffenbachia are harmful to the plant? |
Oh, do tell me you've not wasted my father's money by spending all of your days dilly-dallying with poetry, rather than studying! |
What can you tell me about the skin disorder called epidermolysis bullosa simplex? |
He spoke pigeon English, and would tell me stories often consisting of as many gestures as words. |
Maybe it's just God trying to tell me to keep still and stop acting like I have ants in my pants, to just be calm and happy that all is well. |
I shook my head and she proceeded to tell me how trashy it looked and that she wasn't born yesterday. |
I know you are but what I am asking you is, can you tell me where I am wrong in that analysis? |
Once the nurse forgot to tell me to breathe normally and after about a minute I started gasping for breath. |
He was happy to tell me everything he knew about lower class being unfairly dismissed. |
My sources tell me that this story is nowhere to be found on IRNA's Russian language wire, just the English. |
Next he went on to tell me how hard it was for him to pay the astronomical education fees for his daughter on the money he made as a taxi driver. |
Several people have written to tell me that these books are readable online. |
So they said they would tell me when a place became available for me to sit until a table became available. |
And the next thing you'll tell me is that kelpies and unicorns steal your lunch money. |
In an agony of panic at this point, I beseeched her to tell me whether I needed medical attention. |
That may very well be true, but how do you expect me to offer help unless you tell me what ails you? |
I have Ford fans come up to me all the time and tell me they can't believe I'm out here racing this car. |
On one occasion, the spruiker refused point blank to tell me the name of the company he was representing. |
They're all fab and they tell me when I'm acting up, and laugh at me as much as possible which, I think, is very important and very British. |
So its probably a good job that this is an anonymous blog, or my boss, the Great Leader would tell me off. |
Since I know something is weighing on your mind anyway, you might as well tell me what it is. |
If you see anything suspicious, please, for your sake, tell me immediately. |
Please tell me how he is better, given that he's lost two elections, and probably would have tailed after the president during the invasion. |
He then proceeded to tell me that without a shadow of a doubt he should be able to get online right now or he was going to cancel his account. |
I demanded that she tell me what was wrong, but she just laughed and said that she had a secret admirer. |
Are you trying to tell me that I'm not allowed to eat this with a spork? |
Would you tell me whether pecan, peach and fig trees need to be pruned? |
Some of these street people tell me they have been homeless for years. |
Sources tell me that this autocratic style led to managerial paralysis in the party and that the current leadership are doing their best to sort it all out. |
It's hard to believe the comedy circuit could be so open, but friends tell me it is, with open mike sessions giving plenty of opportunity to be seen. |
The student did not respond to my request to tell me who else he was contacting. |
You tell me in the car that my red fingernail polish is unbecoming. |
He wasn't pleased that I called him an empty suit and wrote back to tell me that he would continue to call out these people for their bad manners. |
Will you start speaking coherently and tell me what happened? |
Phew, for a second I thought you were going to tell me something serious. |
Can you tell me how to grow a coconut palm tree from the fruit? |
C'mon, while you sort out Xerox copies tell me what happened. |
When I told them Sungai Golok they tried to tell me that both first and second-class carriages for the trains were booked out and suggested I try a VIP bus. |
A week ago, Bill called to tell me that he had pancreatic cancer and that it was inoperable. |
If they don't like the food, they tell me about it and they give me a hard time if their hotel does not have a mixer tap for the hot and cold water! |
They will tell me their problems and I am like an agony aunt. |
Undoubtedly, my observations will once again agitate a few people who will tell me that I should get behind U.S. automakers instead of criticizing them. |
If I'm thinking of having the gubbins cleared out of my carotid artery, what can you tell me about what I can expect, at least in the first month after the operation? |
I can see she is debating whether or not to tell me the truth. |
Don't tell me you actually believe in that sailor mumbo-jumbo. |
Don't tell me you'd say no to a few of those chilling your whiskey sour! |
The statement you refer to is one I use regularly when people tell me that they would do something or other but they just don't have as much time as other people. |
Though he averted his face to tell me this, his wife and children were killed when the janjaweed raided his village. |
Please, please, please tell me they are still going to do this. |
The deaf culture advocates tell me I should fling away my Ci and make my home within the community. |
Okay if anyone agrees with any of my very underqualified but intensely heartfelt, and passionate, article, please write back and tell me if you somehow agree. |
As you finish reading this book, and you put it down, I urge you to pluck up your courage and tell me all you think about it, straight to my face. |
He would tell me when it was time to go home, and then as we were checking out of the hotel or going to the airport, our roles were reversed back again. |
When those kids put on the horror show to end all horror shows for one of their substitute teachers, watch it and tell me you couldn't help but get the giggles. |
I was dejected and rejected yet again by someone who cashed my checks to tell me how to deal with dejection and rejection. |
I was pleased to have several readers tell me they enjoyed reading my piece about the heavy horse stallions and the routes they followed in days gone by. |
The possible risk being that she schtums and won't tell me the truth or just laughs in my face when I bring it up because it's apparently trivial. |
My mother would tell me about the school she attended in the bush, and how the children would line up in twos to march into school, chanting their multiplication tables. |
Can someone tell me the point of employing this simpering, miserable pansy merely so that he can complain week-in, week-out about how much he hates the place? |
I had a couple bluntly tell me that they hated it here, with the silent expectation that I would too. |
Now, tell me if you think I am wrong, but, if it wasn't for the fact that Cameron is nearly a decade older, they look like identical twins separated at birth! |
When she said that, about the girl in my room, I wondered if she was going to tell me the girl was a snot, and would be put in her own room immediately. |
They didn't tell me that I'd be the only woman there, apart from two serving wenches who disappeared the minute those dinner plates hit the table. |
I want a mummy's boy who sits on my knee all day and tell me he loves me. |
Back in the imperial leafiness of central Washington, that's exactly what senior officials in the Bush administration tell me he will offer early next year. |
Can someone tell me where low voltage electric blankets can be serviced? |
I had many black people tell me I was crazy or divinely misdirected to think they would elect a black state-wide in Illinois. |
What can you tell me about a milk jug I have in the shape of a cow? |
He then proceeded to tell me how pantyhose tend to chafe him. |
If anyone can speak Estonian and tell me what the rest means, please do. |
Women friends tell me this is quite common in ladies' rooms, as well. |
He would tell me who I was, and his judgment was lacerating, merciless. |
Now don't tell me that a chill of fear won't run through your body. |
Because catbirds inhabit such dense shrubby areas and are more likely heard than seen, I am often surprised by how many people tell me that their favorite bird is the catbird. |
Many of the people in my town tell me they protect their vehicles from winter salt damage by having their undercarriages sprayed with used motor oil. |
I'm sure there are some legitimate ones, but my Japanese friends tell me most are ripoffs, padding the bill with all kinds of special services that aren't that special. |
His wife, Lonnie, has asked if I want her to sit with us so she can tell me what he is saying. |
But then the server rushed back to tell me he'd been wrong and that it was designed to be hot but he could do it with regular uncooked smoked salmon for me. |
So thanks a bunch for taking the time to tell me what you think. |
The PJs who have access to all the classified documents tell me that if anything, the unclassified information understates the heroism of John Chapman and Jason Cunningham. |
I'd gone round to Betty and Albert's cottage, a small but homey place with a lovely garden Betty had worked extremely hard to create, and demanded he tell me all he know. |
When Mal could come back each sort of week or weekend with the film rushes, he'd tell me the latest of what had gone on the set, and it was quite unusual. |
I looked at a bunch of my client statistics and asked two or three friends to tell me how much traffic they were receiving from popular stories on each of the sites. |
I ask the girls to tell me the story of how they met Parks and Recreation star Poehler. |
I did not need the histologist's report to tell me the diagnosis. |
Then with a patronizing tone they tell me that I can keep the change. |
She would tell me to pull myself together and kept my spirits up. |
Don't tell me you guys were going to TP my locker! That's so last year. |
It is much longer, so give it a read and tell me what you think. |
Doubtless he would tell me that I am simply upset about my father being incurably ill, and that as his daughter I am simply expressing displaced anger. |
Bob, I was just reading a couple of articles that came out just within the past few minutes, and tell me if you've learned more about this with regard to the cabby. |
Can you tell me what the benefit is of having a carbon fork? |
Then I asked them each to pick out one painting that he or she couldn't stand and tell me what it was about the picture that repelled or repulsed him or her. |
Antonieta went on to tell me that she knew I'd been visiting Mario and Alvaro, and she knew that they were trying to corrupt me with their perverted ideas. |
At a country-house dinner in Wiltshire, my hunting friends tell me the cubbing is fantastic this year and the sabs seem to have disappeared to the guinea-pig farm. |
After a about another half an hour of crying, blubbering, and her trying to tell me how she felt, she finally fell asleep and I softly moved her head to her pillow. |
You mean to tell me I gave the book up for nothing but trumpery? |
Anyone passing through who wants to leave some remarks in the comments, please feel free. only if it's to tell me what a cack-handed job I'm making of this liveblogging lark. |
The puppy was named after the post, so Das refused to tell me its name. |
All the scientists I've talked to tell me that the best we can expect is to meet about 25 percent of our energy needs with renewable resources and conservation. |
You do not have to tell me that this is because I am a control freak. |
He went on, in his East Texas drawl, to tell me about his four feeders and eight male cardinals and the other visitors, including one he was especially proud of. |
My informants tell me that this had very little to do with the company. |
People approached me to tell me how bold I was for dressing flamboyantly. |
That little man has a mind of his own, and even if I do figure on his payroll as confidential secretary, he doesn't tell me everything he knows. |
He didn't tell me what the part was, but when I got down to the studios in London I found out I was going to be playing a damsel in distress. |
Of course, Sweeney and company tell me that this is what is needed to come to grips with their characters. |
We have a vice-president of sustainability. Can anyone tell me just what this jabroni does? |
She would cry down the phone and tell me that her husband lost his temper over the slightest thing. |
These voices tell me to do things like attack my enemies, they make me feel paranoid and I have panic attacks. |
Folk around here tell me they love them but some are saying they're bouncing off the walls with them. |
Don't tell me about these idiots, I live in the heart of right wing religofascist bigots. |
I was born too late to experience a real Indonesian rijsttafel, but my mother used to tell me about these feasts. |
I'm looking forward to the day when the police tell me Rice has died alonely man in prison. |
Of course if she begins to preach, and to tell me to count my blessings, I shall send her away. |
The oldtimers used to tell me that this was the best steam coal in the world. |
After listening to that sheer pile of bull mess he tried to tell me yesterday, I've decided he's got precisely zero cred as far as I'm concerned. |
If you don't tell me why you did it, I'll air all your dirty laundry to your boss. |
I knew is was longer than a statute mile, but nobody could tell me how long it was. |
She is not crazy so don't tell me to take her to a doctor to have her head read. |
I want there to come a time when they tell me I'm an old fogey and need to step down. |
Listen to Mark Horton spluttering with enthusiasm tonight about the birth of the Ordnance Survey map and tell me this couldn't be mistaken for a sketch on The Fast Show. |
I don't think it was appropriate for the cashier to tell me out loud in front of all those people at the check-out that my hair-piece looked like it was falling out of place. |
What's he want it for anyway? Don't tell me he's going on the game. |
Can somebody tell me what my IP address is? I'm new to the Internet. |
My biological mother also would not tell me who my birthfather was. |
Please stop beating around the bush and tell me what the problem is! |
That pencil-neck from systems isn't going tell me what I can't do. |
That pencilneck from systems isn't going to tell me what I can't do. |
See them embarked, And tell me if the winds and seas befriend them. |
She and her hubby go to the high school football games every Friday night, and every week she calls to tell me about a little high school nerdlet that sits near them. |
He brought several more sackfuls out of the house and didn't tell me specifics, but said he could relate to the homeless and those down on their luck. |
Don't tell me our problems would be solved by more lawmaking powers. |
But nature's Knight didn't tell me anything about my carpet beetle larvae. |
Better say naething about the laird, my man, and tell me instead, what sort of a chap ye are that are sae ready to cleik in with an auld gaberlunzie fiddler? |
Maybe he could tell me if the meaning of twitter, as both intransitive verb and noun, is truly lost on everyone or I just missed an important cultural memo. |
I didn't try and listen or believe your side of the story even when you tried to tell me. |
He used to tell me that he used to ride my grandmother to Amritsar to see a movie on his bicycle and then go back to Lahore. |
So I finally decided to act like the social being anthropologists tell me I'm meant to be, and got a life. |
You tell me, and I'll try not to get lost again the next time I drive through. |
Like many smart devices, my phone has an alarm to tell me when the battery is low. |