She tells him she lied, convinces him she's now telling the truth, and he launches a campaign to get to the bottom of the case. |
And when you do it to discredit someone who is telling the truth it's a cover-up. |
Or, do you really know what you're promoting and you're not really telling the truth about your reading's cursoriness? |
The person said that telling lies will get us nowhere and we're better off telling the truth and proving it. |
Was that old woman she met earlier telling the truth, and that she really was warning Alli of a possible danger that could befall her? |
I looked down at the hand of his I could see and realized he was in fact telling the truth. |
You can decide for yourself if you think he was simply telling the truth or if he crossed a line. |
Why must people be berated for telling the truth just because some people don't agree with it. |
Isn't this the same administration which slanders all opponents and threatened to fire an analyst for telling the truth? |
It hurts when people wonder whether you're telling the truth, and even today I read a piece in a local paper which said that I spat the dummy. |
He spoke at such length and with such volubility that you were inclined to believe that he was telling the truth. |
These persons have indicated they are willing to swear under oath in front of Congress that they are telling the truth. |
I am the only candidate in the recall election who is telling the truth to the working people. |
Having said that, we in the media must abide by the principles of telling the truth, and not engage in character assassination. |
After all, deception only works when the would-be deceiver has a reputation for telling the truth. |
He was even ashamed of telling the truth, because he had publicly insulted us as ditheists. |
I could feel her staring, weighing my words and testing them to see if I was telling the truth. |
True leaders are not afraid of telling the truth as they see it for fear of losing favor. |
Then again, telling the truth about this idea is not exactly going to bring the votes pouring in. |
But that does not release me, in the future, from the moral obligation of telling the truth. |
Whether she was in fact telling the truth is of course an entirely different matter. |
He lost both his job and later his life for his troubles, for speaking out and telling the truth. |
At first Melissa had always said Leah was seeing things, now she knew Leah was telling the truth. |
There is no disinterested third-party witness to say who is telling the truth and who is lying. |
Furthermore, when I asked in the staffroom if the little horror was bluffing, I was told that in all likelihood, he was telling the truth. |
It believes in telling the truth about drugs, even if it means admitting that there can be pleasure using them. |
There was a shade of meanness in her speech, and she spoke it so emphatically that for a moment he was not sure if she was telling the truth. |
Whether you actually make a profit or are telling the truth are not the issues here. |
As we said at the time, for once both of them were probably actually telling the truth. |
Undeterred I decided to wait outside for two hours to see whether this bloke was telling the truth. |
I suggest that the minister test my veracity on this to see whether I am telling the truth. |
She went on to say that when she spoke to the police she tried to help them by telling the truth. |
I wasn't sure whether she was telling the truth or not, or whether she was spiteful and making up bitter lies. |
He observed Michelle carefully for a moment and was startled to find that she seemed to be telling the truth. |
But she must take it further and announce that henceforward her government is committed to telling the truth, unvarnished and unflinching. |
Similarly, honesty is the best policy, but not if telling the truth inflicts unhappiness on others. |
Tosca is then forced to choose between her faithfulness or telling the truth about what she saw at the villa. |
He doesn't suffer fools gladly and has a propensity for telling the truth. |
But he studied the young man with the dark complexion, noble aquilline nose, jet-black silken hair and deep, serious brown eyes, and knew he was telling the truth. |
That is a fair comment, yet he gets bowled for telling the truth. |
The bus strike shows decisively that proponents of transit are simply not telling the truth when they say that transit ridership reduces congestion. |
He was torn between hope that the guard had remembered correctly and hope that Aidan was telling the truth as he purchased an open-ended round trip ticket to Munich, Germany. |
But amidst all the self-analysis and denunciations of his own weakness, how can we be sure if he is telling the truth or simply preparing his place in history? |
Secondly, this argument presumes that the only two possibilities are that he's telling the truth or he's lying, and those are not the only two possibilities. |
I or most people don't have a problem with peaceful co-existence but that cannot be on the basis of not telling the truth or giving up on our own values. |
But as these two books illustrate, there's a difference between telling the truth and spilling the beans. |
On the other hand, if you give two differing accounts of something, it's reasonable for folks to wonder which time you were telling the truth and which time you were fibbing. |
I must take exception to the fact that the hon. member just said I was not telling the truth yesterday in answer to a question. |
We will be faithful to our mandate by telling the truth about what happens. |
Write naturally without censoring yourself, telling the truth in your own language. |
And you were not backward in telling the truth about that third person. |
This Tribunal does not wish to be obliged to state that Mr. Bellavance was telling the truth and others are lying. |
Let us just assume that she were telling the truth on that particular point. |
It is with the courage of telling the truth to one another, that we can be testimonies of something different. |
But if it be that his shirt is torn from the back, then is she the liar, and he is telling the truth! |
It is essentially telling the truth of Jesus Christ as the way of salvation for humanity. |
It is encouraging that research findings suggest that when children promise to tell the truth, it includes the act of telling the truth. |
Well, telling the truth, delivering on commitments and being open and transparent are all vital. |
Well, by telling the truth, delivering on commitments and by being open and transparent. |
The J-K shooting was simple enough, in that it was a matter of arithmetic logic that one of them was telling the truth. |
He manages an earnest tone to his voice with just a touch of querulousness that suggests he'd be affronted that anyone could even think that he might not be telling the truth. |
A Miami physician, Marco Vitiello, has come up with a device he said will be able to prove whether people are telling the truth about neck, back and carpal tunnel injuries. |
If these officials are telling the truth, they gave in because they believed NATO was about to destroy urban Serbia and slaughter the civilian population. |
A defense psychiatrist concluded that Reyes was not capable of telling the truth. |
Was Randal telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? |
It's about telling the truth, not only to others, but also to yourself. |
The tale thus underscores in expressive form the semiparadoxical fact that traders can lie by telling the truth. |
The lawyer seemed to imply that I was not telling the truth. |
Is there any reason why the witness would not be telling the truth? |
By telling the truth in a crisis, Tylenol ensured they wouldn't lose the customer loyalty they had spent years building up. |
It is pretty hard to say that is literally not telling the truth. |
In contrast, I see that men, in spite of their religions that claim to be telling the truth, bear hearts dead to faith, and dead to love and light. |
The competency examination is aimed at determining whether or not the child is able to understand questions that are put to him or her in a language that a child understands as well as the importance of telling the truth. |
But I say, says the I am, that if you would spend the time that you worry about deception, and the time you gossip about My prophets, in prayer and fasting I would have shown you who is telling the truth! |
If the Prime Minister is telling the truth, there was a serious bungle. |
She looked at him carefully, trying to weigh him up. Was he really telling the truth? |
When a person takes God as a witness that she is telling the truth in stating a fact or that she will fulfill a contractual promise, we call this an oath. |
Her delegation nevertheless regretted that the Human Rights Council had not lived up to expectations and had failed to prevent political alliances aimed at not telling the truth about human rights violations. |
Accordingly, the test to be applied in the case was whether the discipline committee was convinced that the complainant had been telling the truth. |
They often emphasize pacifism, treating others equally, living simply and telling the truth. |
If I am not telling the truth, is he then insinuating that I am lying? |
It's quite another to expect amateurs to figure out who is telling the truth about Iraq, or which priests have committed pedophilia. |
The Liberal Party will vote against this bill, because it has no confidence in this government, which is not telling the truth and is trying to scam Canadians. |
Indeed the word Orwellian has come to describe systems where official deception and manipulation of information are more important than telling the truth. |
It just doesn't pass the smell test. It just creates too many opportunities for cutting corners, doing unethical things and basically not telling the truth. |
It requires a giant leap of faith for us to believe that she is telling the truth. |