His feet are swollen and his skin cracked, both telltale signs of malnutrition. |
While large cash transfers can occasionally tip off authorities to drug activity, terrorists leave few telltale financial signs. |
The goldeneye's white spot is between its telltale yellow eye and grey beak, rather than behind the eye. |
One was setting up a polygraph, laying out the lie detector's telltale wires and cords. |
And oil analysis reveals telltale signs of the health of a given machine and what must be done to keep it in optimum running condition. |
Soon after uttering the last word, the telltale, music-ruining shatter of glass could be heard. |
After a few dives, the inlet filter on my serviced regulator bore the telltale brown dust of internal tank corrosion. |
Indeed, there are some clear telltale signs, that suggest that this is not necessarily a one time occurrence. |
It strikes me as another telltale sign of the insidious colonization of our personal and social lives by the ethic of the algorithm. |
There has been an explosion in the number of astronomers scanning the skies for the telltale wobble of distant worlds. |
Loss of bounciness, sudden blisters or recurring pain are also telltale signs. |
He would watch for the telltale disturbance of phosphorescence in the water which meant the fish were rising on the ebb tide. |
In one grouping, each original image appears to be repeated in a three-frame series still bordered by the telltale edging of the 8mm filmstrip. |
Her hands went to her face, attempting to rub the telltale glow from her cheeks. |
Torpedoes powered by compressed air left a telltale wake in the water and gave a warning to a target. |
He runs outside and inspects the car for any telltale signs of the encounter. |
Then listen for the telltale tsk tsk, or check for that knowing nod of the head. |
The telltale blue of their family eyes was gone, and in its place was a deep burnished gold. |
Smokers often end up with telltale lines around their lips, but the damage doesn't stop there. |
Bottom line, this article bears all the telltale signs of a journalistic snow job. |
A great guide for determining pole position is to place a telltale on the topping lift a foot up from the pole. |
It is said that you can recognise the deft hands that fashioned a doll by looking for telltale signs and shapes on it. |
The telltale sign is the appearance of itchy patches of skin that flake or crack. |
Every exposed power cord in our apartment bears telltale toothmarks from her enthusiastic fits of mastication. |
The trick once down was to keep an eye on bubbles and fish behaviour for telltale signs of cross-currents and whirlpools. |
Buttressed trunks are telltale signs of mature bald cypress, like these champs in the Cypress Preserve in Greenville, Mississippi. |
I inserted my key into the lock and opened the door, listening for telltale sounds. |
The essays have a telltale sameness to them, says Stanford's MBA Admissions Director Derrick Bolton. |
As I exited, that telltale blue land yacht that was Daniel's car pulled up. |
She looked thinner, the telltale sign of a recent illness evident in the dark circles under her eyes. |
The researchers had already deployed time-lapse cameras mounted to trees and remote microphones to listen for the telltale calls. |
A telltale sign of this trick is the rule, established by the assertor, that one may not reject any portion of the assertion. |
You can then alert your own doctor and be on the lookout for telltale symptoms. |
The broomstick and the pointy hat have been given the heave-ho but, according to Diana, there are still some telltale signs. |
Chris had his committed cluster hunters searched for X-rays, the telltale signs of the incredibly hot gasses in a galaxy cluster. |
If you have other telltale symptoms, such as brittle hair and nails, dry skin and a tendency to feel cold, definitely get checked out. |
And the crew left no telltale scars on the fragile hillsides where they had been intensely working, she says. |
I gave the cramped club a brief once-over, looking for any telltale signs for any of my friends. |
Then the telltale lines on the screen appear as the tape is rewound and the camera pans back. |
There are always telltale signs and whether people want to open up their eyes to those signs is up to them. |
The telltale signs will always peer through at the experts who will be examining the handwriting. |
The telltale signs are underweight children, poor academic performance, and health problems. |
It uses a diagram of a baby to show where the telltale signs of meningitis materialise. |
But what I encountered was evidence of socio-economic inequalities split along racial lines, and all the telltale signs of institutionalized racism. |
One of the H. erectus bones, part of a femur, even reveals telltale surface etchings from stomach acid, indicating it was swallowed and then disgorged. |
Very pale skin is a telltale sign of anemia but too often, it goes unnoticed. |
Or fathers who work sixty hours a week versus idle teenagers whose behaviour is a telltale sign of their search for an involved father. |
A telltale sign of this is the larger number of degree holders in the 25-to-29 age group that leave medium urban areas. |
The region's small size and its intense glow are telltale signs of a very young, massive star. |
They're a telltale sign of white mold infection, the scourge of carrot, canola and dry bean growers across Canada. |
In addition to telltale signs of the presence of animals, discover how the flora and fauna adapt to winter. |
While the biggest telltale sign of problematic shopping is DEBT, not everybody with debt has a problem with shopping. |
Another telltale sign is the reduction of the amount of foam produced on the coffee. |
The telltale clink of tracks heralds the advance of a brigade combat team. |
An early and telltale sign of the disease is a severe runny nose and often a custardlike discharge that eventually encrusts the afflicted animal's muzzle. |
Her skin was pale and her short tresses bore telltale bald patches from the effects of chemotherapy. |
Under their ponchos he spied telltale bulges that he took to be weapons. |
Bark stripping is normally the telltale sign of this little rodent. |
For example, an experienced ticket checker would have unconsciously learnt to look for telltale signs to correctly identify a ticketless traveller. |
His BBC file was rumoured to bear the telltale Special Branch Christmas tree alert. |
Today, the receding water has left telltale white rings more than 30 metres up on the rock canyon walls. |
Schoolchildren could get involved to record how telltale words such as bath are pronounced in their area, Ranft says. |
The telltale evidence is the radionuclide products unique to nuclear explosions. |
Tipping the tray into Coinstar and hearing the telltale rattle as the counter spins is not providing. |
For years, arson investigators looked for telltale signs of chipped concrete based on the assumption that fire accelerants like gasoline cause such fragmentation. |
My colleague was doing her best to avoid my gaze, but the telltale blotches around her eyes gave away the fact that her waterworks had been flowing. |
Broken twigs, trails to nowhere, and mini-debris landslides, despite the drought, were all telltale signs of heavy use. |
His body did not carry the telltale signs of the great bowman. |
While the rest of you may yearn for an even Bisto colour all over, I'm happy to sport that telltale white bracelet of untanned skin round my left wrist. |
She was kneeling in the boat's compact cockpit watching carefully ahead for any telltale clues on the water that dangerous rocks lay just out of sight below the surface. |
He says it usually occurs along fencerows or field perimeters where excess snow cover may have accumulated and is distinguished by a telltale odour resembling rotten fish. |
One of the telltale characteristics of hoplophobia is terminal stupidity. That's because hoplophobia is a mental illness. |
He blushed when he approached, a telltale sign that he was happy to see him. |
He raised the steel visor in front of the road engine radiator, ensured that the telltale antenna was above the hood, and heard the characteristic click when the visor became engaged in the closed position. |
The automobile industry requested that it be permitted to flash the ESC malfunction telltale to indicate the intervention of other related systems, including traction control and trailer stability assist function. |
At Vitafoods 2010, ADM will be highlighting Novasoy soya isoflavones, which help with the telltale signs of the menopause, including hot flushes. |
Those glimpses of the surface revealed deposits of pyroclastic ash-the telltale signs of volcanic explosions-peppering the planet's surface. |
The most logical explanation for the telltale randomly oriented magnetic rock materials is the recurrent careenings of the globe. |
Those are the telltale signs of resistance to a chemical. |
For example, if an abused woman calls long distance to find out about services such as a transition house, this would leave a telltale long distance call on the phone bill. |
This high count is a telltale sign of the presence of kimberlite or ultramafic lamprophyres. |
Scouts and staff from the provincial Department of Agriculture have been out walking the fields in search of FHB and have spotted some of the telltale pinkish colouring on barley and wheat. |
The roof should also be checked for telltale signs of problems, such as blisters or mole runs. |
In his yellow vaccination vest, Nakul dashed around the railway platforms, checking little fingers for the telltale black mark, making sure every child under five was vaccinated. |
To see if your cat has vomited as a result of hairballs, examine the vomit carefully for small greyish pellets or lumps-a telltale sign regardless of her hair colour. |
Half-brother Mario had to undergo drug testing after beating his girlfriend, and Christopher wrote a telltale book in 2008 in which he described his sister as a narcissist skinflint. |
But close up it is busy with the telltale trails of recent visitors: speechmark hoofprints of cattle and the flatfoot waddle of whooper swans, each webbed imprint as large as my palm. |
Its frilly pink gills are a telltale sign of neoteny: most amphibians lose their gills as they develop, but the olm retains its larval form, never fully developing into an adult. |
They're caused by the collection of pigment in the epidermis and are a telltale sign of skin damage due to many years of skin exposure to UV radiation. |
A house that is dark 24 hours a day is a telltale sign. |
Of course there are other telltale signs such as foil on the windows and an odour emanating from the house, and often there is suspicious activity going on. |
These changes in heart rate are usually a telltale sign of infection. |
The usage and perception that the consumers have of the media are telltale signs of the influence that media can have on their purchase decisions. |
Your staff should understand that it is always advisable to notify the right person if they observe anything that might be a telltale sign of a security incident. |
According to many analysts, this visit of the area by the president is a telltale sign of the impending resumption of the hostilities with the rebels. |
However, he clarified that anthills may not be rich sources of gold dust, but could yield few telltale signs. |
A musty smell is usually a telltale sign that moulds are present. |
Another telltale pointer is the plate mark, a straight line indentation in the paper which runs around and just beyond the edge of the image. |
First impression of Zaha Hadid is surprise that no telltale intervention competes for attention in the famous white void of the Guggenheim. |
Accordingly, when the low tire pressure telltale illuminates, you should stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to the proper pressure. |
Scientists also found telltale chemical fingerprints of pyroxene and olivine in and around the crater, two minerals that are commonly present in the Martian meteorites. |
Other well-known technologies under consideration are magnetometers and gradiometers, which discover hidden devices by seeking telltale magnetic anomalies. |
Keck was able to measure tiny changes in the star's spectrum, called Doppler shifts, caused by the telltale tug exerted by the orbiting planet on the star. |
Keep an eye out for telltale signs of fakery such as a sudden increase in positive or negative reviews over a short time frame that is out of synch with earlier reviews. |