Plural for the state, fact, or period of reaching adulthood
“Timothy was already a strong, well-developed character when he reached maturity.”
Plural for the quality or state of being elderly
“Hair thinning and a desire for naps are associated with the phases of maturity and elderliness and are not indicative of an imbalance.”
Plural for wisdom or discrimination that comes from being mature or experienced
“These roles honor the experience and maturity that comes with age.”
(of produce) Plural for the state or measure of being ripe
“The data indicates a reduction in sugar content in direct proportion to the maturity of the fruits.”
Plural for a state of completion, readiness, or full development
“In this case, once the project reaches maturity, the annual cost and benefits may be expected to remain constant indefinitely.”
Plural for the date when a payment is due
“The face value is received when the investment is cashed at maturity.”
Plural for the time, or the condition, of budding or flowering
Plural for worthy of one's trust or confidence
Plural for the process by which something evolves, progresses, or becomes revealed
Plural for cultured elegance in behavior or manner
(of produce) Plural for soft or tender by reason of ripeness
Plural for competence or skill in a given field gained through experience
Plural for the capacity of the mind to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
Related Words and Phrases