To take a brief or hurried look
“I've just made a pot of fresh coffee if you'd like a cup while you browse the shop for a bit.”
To read quickly or casually
“The reader could also browse the pages of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research for examples across disciplines.”
To eat, or feed on, grass or herbs
“In addition, they could swim the roughest rivers, pack heavy equipment, and browse on greasewood or thorny brush that other animals could not eat.”
To rummage or search through
An act of casually looking at something
“We head off to the visitor center to have a browse through the shop.”
An act of casually or quickly reading
“A quick browse through the pages of Tolstoy, Shchedrin, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov would have been enough to trigger a yearning for the Revolution that was, by that time, impossible to put off.”
Related Words and Phrases