Opposite of the condition of being essential
Opposite of the aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character
Opposite of the principal aspect or dimension of something
“We have concentrated only on the periphery of the problem, and perhaps even tried to eliminate some of the symptoms, but the interference problem is still there.”
Opposite of a person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity
“I was given the power to endure whatever lay ahead of me, and it did not matter where my physical body would be.”
Opposite of something which is required for a given purpose
“I’ll set aside some money each week, and every nonnecessity I buy will come out of that.”
(rare) Opposite of something unequaled or unparalleled
“The serpent, the antithesis of birds.”
Opposite of the state or fact of being required
“When some self-help books are released, their unnecessariness is so baffling and tree-wasting.”
Related Words and Phrases