Opposite of an agreement or contract, typically legal or formal in nature
Opposite of a solemn promise or undertaking
Opposite of a solemn promise regarding one's future action or behavior
“You said we would be together for life, but your betrayal is tearing us apart!”
Opposite of a written or spoken agreement, usually legal or official
“The disagreement between the siblings would lead to tensions within their social circle.”
Opposite of an official agreement, typically intended to resolve a dispute or conflict
Opposite of an individual rule as part of a system of law or religious doctrine
“Mr. Wizard was arrested for practicing wizardry, a crime worthy of certain damnation in most parts.”
Opposite of an agreement, typically secret or for illicit purposes
Opposite of a league or alliance, especially of confederate states
Opposite of an official order that has the force of law
Opposite of a pledge or undertaking
“Territorial rejection or abandonment of children in the hospital is tantamount to a total disavowal of responsibility for their lives.”
Opposite of a promise or agreement to do something, especially in the future
“His parents were a little bit concerned about his indifference towards getting fit.”
Opposite of a link or connection, especially one between commercial companies
Opposite of to agree by lease, deed, or some other legal contract
(deny) Opposite of to promise or make a guarantee to do something
(break) Opposite of to promise or make a guarantee to do something
Opposite of to pledge or enter into a contract to do something
“There may be consequences if you break your contract with the company.”
Opposite of to specify or require as a condition
Opposite of to make a guarantee on a condition
“The life insurer was forced last week to renege on its pledge.”
Opposite of to settle or come to terms on a particular arrangement
“The Persarmenians would reject the terms offered to them by the envoys of the Persian king.”
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