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What is the opposite of agreed?

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Opposite of having been agreed on
Opposite of having been arranged, decided, or agreed on in advance
Opposite of used or accepted broadly
(of a time or place) Opposite of decided on beforehand
Opposite of having been firmly established and typically not subject to change
Opposite of fixed or arranged in advance
“They may trap you for several years on a variable rate which could prove expensive in the long run.”
Opposite of generally approved, believed, or recognized
“It was unusual for them to deny the children some candy during Halloween.”
(especially of a price, rate, or time) Opposite of having been firmly established and typically not subject to change
“Meal times are flexible and there is a choice of menus to ensure people's dietary and religious food needs are followed.”
Opposite of in agreement
“Their kingdom was weak, hopelessly divided, and ruled by a king who was barely distinguishable from a peasant.”
Opposite of approved or agreed upon
“A reseller has the right to contest a denied deal.”
Opposite of implied or inferred, especially without being explicitly expressed
Opposite of having been decided
“With his latest injury, his future in football is now uncertain.”
Opposite of under a promise, vow or guarantee
Opposite of used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent
Opposite of to have acknowledged, or conceded, the truth of
“The administration denied all allegations of fraud and corruption.”
Opposite of to have established or stipulated as a previous condition
“The contract was rigid and prevented any deviations from the stipulated conditions of sale.”
Opposite of past tense for to give assent to and act on a suggestion by another
“To my surprise, she told me that she wouldn't oppose my request that he be released on his own recognizance.”
Opposite of past tense for to be consistent with
“Some trends may be apparent but other changes may occur which may contradict the general direction of the trend.”
Opposite of past tense for to be in harmony of opinion or statement
“Some may disagree, but I think the former is a much stronger statement without the qualification.”
Opposite of past tense for to settle or come to terms on a particular arrangement
“The Persarmenians would reject the terms offered to them by the envoys of the Persian king.”
(agree with) Opposite of past tense for to suit or be suitable to
“That ostentatious top does clash with your overall mild-mannered demeanor.”
Opposite of past tense for to make a guarantee on a condition
“The life insurer was forced last week to renege on its pledge.”
Opposite of used to emphasize how certain one is about something
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