The misconceptions include black magic, witchcraft, evil eye and being possessed by a spirit. |
Stroll along the quayside among sailors and traders who will amaze you with their magic tricks and comical acts. |
There are zillions of ways to deal with any difficult situation. However, immediate recourse to magic might not be the best. |
Pressing the magic fax button was for him far more alarming than the intricacies of the concert, pedal harp. |
They guard her phone number jealously, afraid of giving away the methods behind her magic touch. |
Although allowed to weave their artistic magic via intricate quilting designs, they were not allowed any other form of artistic expression. |
He sets out to change the students' lives by acquainting them with the magic and power of music. |
So that was the kind of magic last piece of the jigsaw that made it possible. |
Well, each one of them is not only a piece of art but represents magic created on wild silk by traditional weavers. |
And libraries have also been getting in on the act with book quizzes and other activities to help youngsters experience the magic of reading. |
Every track is distinct from the last with its added dash of Erasure magic installed within. |
Sing-alongs, puppets and a pinch of magic all make for a jolly time at the theatre and a happy ending of course. |
Within half-an-hour, I had worked out that 21 was the magic number and if my cards added up to more than that, I would be bust. |
These markets work their magic, he argues, by aggregating a great deal of information from as many sources as possible. |
Legend tells it that it was dragons that first taught humans and elves how to use magic. |
A kind of Pinocchio sans magic, Petrushka dies a banal non-death, getting whacked by a blow to his empty head. |
Those of you who thirst after ever-more magic from the dark wizard of the whammy bar should really seek this thing out. |
There has been a resurgence of the practice of African magic and witchcraft in a number of Kenyan communities. |
With Nobody's Fool he weaves a magic spell with the help of a funny, affecting screenplay and a top notch supporting cast. |
Mexicans love the magic, Japanese kids empathise with Harry's school woes and Australians like Hogwarts' white Christmases. |
She insists that the practice of karezza, a special kind of sexual union, was a key to mysticism, magic, and creativity. |
Thus Demons found their way into the world, and great magic ravaged the lands. |
They often had to perform reverse spells where something bad had happened, but now they practise white magic for good causes. |
His act, which had a lot to do with white magic, was greeted with great applause and in fact some nights he had to turn people away. |
Working within the confining definitions of black and white magic, this would be a black magic spell. |
Zhong Kui not only attacked evils but also caught ghosts and monsters of all kinds by performing white magic. |
I've always wanted to write a haunted house novel, and I've wanted to delve more deeply into the Afro-Caribbean magic systems. |
I realize that this is very far from Wicca, any elemental magic or chaos magic, Qabbalah or any of the more benign practices. |
The country's National Witches Association claims it discriminates against white witches and should only apply to black magic. |
The beneficiary of all this motorized magic was nearly every American who cleans or keeps house. |
Then the magic of working close to home really kicked in as I got home before 5pm feeling none too tired, ready and able to do something. |
Already she has paid a publicity visit, with personal assistant Vicky by her side as ever, and make-up magic at the ready. |
She readily admitted to performing the black magic associated with witches. |
The counter measures aimed at combating witchcraft often involved sympathetic magic that was aimed at hurting the witch physically. |
I wanted to be a princess in a mystical land that was filled with magic and fairies and evil witches. |
The reason for the challenges to the Harry Potter books centre round their focus on wizardry and magic. |
He believes absolutely in the objective reality of the supernatural world and of witchcraft and magic. |
There was just no way his disappearance could have happened beyond black magic or witchcraft. |
He sees something magic in it, scientific magic, like being touched by the king for the king's evil. |
So she sent her magic into the bird and concentrated it on the broken wing and felt the bone re-knitting. |
But we think such a measure should be taken only against those who use black magic and not against good witches who use white magic. |
To round off the evening, there was a magic show that kept the audience wonderstruck. |
It is a place that is full of spells and curses, where powerful charms work their magic, and everything is witchcraft and wizardry. |
Some years later the dreamer hears of a magic man who walks through fire without being burned. |
Whatever the calling or the profession, the 2003 Essence Awards winners have taken language and given it shape and magic. |
It is a bit more honest, I suppose, but means that there is no real magic in the air. |
Brabantio believes Othello to have used magic and witchcraft to summon Desdemona from her home. |
On this part of the Yorkshire coast in among the amusement arcades and the history, there's still talk of witchcraft and magic. |
Wayne huffed defensively as Grandma Eva cackled like a black magic practicing witch. |
A witch or warlock can take the magic out of a being, and posses another being with it, like a broom, for flying. |
These serials help perpetuate superstitions and blind beliefs in witchcraft and sorcery, in magic and animism. |
With Faustus' great mind, proclaims Valdes, they will be able to harness the powers of black magic and have the world at their feet. |
Unfortunately, many people refer to him as a witch doctor or a black magic man, and he was none of that. |
It has been compared to magic fingers which reach into the interior of the abdomen and massage your organs. |
Waitrose wielded its article like a magic wand, and with a little abracadabra, hey presto! |
To see Sam now compared to how he was last week is amazing, It's as if someone has waved a magic wand to help him get better. |
My neighbor tells me it's the magic of the wand combined with my psychic aura. |
Most assuredly not, says Robinson, who attributes her dramatic transformation to the magic lick of a mascara wand and a touch of gloss. |
She was half Indian and she had told him many stories about witches and black magic. |
There's no magic answer to bridge the distance but spending quality time together seems to help. |
This outcrop must remind him of his present surroundings, a place redolent of mythology and ancient magic, I suggest. |
I don't know whether you believe in witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, and all that kind of thing. |
The accentuation of the finale's polka is heart-warming, the string slide on its first appearance pure magic. |
It is impossible to capture the magic of Galway and most folk are well past analysing it all. |
Then it's home again, and time to relive the magic of the tapas bar with albondigas in a stew of tomatoes and onions with chickpeas, and a bottle of Rioja. |
He enjoyed wandering that enchanted planet, taking in the magic. |
But I recognized, even as my celebrity-grubbing heart was aflame, that Brand's weird magic came from an inaccessible place. |
In recent seasons, the FA Cup has taken a few knocks from the critics, but in my eyes there is still a lot of magic associated with the competition. |
Just then, the fairy godmother appeared, waved her magic wand, and turned the blades of grass into stems and leaves to hide the cups from the angry queen. |
Daniel Radcliffe may not be Harry Potter anymore but he continues to amaze us with magic. |
The magic lantern and the cinema spawned the microfilm reader. |
Harry Potter got there first and the ker-ching of cash registers the world over proved audiences had a taste for fantasy and magic, wizards and elves. |
Wicca is a naturalistic religion whose followers generally worship a pantheistic Godhead and practice magic. |
In the end, the line between magic and religion may be something of an artificial one. |
Then, as if by magic, funds pour into the UK as clean capital, free from any taxation or further scrutiny. |
In fact, even today, decades away from childhood, I can think of quite a few people whom I wouldn't mind sacrificing at the altar of wizardry and magic. |
Every day, I drove from my flat in Mayfair to abbey Road in joyous expectation of what magic I would be participating in that day. |
More than half a century on, the sense of magic is just as strong. |
It's an attitude that's rife in magic because of its acausal nature. |
Nemeth was probably being taken to Tardonia, either to be ransomed or more likely to be unpleasantly executed, body charred and features withered by hostile magic. |
She had no need for magic arts and charms given her barge with gilded stern and soaring purple sails. |
As with any folk fest, much of the magic will happen during the workshops. |
Wait a minute, there is no such thing as magic, or witches or wizards. |
Perhaps La Santa Muerte gives them the confidence to practice some black magic of their own. |
They were witches and they practiced black magic in the woods. |
Relive the magic of the past 10 years of Top Model with this compilation of the best fights, freakouts, and breakdowns. |
The magic of compound interest means that it's always hard to make up for lost time. |
Maybe the cleric can rub his own magic lamp, and ask it to explain the concept known as brain drain. |
She hosted the get together with partner Tom Dimakopoulos, at their shop Charmed, to teach aspirant white witches how to develop their magic skills. |
A magic kingdom, if you will, but within driving distance of your cul-de-sac. |
It was the arcane language of white magic, the magic of healing and life. |
I didn't have all those colored puppets and magic choo-choos and whatnot. |
Furthermore, by removing them from their post, you create an opportunity for insurgent black magic to materialize a car bomb. |
There is no black magic or witchcraft behind this self-help treatment. |
At the Ancient Olympics, contestants were obliged to swear an oath on a slice of boar's meat that they had not employed magic to enhance their performances. |
Charisma, love and magic and abracadabra, Gemma's not on booze, Ahmed is polite to his car maintenance teacher and Wayne has left his knife at home. |
The magic of the cup is one thing, but should a team really qualify for Europe without defeating a single Premiership side and then being thumped in the final? |
The magic of the original isn't dulled in this carefully abridged volume of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which was nominated for the prestigious Kate Greenaway award. |
Like a magician waving his magic wand, McGrath took on the guise of Merlin as he wove his magic, enrapturing his team-mates, opponents and adoring masses. |
An all-new spell-casting system allows players to really feel the magic for the first time as the controller shakes and reacts with every flick of the wand. |
It is like a magic trick, those wands which turn into bouquets. |
You feel you get to know all the characters and their quirks, the island and its people, and the magic and superstitions come to life in an burst of colour. |
The company accountants worked their magic and found a way to lower overhead costs. |
Both pitchers, though they are older, haven't lost their magic. |
He has amazed audiences around the world with his magic tricks. |
He watched the auntly lady twist the ends of the diaper so that the whole assemblage seemed to wrap itself around his boy like magic. |
Nature then with rapture trembles, Music flows divine along To besoothe our restless feeling By the magic thrill of song. |
My brother is king of the contradicks! You can't reason with them. It's like trying to talk to a magic 8 ball. |
However, once an illness is pronounced to be the consequence of magic, prayer is performed independently of counter-magic. |
Wait, so we're allowed to have magic items from the start? I must of derped pretty hard. |
English was the official vehicle and the magic formula to colonial elitedom. |
Even Joan Collins, that perennial glamourpuss, goes to Barbara for the Daly magic for special occasions. |
Few places on God's green earth are as imbued with primordial magic as those bordering the phantasmagoric waters of Fundy. |
Their naked poles shone with that lovely goldbronze color that is itself like the material distillation of a magic light. |
Quickly wave your hands over his hands and say a magic word, such as googly-moogly. |
The Greeks had Seven Wise Men and Seven Sleepers, and the Pythagoreans saw magic in all the heptamerides. |
Archaeologists therefore use such terms as gods, myths, temples, sanctuaries, priests, magic and cults. |
A Midsummer Night's Dream is a witty mixture of romance, fairy magic, and comic lowlife scenes. |
Accordingly she visits the witch, Dipsas, by whose magic aid the youth, found resting on a bank of lunary, is bewitched to sleep until old age. |
In recent years, penicillin-based drugs have lost some of their magic bullet status due to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. |
Unfortunately, in a world that prefers magic puddings, technological bullets and simple solutions achieving sustainability is extremely complex. |
Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary. |
Many Wiccans believe in magic, a manipulative force exercised through the practice of witchcraft or sorcery. |
These five elements are invoked during many magical rituals, notably when consecrating a magic circle. |
There are many rituals within Wicca that are used when celebrating the Sabbats, worshipping the deities and working magic. |
In typical rites, the coven or solitary assembles inside a ritually cast and purified magic circle. |
To a lesser extent, Wicca also drew upon folk magic and the practices of cunning folk. |
Beliefs related to witchcraft and magic in these cultures were at times influenced by the prevailing Western concepts. |
Malicious magic users can become a credible cause for disease, sickness in animals, bad luck, sudden death, impotence and other such misfortunes. |
The folk magic used to identify or protect against malicious magic users is often indistinguishable from that used by the witches themselves. |
It is acknowledged that while magic exists, it is forbidden to practice it on the basis that it usually involves the worship of other gods. |
The one who creates the illusion of picking cucumbers should not be condemned, only the one who actually picks the cucumbers through magic. |
Neither are regarded as magic, but as signs of Allah at the hands of those close to Him that occur by His will and His alone. |
In Southern African traditions, there are three classifications of somebody who uses magic. |
In some Central African areas, malicious magic users are believed by locals to be the source of terminal illness such as AIDS and cancer. |
The characterization of the witch as an evil magic user developed over time. |
In England, the provision of this curative magic was the job of a witch doctor, also known as a cunning man, white witch, or wise man. |
There was a growing alarm of women's magic as a weapon aimed against the state and church. |
In the 16th century, Italy had a high portion of witchcraft trials involving love magic. |
A courtesan was questioned about her use of magic due to her relationship with men of power in Italy and her wealth. |
They are said to be gifted in magic, mentally sharp and lovers of nature, art, and song. |
Merlin matures to an ascendant sagehood and engineers the birth of Arthur through magic and intrigue. |
Merlin relates that when the lovers died, they were placed in a magic tomb within a room in the chamber. |
The story then progresses rapidly through the reigns of the descendants of Locrinus, including Bladud, who uses magic and even tries to fly. |
This leads to war between Uther Pendragon and Gorlois of Cornwall, during which Uther clandestinely lies with Igerna through the magic of Merlin. |
Broadly comic performances, the most common type features a doctor who has a magic potion able to resuscitate the vanquished character. |
Henri Breuil interpreted the paintings as being hunting magic, meant to increase the number of animals. |
Harry begins his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and learns about magic. |
In The Prestige, the series of magic tricks and themes of duality and deception mirror the structural narrative of the film. |
Stories involving magic and terrible monsters have existed in spoken forms before the advent of printed literature. |
Gilbert had already started work on a new opera involving a plot in which people fell in love against their wills after taking a magic lozenge. |
Because of pagan syncretism, it is also associated with white magic up to the present day. |
But the badly behaved pet is neither canine nor feline, and the magic is of the nonwizard kind. |
When he was eight an aunt bought him a magic set and he spent hours perfecting the tricks. |
Cooper became a member of a NAAFI entertainment party and developed an act around his magic tricks interspersed with comedy. |
Matholwch is deeply offended until Bran offers him compensation in the form of a magic cauldron that can restore the dead to life. |
The first examples were stones, jade pieces, bronze vessels and weapons, but came to include talismans and magic diagrams. |
He is critical of the Magi, attacking astrology, and suggesting that magic originated in medicine, creeping in by pretending to offer health. |
Hermes warned Odysseus about Circe and gave Odysseus a drug called moly which gave him resistance to Circe's magic. |
The earliest explanation, by the prehistorian Abbe Breuil, interpreted the paintings as a form of magic designed to ensure a successful hunt. |
His charm and personableness had contributed greatly to the magic of monarchy. |
In Europe, many cultures have used garlic for protection or white magic, perhaps owing to its reputation in folk medicine. |
A certain period elapses, and some unseen mysterious principle again sets in motion the magic pinions and the wizard wheels. |
Like magic, Carla transformed from the dainty pixie into a hardcore, no-nonsense businesswoman right before his eyes. |
The fragments were termed Theory of Gods, Theory of Sacrifice, Theory of Prophecy, or short reports about rumorous Sami magic and Sami sagas. |
He is associated with charms and other forms of magic, particularly in Old English and Old Norse texts. |
At this level, science and magic are poles apart and yet they are the same. |
Early uses were connected with magic, medicine, religion, tradition, and preservation. |
The psilocybes, containing psilocybin and psilocin, are the friendlier magic mushrooms. |
Musical languages from the Renaissance were tied up with mysticism, magic and alchemy, sometimes also referred to as the language of the birds. |
Some were used in magic, others to increase animal populations for hunting, while some were simply for amusement. |
The young urchins,... not being able to guess at its recondite machinery, were almost tempted to hail the wondrous work as magic. |
Darcy, the heroine lands in Pride and Prejudice by way of magic massage, has a fling with Darcy and unknowingly changes the rest of the story. |
Renaissance magic took a revived interest in the occult, including necromancy. |
The aerobatic magic here is something that escapes me, but what do I know? |
In the fairy tale by the Grimm brothers, they each wear out a pair of dancing shoes nightly, tripping the light fantastic in a magic forest. |
They conjured a world of primitive magic in which evil spirits could not be given their true names for fear of increasing their power. |
He varies his magic tricks so as to minimize the possibility that any given audience member will see the same trick twice. |
He'd bought a ton of silver to forge magic swords that would slay the Stark wargs. |
Widespread popular tolerance of white magic thus helped to mitigate the rigours of the law. |
Copper remembered the old Grimoire she and Silver had used to learn gray magic. |
Jerry Pinkney, four-time Coretta Scott King winner, works magic in watercolor illustrations. |
In this clip, she heads to the blackboard and does her magic. |
It is available in six colours, crimson black, black magic, midnight black, red hot, cherry white and white night. |
The special effects are excellent, especially the whomping willow, which attacks Harry and Ron when they fly a magic car into it. |
But on the other side of the glass door, bootleg magic is being made. |
Unfortunately, the Strike Eagle's radar is not magic, and neither is the advanced medium-range air-to-air missile, or any other. |
The Mystic Writing Pad of Sleep lifted like a magic slate erasing what is brought to light? |
I opened a bag of cheetos, hoping it would work its usual magic. |
The Iberostar Anthelia in Costa Adeje was absolutely magic, but the toaster was the worst ever. |
Zebadiah Zonk, presenting an entertaining re-enactment of nineteenth century preoccupation with the brain, magic, and science. |
Activities will include making potions, playing Quidditch as well as lots of other magic, fun and games. |
An Arctic fox is also helpful in her journey, changing her homemade raft into a magic, speaking raft they name Lucky-Jumpy-Rafty. |
It takes narrative magic to pull off such a loopy combination, and luckily, Reif Larsen has it to spare. |
This is instigated by the visit to their city of a renouncer who will subsequently provide the king and queen a magic cure. |
This time Federer came up with a little piece of magic, feathering a backhand half-volley drop shot off a dipping pass onto the line. |
Andrew Detorres showed superb hands and pace when entering the line and his angles of attack made spaces for Oliver Joyce and Jerry Casserly to work their magic in midfield. |
From the off, they were blessed with some of the best-crafted pop tunes of the 21st century, thanks to hitmakers Xenomania topped with the girls' own sprinkling of pop magic. |
In the next issue another effect using our magic word square will be explained that will be an extension of one first used by Max Maven and Martin Gardner and others. |
He's a smooth one. Always trying to work his magic on the ladies. |
Although being born with a full head of hair is not all that extraordinary, Iskander's quizzical apophthegm could be taken as the quintessence of magic realism. |
With a quiet bank holiday afternoon to fill, the Mill yesterday dug out the old magic kit, brushed the cobwebs off its top hat and practiced a few abracadabras. |
She kept low, clutching the rifle she'd taken as though it were a magic talisman, as if it would somehow protect her even though she didn't fire it. |
He said that Janoo had told him that there was an order of the Sirkar against magic, because it was feared that magic might one day kill the Empress of India. |
Quercetin has gained the attention of the supplement industry, and is now widely promoted as a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant magic bullet. |
He is accompanied by a mythological beast that can only be tamed by magic. |
The many marvels of richness and magic it contained captured the imagination of Europeans, and it was translated into numerous languages, including Hebrew. |
For example, there are camps for the performing arts, music, magic, computer programming, language learning, mathematics, children with special needs, and weight loss. |
He found Priscillian and some others guilty of the crime of magic. |
The animals are accompanied by signs that suggest a possible magic use. |
As these 'horns' were considered to have magic powers, Vikings and other northern traders were able to sell them for many times their weight in gold. |
The world of magic is largely connected with the later Roman Greek world. |
In 1322 the king of France suppressed the Knights Templar, ostensibly for sodomy, magic and heresy, but probably for financial and political reasons. |
The injury to Simon Jones became somewhat obvious as the pacers struggled to capture the magic that Jones had created the previous day that had forced Australia to follow on. |
Since the books have generated such a passionate following across the world, it was important to us to find a director that has an affinity for both children and magic. |
The Enchanted Wood, the first book in the Faraway Tree series, published in 1939, is about a magic tree inspired by the Norse mythology that had fascinated Blyton as a child. |
Niviane, frightened that Merlin might take advantage of her with his spells, swears that she will never love him unless he swears to teach her all of his magic. |
In the second, Merlin's magic enables Uther Pendragon to enter into Tintagel in disguise and father his son Arthur with his enemy's wife, Igraine. |
Many neopagan witches strongly identify with this concept, and profess ethical codes that prevent them from performing magic on a person without their request. |
And there were vessels that are wrought by magic of Mahound out of seasand and the air by a warlock with his breath that he blares into them like to bubbles. |
Medibank Private is a magic pudding which would make Norman Lindsay proud. |
History shows that there's no magic bullet for a global financial crisis. |
Even as he went into the lighted, public place he remained dark and magic, the living silence seemed the body of reality in him, subtle, potent, indiscoverable. |
According to Michael Taussig, Frazer implies in his extensive treatment of image magic that the images are copies that represent their intended victim. |
Was it the business of magic to humanize our natures with compassion? |
By Toutatis, you're right! After all, if we taught those Romans about Toutatis, the next thing you know, they might be able to duplicate our magic strength potion. |
When people plan out their actions, they do more. When they write out their fears, they solve more. You do not need to be a Hogwarts grad to master that type of magic. |
She meets sirens and sea serpents and hidebehinds, wicked kings and repulsive recluses, capitalist magicians and seven-league boots and magic pomegranates. |
That is why goetic magic does not always work. The demons in their prismatic malice betray the agreement between us and them, and we are again in the chaos of chance. |
The metaphysical taxonomy of reality in magic systems occurs to varying degrees of depth, ranging from flavor text in small or large amounts to deep integration with gameplay. |
Musically, what originally attracted me to dance was its shamanist aspects, using natural magic to change people's neurological states and to psychologically empower them. |
She tried to farspeak them but couldn't catch enough magic even for that. |
I am talking about a way of regarding our world as amenable to investigation and interrogation without magic keys, special jargons and instruments, curtained-off practices. |
The crowning glories of Ghost, however, are indeed the technical illusions which were designed by Paul Kieve, who was the magic consultant for the Harry Potter films. |
Kalevala is quite different from the legends of other Nordic nations in that its fabled heroes apply magic more often than violence to solve their challenges. |
They performed in a rackety old stadium which was in essence a dog track but to me, just like their Newcastle counterparts, these were men of magic. |