The ancient Egyptian Magi observed another division of the year that was called the fatidic year and began at the vernal equinox. |
Legend says he was descended from one of the Magi who visited the baby Jesus and was both priest and king. |
In this case, CAPSA started with the local custom of sending a letter to the Three Magi, stating the gift the person wants most. |
Her hands received the gold, frankincense and myrrh that the Magi offered to Jesus. |
And He opened the space of the 2nd Heaven where the star moved so that the 3 Magi could see the star. |
Judge Magi said his decision should be interpreted as a requirement that Internet service providers screen video posted on their sites. |
Like the Magi, we may need years of pilgrimage and much searching in order to be able to recognize the presence of God. |
Inside there are three altars, a pipe organ and interesting paintings representing the Nativity, the Magi and the Virgin. |
It represents the Adoration of the Magi in it center, the circumcision and the presentation with the temple on the two painted shutters. |
When the Magi arrived at the place where the Baby Jesus was, they offered Him their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. |
The Magi reached Bethlehem because they had obediently allowed themselves to be guided by the star. |
Before Christ, it radiated upon the Indian Brahmans, the Persian Magi, the Judean Essenes, on the Greeks, on Pythagoras and Plato. |
Only Constable's Journey of the Magi doesn't quite attain the numinosity of the rest of it. |
During the coverage period, contact a Magi Seal representative for any information you need. |
The next morning, two servants of the Three Magi picked him up and took him shopping so he could buy his gift. |
When Jesus was born, the star that led the 3 Magi was also a star of the 2nd Heaven. |
Once the Magi set out on the last stage of their journey, the star guides them again. |
With this phrase, the Holy Father invites young people and all of us to reflect on those words of the Magi and to come to an ever greater realization of the impact of the Incarnation on humanity. |
Which gift of the Magi is an aromatic gum resin obtained from a tree in Africa and Arabia? |
Herod invites the Magi to a secret meeting so he can learn more about the threat and tells them to report back to him after they have found the young child. |
At Christmastime, the visit of the Magi providentially presents us with an icon of this wise search, of a movement that is at the same time profound and centrifugal. |
The Magi, who are not members of the Hebrew people but Gentiles, prefigure the great convocation that will eventually be the Church, the People of God. |
Hence, Jesus is wrapped in rabbit skins, he sleeps in a bark lodge, the adoring shepherds are replaced with hunters, and three Indian chiefs take the place of the Magi. |
The visit from the Magi is still fresh in Mary and Joseph's mind when an angel speaks to Joseph in a dream, this time giving a warning to leave the country as the family is in danger. |
Interestingly enough they found pictures of the Magi on the front of the church and it is believed that was the reason they did not destroy that church as were so many others during that period in history. |
The gifts that the Magi offered the Messiah symbolised true worship. |
Roch and Sebastian and The Adoration of the Magi, characterized by an unearthly pale light, colours, and nervous, attenuated figures in affectedly sophisticated poses. |
Three servers paraded to a table like the Magi bearing gifts: walnut shells containing steaming rounds of sourdough, fresh-whipped-butter cumuli, a baked beet carved from a vegetable-ash crust. |
Nicola Pisano, Nativity and Adoration of the Magi from the pulpit of the Pisa Baptistery. |
It is a play about the Biblical Magi, three wise men from the East who followed a star and visited the baby Jesus in Bethlehem. |
He is critical of the Magi, attacking astrology, and suggesting that magic originated in medicine, creeping in by pretending to offer health. |
Others derive Sophi from the Sophi or Sages anciently called Magi. |
This book looks at the origins of St. Nicholas, the Magi, and so on. |