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How to use magi in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word magi? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The magi balance the equation of the entire cosmos singing praise to God's Word Incarnate.
Casting forth multiple strands of magic, Valaan clenched his fists, and earth erupted from the ground, sending the black cloaked magi flying.
The lesser of these are the human wizards and magi that can tap into various types of magic.
In his times, Herodotus notes, the magi had became Zoroastrian priests.
The account of the magi is celebrated as an epiphany of our Lord.
The play of image and title assures us, bleakly, that the magi and the scholar-diplomats have been replaced by genetic engineers and military strategists.
When the magi came to infant Jesus they fell down and worshiped.
In the New Testament, it is included with the gifts of the magi in the first chapters of Matthew.
It is normally concluded on Epiphany, often highlighted by the arrival of the magi on horseback.
Besides the three magi Cologne preserves the relics of Saint Ursula and Albertus Magnus.
Legend says he was descended from one of the Magi who visited the baby Jesus and was both priest and king.
Like the Magi, we may need years of pilgrimage and much searching in order to be able to recognize the presence of God.
Which gift of the Magi is an aromatic gum resin obtained from a tree in Africa and Arabia?
Nicola Pisano, Nativity and Adoration of the Magi from the pulpit of the Pisa Baptistery.
It is a play about the Biblical Magi, three wise men from the East who followed a star and visited the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.
At Christmastime, the visit of the Magi providentially presents us with an icon of this wise search, of a movement that is at the same time profound and centrifugal.
This book looks at the origins of St. Nicholas, the Magi, and so on.
Herod invites the Magi to a secret meeting so he can learn more about the threat and tells them to report back to him after they have found the young child.
The Magi, who are not members of the Hebrew people but Gentiles, prefigure the great convocation that will eventually be the Church, the People of God.
Others derive Sophi from the Sophi or Sages anciently called Magi.
Examples from Classical Literature
The three magi now advanced in the form of a triangle, one leading and the other two behind, equidistantly apart.
The magi brought valuable gifts, but that was not among them.
He found that the eminent of the Magi usurped the sovereignty after the death of Cambyses.
In one of the chapels, in a galleried niche, there is an extraordinary life-sized wooden group of the Adoration of the Magi.
When the Magi became organized in Media, they spread in every direction.
The Magi, from the time of Zoroaster, have deemed it the symbol of purity.
All of the Magi were not thus learned, only those of the higher order.
In the next page he deals with a well in the hands of the Magi.
In the tympanum are good reliefs and a well-cut Adoration of the Magi.
On the right was the Virgin Mary, and on the left one of the eastern Magi.
But in public secular affairs they seem to be recognised as Magi.
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