What a fascinatingly varied job he must have, even if it involves digital motion control camerawork. |
She wore a hint of false annoyance on her face, her fascinatingly shaped lips twisting themselves into a grimace. |
His comedies combine screwball dialogue, slapstick and, fascinatingly, sly social critique, where morality is never clear cut. |
It also lines pop up with genetic engineering, the idea of the human form in the 21st Century becoming fascinatingly mutable. |
The fascinatingly destratifying potential in neuroeconomics, then lies in the possibility of using it against its ostensible purposes. |
It was fascinatingly gruesome, and I couldn't help but photograph the various stages of recovery. |
Find a Fallen Star is a fascinatingly multilayered work in which Petersen has let her imagination roam freely. |
Nature, especially inorganic nature, is full of fascinatingly organized forms and patterns. |
It receives a fascinatingly broad range of submissions, from the excellent to the unbelievably bad, with no connection beyond the Internet connection. |
The message of this book is simple: our planet is fascinatingly beautiful and it is unique. |
The rituals are so fascinatingly mundane that we can easily see ourselves practicing them. |
Their thousands of special oil cells let them shine fascinatingly and semi-translucently. |
She plays a fascinatingly androgynous part combining vulnerability and determination. |
This map shows the fascinatingly complex spatial pattern of population aging in Canada. |
I am glad to see you have enough interest in the fascinatingly challenging and yet delicate game of Diplomacy to spend some time to read about it. |
It reveals itself most beautifully and fascinatingly when it is showcased with the nature that embraces it-the sun, mountains, forest and water. |
In spite of some complex contexts, in the end the soil evaluation principle is fascinatingly simple. |
The island is fascinatingly pretty with its turquoise coves, white sandy beaches, and paths through olive and orange groves. |
Who has weaved this fascinatingly reductionist account of al-Mabhouh's life in such a short span of time? |
An inexhaustible creator, in tune with his time, inquisitive and bold, Roland Petit has built a fascinatingly rich and innovative body of work. |
There is no doubt Monet's work of the 1890s is a supreme achievement and his early Impressionist paintings from 1870 to 1877 are fascinatingly experimental. |
Experts on very compact white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes study the enormously energetic and fascinatingly rich array of phenomena that these systems exhibit. |
Eating there means partaking in a procession of elegant dishes drawn from Italian and French tradition that are fascinatingly flavoursome and inspiringly innovative. |
Tutte's original proof of Theorem 5 is fascinatingly unalgorithmic, and it prompted a number of programmatic efforts on the subject. |
The years 1927-31 represent a fascinatingly suspended moment in the evolution of the cinema, when the movies not only learned to talk but also underwent a fundamental shift in basal metabolism. |
Patrolling the acres of print is fascinatingly uninstructive. |
Cock-Pit is fascinatingly autobiographical, emerging from Wen Wei Wang's cloistered experience as a boarding student at a ballet academy run by the People's Liberation Army in Lanzhou, China. |
An administrative, cultural and commercial centre, Budapest is fascinatingly beautiful: it has conserved many buildings and the end-of-century charm that reflects the 'belle époque' of its prosperity. |
Musically speaking, Zap Mama's second album was quite an achievement with sounds being dissected then reassembled in fascinatingly new and complex ways. |
The last three concerts in the Alcúdia Jazz Festival bring us three fascinatingly innovative events: the groove music of Dave Pybus, the Deborah J. Carter Quartet and the Avishai Cohen Trio. |
What I didn't predict was a fascinatingly dissentient argument from Julie Maroh, the author of the 2010 graphic novel Le Bleu Est Une Couleur Chaude on which the film is based. |