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How to use each and every in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "each and every"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
One day, each and every one of their contracts will be near expiration, and when that happens, they will need to negotiate.
A blogger has to fight and scrap and scrape every day, every post, for each and every reader.
Crews is correct in pointing out that a materialist view of the world is logically incompatible with each and every brand of theism.
He left everything he had on the wrestling mat and football field each and every time he competed.
She thought on each and every one of these during the ride home, not speaking a word the entire way.
That each and every person can be freely and fully self-determining is at the heart of her writing.
He had studied day and night when he was younger, perfecting each and every spell, until he could defeat anyone who stood in his way.
I counted only 12 dancers and each and every one of them danced as if there was no tomorrow.
These clues apparently help him to work out how to beat each and every opponent.
What moves men and women to love others is the innate goodness that they know is in each and every one of us.
You can not help but turn each and every page in succession, until you reach the end.
I know because I'm scouring each and every one of them for some morsel of insight that will lead me to the best spot.
The Thai Monarch is probably best known, universally, for his unbending resolve to improve the lives of each and every one of his people.
The real world is the playing ground for each and every group, to make or unmake laws.
He could play for her any musical instrument, knew all music by heart, all birdsong, the purr, growl, snort, or whine of each and every animal.
Zoe took out each and every nail polish container and lined them up in front of her.
The US would have to station inspectors at each and every spaceport or launch facility worldwide.
Most probably, I think, it would be good for each and every person to cherish a desire to achieve his goal in life.
My vote of no confidence is also aimed at each and every councillor who is not man enough to stand up and stop this nonsense.
The applicant has consistently denied each and every allegation of misconduct.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Besides, I dont like to lose that write-up with all my carefully phrased compliments for each and every member in the cast.
Get this, each and every one of those bigwigs up on those plinths were tied up with slavery.
The drivers of each and every one of the slow-moving market-carts we met were stretched in the sun upon their merchandise, sound a sleep.
In each and every case Congress reserved the right to disallow these laws.
I wish each and every one of them God speed, a successful deployment and a safe return.
When that is a given, what is the point in rubbing in this inevitable puritanically on each and every occasion and hyperbolically.
Dibs snackable frozen vanilla bites, covered in a crunchy milk chocolaty shell, come in a resealable bag to ensure each and every Dib stays fresh and delicious.
This feature may be described as a series of glass-enclosed parlors CLINGING TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE, one against each and every bed-chamber and drawing-room.
We could see, also, that from the inside of each and every one of these hollow spires, from sixteen to thirty-one beautiful marble statues looked out upon the world below.
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