The access road would not be altered and no new roads would be created on the site. Each property would have its own private garden. |
Lines connect countries to Washington, D.C. Each line indicates a cyberattack on a House system that is presently occurring. |
Each one bearing 100 or more secondary laminae that interdigitate with these of the horny laminae. |
This fluid was then allowed to cool to 35-37 C. Each evening before sleep, the patients took a sitz bath in this medicinal fluid. |
The drum was constantly rotated at 30 rpm. Each fly was placed in the middle arm of a T-shaped glass tube. |
Each year on this date we commemorate our ancestors with a special ceremony. |
Each artist in the gallery has discretion over the price that will be charged for his or her work. |
Each channel is a point of no return, once a passenger has entered a particular channel, they cannot go back. |
Each Christmas Eve, BBC radio and television broadcasts The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols sung by the Choir of King's College, Cambridge. |
Each college has a unique identity and a variety of facilities for students ranging from computer rooms and libraries to tennis courts and gyms. |
Each sheriff court is presided over by a sheriff, who is a legally qualified judge, and part of the judiciary of Scotland. |
Each presbytery selects a number of its members to be commissioners to the general assembly. |
Each film in the series also had special extended editions released on DVD a year after their respective theatrical releases. |
Each country has its own laws and regulations for the import and export of goods into and out of a country, which its customs authority enforces. |
Each council elects a Convener and Depute Convener to chair meetings of the Council and to act as a figurehead for the area. |
Each Member State is represented and has one vote, though decisions are usually reached through consensus. |
Each dwelling usually has at least one of these tanks forming part of its foundation. |
Each company was guaranteed a 5 per cent return on its capital outlay and, in addition, a share of half the profits. |
Each of the UK's four nations have their own separate NHS, each with its own history. |
Each December, the BBC Sports Personality of the Year is announced, as voted for by the British public. |
Each camp discovered by archaeology has its own specific layout and architectural features, which makes sense from a military point of view. |
Each is defined by the direction of movement of the ground on the opposite side of the fault from an observer. |
Each elects six MLAs to the 108 member NI Assembly by means of the single transferable vote system. |
Each built on the ideas of those before concerning what those principles might be. |
Each time a driver pulls into the pits, the tire pressure and temperature should be tested for optimal performance. |
Each life occurs within the life of the Church as a member of the body of Christ. |
Each year the NMC receives over 22,000 newly qualified nurses and midwives from education institutions. |
Each of those floors is split into a large east and west wing with at least 11 rooms in each. |
Each season normally consists of 13 rallies driven on surfaces ranging from gravel and tarmac to snow and ice. |
Each of these involves its own application process, and generally requires a job offer from a UK employer. |
Each Security Council member must have a representative available at UN Headquarters at all times in case an emergency meeting becomes necessary. |
Each provincial legislature had a life of five years, barring any special circumstances such as wartime conditions. |
Each MSP has a unique access card with a microchip which, when inserted into the console, identifies them and allows them to vote. |
Each section harbours a ternary microformal pattern based upon its own thematic content. |
Each centre's offering includes differing legal, tax and regulatory environments. |
Each parish elects its own force of Honorary Police consisting of Centeniers, Vingteniers and Constable's Officers. |
Each polling station was specified to have no more than 2,500 registered voters. |
Each of the 28 members sends a delegation or mission to NATO's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. |
Each formations would have attached to it a number of units, usually several Geschwader, but also independent Staffeln and Kampfgruppen. |
Each European capital had an ECA envoy, generally a prominent American businessman, who would advise on the process. |
Each of these territories is led by a territorial commander who receives orders from the Salvation Army's International Headquarters in London. |
Each country of the United Kingdom has its own body responsible for heritage matters. |
Each authority has at least one dedicated central source from which data can be downloaded or ordered. |
Each Christmas Eve, BBC radio and television broadcasts The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols by the Choir of King's College, Cambridge. |
Each player was put in the virtual role of Chief Executive and the goal was to have the highest profit when the game closes. |
Each set is organised with the tallest stones at the western end and shorter ones at the eastern end. |
Each home had a household shrine at which prayers and libations to the family's domestic deities were offered. |
Each member receives a badge and membership card, the design of which changes at the start of each season. |
Each region elects seven additional member MSPs using an additional member system. |
Each painting has an inscription below it, which collectively have been estimated to be around 2,500 years old. |
Each Singaporean's behaviours and attitudes are influenced by, among other things, his or her home language and his religion. |
Each country determines the exchange rate regime that will apply to its currency. |
Each wind farm extension will require a complete new planning application including an Environmental Impact Assessment and full consultation. |
Each contestant was required to sing a Queen song during that week of the competition. |
Each year, a grass court tournament and an induction ceremony honoring new Hall of Fame members are hosted on its grounds. |
Each of the consortia are responsible for school improvement services throughout their respective local authorities and schools. |
Each region has a Regional Committee, which generally meets once a year, normally in the autumn. |
Each cover of the journal has been commissioned by a leading contemporary artist. |
Each nation may be represented by no more than one team per competition a team is two people in some sports. |
Each of these organisations is responsible for running their respective regional leagues. |
Each coin was identified within its tier by its size and each tier had to be capable of being identified by sight and touch. |
Each country typically has a multitude of categories of visas with various names. |
Each political party draws up a list of candidates standing in each electoral region, from which the List MSPs are elected. |
Each constituency is entirely within a council area or a grouping of two or three council areas. |
Each of these drivers, with the exception of Senna and Button, have captured one drivers' title with the team. |
Each configuration offers either specialised advantage or broad capability, and each design creates a different riding posture. |
Each chop contained a few small gnawable bones, and plenty of velvety meat that would slip right off them after a long, gentle braise. |
Each body could deal with any matter within the sphere of competence of the League or affecting peace in the world. |
Each ward also has a Ward Club, which is similar to a residents' association. |
Each of these dialects is almost unintelligible to the speakers of the other, and are considered by some linguists to be separate languages. |
Each overseas territory has been granted its own flag and coat of arms by the British monarch. |
Each of the States of Austria and Cantons of Switzerland also have their own capital cities. |
Each jurisdiction raises its own taxation, although in 1949 Alderney transferred its rights to Guernsey. |
Each jurisdiction has inhabited and uninhabited islands and its own elected government. |
Each piston was raised by the steam pressure and returned to its original position by gravity. |
Each form reflects a different stage in a customer's cognitive ability to address the brand in a given circumstance. |
Each row generally has an odd number of cylinders to produce smooth operation. |
Each blade in the blade cylinder forms a helix around the reel axis, and the set of spinning blades describes a cylinder. |
Each guru added to and reinforced the message taught by the previous, resulting in the creation of the Sikh religion. |
Each soldier was taught the use of every weapon and also was taught to ride. |
Each stop is monitored by CCTV for public safety, and the images are continuously recorded. |
Each level bomber also had a few reconnaissance versions accompanying them that were used during the battle. |
Each Government department has its place in a rota which repeats every five weeks. |
Each school may arrange these compulsory requirements in different combinations. |
Each child, including the girls, was taught to read as soon as they could walk and talk. |
Each state or union territory is further divided into administrative districts. |
Each Gau had its own satrap with enough military power to level whole villages that opposed him. |
Each prospectus isn't fixed, but changes as schedules are changed or documents are late. |
Each child is assumed to have particular strengths and weaknesses to be encouraged or ameliorated by the teachers. |
Each college has its own curriculum and requirements with an emphasis of their choice, governed independently by each state of the republic. |
Each college is an independent charitable institution with its own endowment, separate from that of the central university endowment. |
Each academic year around 100 students spend a term at another leading business school. |
Each House has its own facilities, customs and traditions, and each competes in sporting events against the others. |
Each House has a formal name, mainly used for post and people outside the Eton community. |
Each autumn, all exposed surfaces were covered and lagged against frost damage. |
Each Ojibway shaman's method of communication with the manitou patron is unique and is related to a personal dream experience. |
Each year, there are many raids on individuals suspected of illegally possessing fireworks. |
Each twin city country is represented in a specific ward of the city and in each ward has a peace garden dedicated to that twin city. |
Each of their designs is wholly individual in detail, and the workmanship is varied in technique and superb in quality. |
Each state is allocated a fixed number of representatives in each chamber, in order of their respective population. |
Each is protected for the rolling by a wooden casing round the side and is decorated with ribbons at the start of the race. |
Each method can be suitable, depending on the food and the tastes of the people. |
Each member state is party to the founding treaties of the union and thereby subject to the privileges and obligations of membership. |
Each regiment and corps has distinctive insignia, such as a cap badge, beret, tactical recognition flash or stable belt. |
Each of these forms is also moulded and matched to the emotion of the scene the character occupies. |
Each group of about twenty had a leader and each was ordered to gain control of certain buildings. |
Each site is responsible for certain aspects of landing gear design, manufacture and support. |
Each country can choose if the payment will be established at the farm level or at the regional level. |
Each decade has brilliant exceptions to every rule and entirely forgettable confirmations of it. |
Each was originally a separate work but they were later published together. |
Each is tender and juicy and seasoned to give it an enhancing kerwallop but not enough to overpower the flavorful meat. |
Each wicket on the pitch consists of three wooden stumps placed vertically, in line with one another. |
Each of these Courses is awarded on the Scottish Qualifications Certificate. |
Each position has a designated number to identify himself from other players. |
Each pocketed ball is worth its number, and the player with the highest score at the end of the rack is the winner. |
Each year, the organisation marks World Health Day and other observances focusing on a specific health promotion topic. |
Each player is assigned a specific position, which limits their movement to a certain area of the court. |
Each year, the Swedish Academy sends out requests for nominations of candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature. |
Each function has an entry address which must be quoted after the USR keyword. |
Each car taking part in Q3 receives an 'extra' set of the softest available tyre. |
Each national football association has one vote, regardless of its size or footballing strength. |
Each found support and similarities in the other's work, citing each other often, though not without qualification. |
Each of the different nations may have their own national anthem and these songs may be officially recognized. |
Each club played the other twice, once at home and once away, and two points were awarded for a win and one for a draw. |
Each club is a shareholder, with one vote each on issues such as rule changes and contracts. |
Each national aviation authority has a source of information about airports in their country. |
Each handcrafted sculpture is a unique work of art, and no two are exactly the same. |
Each National Health Service has different policies and priorities, resulting in contrasts. |
Each year the Trust will select and nominate charitable beneficiaries to which the funds will be distributed. |
Each cathedral also serves as a regional centre and a focus of regional pride and affection. |
Each morning you get in the roller coaster car, strap yourself in, and hold on for dear life hoping you won't throw up or pass out. |
Each day, the Speaker and Lord Speaker take part in formal processions from their apartments to their respective Chambers. |
Each day, prior to the sitting of the House of Commons, the Speaker and other officials travel in procession from the apartments to the Chamber. |
Each constituency was entirely within a county or a grouping of two or three counties. |
Each category of formicide is driven by an utterly distinct motive. But if you were an ant, you might not care about these fine distinctions. |
Each participant was shown 7 websites and allowed to free roam a static image of the site for 30 seconds. |
Each year New Orleans plays host to the Sugar Bowl and the New Orleans Bowl college football games, and Shreveport hosts the Independence Bowl. |
Each parish council's area of responsibility was a geographical area known as a civil parish. |
Each of us, from top brass down to the front line worker, wishes to feel the satisfaction of doing something worth while and doing it well. |
Each borough is divided into electoral wards, subject to periodic review, for the purpose of electing councillors. |
Each would retain its own political identity, leadership and councillors but staff and budgets would be combined for cost savings. |
Each room is furnished with twin beds with extra long mattress, desk, chair, chest of drawers, built-in closet, and microfridge. |
Each freed faciality trait forms a rhizome with a freed trait of landscapity, picturality, or musicality. |
Each overseas territory has its own legal system independent of the United Kingdom. |
Each year more than 7,000 people attend the event, which brings celebrities from TV and film to the coastal town. |
Each proposed to introduce detailed passport control over travellers from the other state, where travel is by air or sea. |
Each quilter was assigned a quilt technique, such as Log Cabin style, Hawaiian applique, paper piecing, and so on. |
Each cube is inspired by the textures, changing colours, movement and journey of the salmon. |
Each name is based upon the texture of the grains that make up the limestone. |
Each includes a number of towns and villages outside the urban area from which the district takes its name. |
Each of them branded on his memory thanks to mindless leafings through the greasy hotel guidebook. |
Each person has an income tax personal allowance, and income up to this amount in each tax year is free of tax. |
Each loved one that thou leavest here, Some other love may wear, Each heart will have some other heart Its loneliness to share. |
Each member has one vote of equal weight, for which they can be held publicly accountable. |
Each petroleum variety has a unique mix of molecules, which define its physical and chemical properties, like color and viscosity. |
Each crude oil has unique molecular characteristics which are revealed by the use of Crude oil assay analysis in petroleum laboratories. |
Each batch was given names with a distinctive theme, for example kings for the 6000 class and castles for the 4073 class. |
Each tubulin also has a tail extending out from the microtubules, which is negatively charged, and therefore attracts positively charged ions. |
Each year, the year of a champion team's triumph, team name and team captain are engraved. |
Each of the Home Nations has its own football association, national team and league system. |
Each player has a turn at tossing his horseshoes, one at a time, at the stob opposite him. His opponent then throws his horseshoes. |
Each motorway in England requires that a Statutory Instrument be published, detailing the route of the road, before it can be built. |
Each line is serviced by at least one specific route with trains stopping at all or some of the line's stations. |
Each year the Fleetwood Transport Festival, known locally as Tram Sunday, is held on the third Sunday in July. |
Each involved the construction of a third runway, either to the north, northwest or southwest of the airport. |
Each was imbued with meanings and acted as a symbol which would have been understood at the time. |
Each crown appointed three astronomers and cartographers, three pilots and three mathematicians. |
Each of these areas are home both to a local variety of English and a local English based creole, combining English and African languages. |
Each language to which Part III of the Charter is applied must be specifically named by the government. |
Each cabinet member makes the decisions about the portfolio that they are allocated. |
Each province and territory is considered a separate jurisdiction with respect to common law matters. |
Each Parliament comes to an end, after a number of sessions, in anticipation of a general election. |
Each district is presided over by a chair, except the large London District which has three chairs. |
Each successive edition was the ordinary form of the Roman Rite Mass until superseded by a later edition. |
Each House is the guardian of its privileges, and may punish breaches thereof. |
Each Act had to be passed in both the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of Ireland. |
Each Buddhist tradition has its own collection of texts, much of which is translation of ancient Pali and Sanskrit Buddhist texts of India. |
Each of the languages have been influenced by cultural pressures due to trade, immigration, and historical colonisation as well. |
Each of these structures consists of Carboniferous limestone overlain with Millstone Grit. |
Each bullock had a heavy leather neck-strap on, fitted with a hobble chain and swivel, and a spare rope around its neck. |
Each university may present proposals for the study programme considered to meet professional and academic demand. |
Each child in England at the first school term after their third birthday, is entitled to 15 hours per week free childcare funding. |
Each tense has a set of endings corresponding to the person and number referred to. |
Each college appoints its own teaching staff and fellows, who are also members of a university department. |
Each mailjob is composed of pages that go into a single envelope. These are called mailpieces. |
Each residence accommodates a mixture of students both home and international, male and female, and, usually, undergraduate and postgraduate. |
Each man was bound to serve his superior in return for the latter's protection. |
Each of these four dialects was associated with an independent kingdom on the island. |
Each spring they planted a garden and each summer they enjoyed homegrown vegetables. |
Each house also has a letter assigned to it, in the order of their founding, to act as an abbreviation, especially on laundry tags. |
Each house also has an informal name, which is more frequently used in speech, usually based on the name or nickname of an early housemaster. |
Each of the doctrines found in this creed can be traced to statements current in the apostolic period. |
Each member of the group, in turn, rose to share a personal story, until nearly everyone in the room had spoken. |
Each cathedral contains the seat of the local bishop, often literally a large throne. |
Each supported a tremendous load of water, which was gathered from three reservoirs, at either end of and in the middle of the park. |
Each family's palazzo was a hive that contained all the family members, though it might not always show a grand architectural public front. |
Each in its own way, the architects fleeing Germany redefined modern architecture and made it the dominant style in the United States. |
Each of the four curving roof vaults has two sides attached to columns in a Y form just outside the structure. |
Each of the condemned, said Coke, would be drawn backwards to his death, by a horse, his head near the ground. |
Each year the event becomes more and more popular with contestants coming from all across the world to compete or even simply to watch. |
Each bottle is then tossed in the air three times, signaling the start of the competition. |
Each subsequent rank consisted of those with less wealth and poorer equipment than the one before it. |
Each legion in Britain had a commander who answered to the governor and in time of war probably directly ruled troublesome districts. |
Each September since 1997, York holds an annual Festival of Food and Drink. |
Each square marked off by four roads was called an insula, the Roman equivalent of a modern city block. |
Each of these commands carried a tour of duty of two to three years in different provinces. |
Each of these invasions were followed by confiscations, and Henry II installed his men, William Fitzhamo and Rolland of Dinan, in the area. |
Each day in the liturgical year and each saint's feast day had a different blessing. |
Each of the four Evangelists is accompanied by their respective symbol in their miniature portraits in the manuscript. |
Each Commando Unit will rotate through one of three roles every six months. |
Each December Norway gives a Christmas tree to the United Kingdom as thanks for the British assistance during the Second World War. |
Each shire was administered by a royal official called a sheriff, who roughly had the same status as a Norman viscount. |
Each Visitor attended for a month, setting the models and examining and instructing the performances of the students. |
Each of the tales has its own set of sources that have been suggested by scholars, but a few sources are used frequently over several tales. |
Each county should have a committee of three men who could hear complaints about violations of the Charters. |
Each of these proclaim that no person may be imprisoned or detained without evidence that he or she committed a crime. |
Each element of the scientific method is subject to peer review for possible mistakes. |
Each person should, therefore, avoid doing harm to, or interfering with, another, and any breach of these rights should be punished. |
Each of these versions is slightly different in size and text, and each is considered by historians to be equally authoritative. |
Each son became king in turn but died young without male heirs, leaving only daughters who could not inherit the throne. |
Each time they arrived somewhere, they'd be greeted with a glass of meaded wine. |
Each week the good guys fight the bad guys and vanquish them in a mecha battle, only to have the bad guys reappear intact the following week. |
Each piece of Welsh legislation is known as an Act of the National Assembly for Wales. |
Each has an imaum, but the kadi is their head, of which dignity he seems not a little proud. |
Each syllable, screamed by a hysteric caller in the world's last round of kick-the-can. |
Each half runs continuously, meaning that the clock is not stopped when the ball is out of play. |
Each time he returned to England, Mary gave up her power to him without reservation, an arrangement that lasted for the rest of Mary's life. |
Each nation has a national cricket board which regulates cricket matches played in its country. |
Each play is discrete and has a relatively small number of possible outcomes. |
Each team starts the match with 15 players on the field and seven or eight substitutes. |
Each punch that lands cleanly on the head or torso with sufficient force is awarded a point. |
Each event is held annually, and a win at one of these events is worth 1000 ranking points. |
Each batting team's innings continues until nine outs are made or the numbered innings is over. |
Each manufacturer's brand has different qualities, which can significantly affect play. |
Each team attempts to score goals by passing a ball down the court and shooting it through its goal ring. |
Each set consists of nine ends and the player with the most shots at the end of a set wins the set. |
Each Regional Office is headed by a Regional Director, who is elected by the Regional Committee. |
Each issue opening with a story written by Moore and illustrated by Kevin O'Neill. |
Each sheriff had his own compter, which were both prisons and offices, administered by the respective secondaries. |
Each continuous function from the real line to the rationals is constant, since the rationals are totally disconnected. |
Steve Austin outburped Eric Bischoff. Each burped three times. Terri had the honor of holding the mic for them. |
In Italy's rugged mountains, mules and horses can go where a jeep can not go.... Each pack train has its own veterinarian to give first aid. |
Each driver may use no more than four engines during a championship season unless he drives for more than one team. |
As dawn came I watched things slowly poke out of the black. Each thing was a surprise. |
Wallis Each of these groups practiced medicine in their own capacity and contributed to the overall culture of medicine. |
The visitor then passes the cup to others who are present. Each person takes a sip, handing the cup back to the pourer. |
At every hundredth pace the Pundit would automatically slip one bead. Each complete circuit of the rosary thus represented ten thousand paces. |
Each race typically consists of between 16 and 25 laps, depending on the length of the circuit. |
Ladies matches shall consist of 6 rubbers. Each rubber shall consist of best of 3 games to 21 points. |
Dieter walked along a broad corridor. Each door was clearly labeled in neat German signwriting, but Dieter looked inside anyway. |
When all is o'er, out to the door they run, With new comb'd sleeky hair, and glist'ning cheeks, Each with some little project in his head. |
Five superschools will replace the 17 existing high schools. Each will have 5,000 to 6,000 students and a campus of about 40 acres. |
Each of the first four tournaments was played by eight teams, divided into two groups of four. |
Each state in a federation such as Australia, Germany and the United States forms a separate jurisdiction. |
Each BBG receives a certificate, a can of used balls, a group photograph and a programme when leaving. |
A zeal of zebras confuses predators. Each zebra has a different set of stripes. |
Rollers are of different kinds, stone, yetling, wood. Each of these has its advantages. |
Each house has an official name, usually based on the family name of the first housemaster, which is used mainly as a postal address. |
Materials Required To Calibrate And Recertify Each Speedometer, Radar And Laser Unit Every Six Months. |
When Snow Was Snowier and Roads Were Roadier and We All Loved Each Other so Much. |
Square eyes Dixon of Dock Green Each week we look back at TV's favourite shows. |
A squeeze box playing lad with sight, leading his line of friends, Each with a hand on the shoulder ahead, until his mission ends. |
Tenders are invited for Steel Wool Of Grade 00 Made Of Low Carbon Steel Pkg Of 5 Kg Bundle Each. |
Reuters Health Professional Medical News Wire Brings Access to 16-20 News Stories Each Business Day to lexis. |
The unique personhood of Each coinheres in the Others just as the personhood of the Others interpenetrates perichoretically in Each. |
Each race consisted of only two horses, and they raced down the village streets and lanes. |
Dim Sum Each Dim Sum has been handmade and filled with ingredients from traditional recipes. |
Four Numbers Of Suitable Aluminium Pop Rivets Of 3 Mm Diameter And Minimum 10 Mm Height Are To Be Supplied For Each Name Plate. |
Each featured increased levels of downforce, upgraded carbon ceramic brakes, unique lightweight wheels and an anniversary dedication plate. |
Each player then vied against all players from the opposition, with one point awarded for winning a match. |
Each Bailiwick is a Crown dependency and each is headed by a Bailiff, with a Lieutenant Governor representing the Crown in each Bailiwick. |
Each generation seems to loosen the established standards of behavior. |
Each state has its own state constitution and is largely autonomous in regard to its internal organisation. |
Each investor will receive a proportionate share of the profits. |
Each of the five decks of the ship offers squirrelfish, rare sponges, Goliath groupers, urchins, and more. |
Each candidate claims to have a plan to rejuvenate the sagging economy. |
Each panel of judges on the court of appeals for a circuit is bound to obey the prior appellate decisions of the same circuit. |
Listen to my tale of woe, It's terribly sad but true. All dressed up, no place to go, Each evening I'm awfully blue. |
Each function is represented as a mixture of actual observations or functional archetypes, which are a mixture of observations in the data set. |
The words Arkansan, Arkansawyer and Arkie are in common use. Each term has its partisans and its detractors. |
Each unique backcourt was an adventure playground with walls to be climbed, chasms to be leaped and dustbins to be raked through and pillaged. |
Each hole is filled by a rosette of pure lead made by rolling up lead strip or tape which has been gimped or corrugated. |
Each painting consists of a white aluminum disk, sprayed at the edges with a subtle blush of blue, pink or grey. |
Each of these genderings of the pedagogical relation specifically and profoundly inflects the question of authority. |
Each of these brackety things is a placeholder for an argument that you need to type in. |
Each full-color city map features the latest updates on roads, public transit, airports, tourist sights and the city's most happening gayborhood. |
Each had a stone in his grasp in an instant, and simultaneously they cobbed at Master Bunnie. |
Two players are named broomies, and each is positioned at either end of the court. Each has two brooms. |
Each of the seven dwarfs, from sober-sided Doc to dim-bulb Dopey, had a distinct personality. |
Each of the nuns was heard in her turn, while the others waited with the domina in the adjoining vestry. |
Each council elects a Provost, or Convenor, to chair meetings of the council and to act as a figurehead for the area. |
Email is so important in Antarctica. Each expeditioner has an e-dress on board and on the station. |
Each ward returns two or three members, for a total of 18 Councillors elected to four year terms. |
Each state's Electoral College submits its votes to the President of the Senate. |
Each filament of combustible pulp is ensheathed in an isolating tube, and these tubes are then bound into cable-like trunks. |
Each one wore a mask or falseface, a tattered blanket over his shoulders, and carried a turtle shell rattle in his hand. |
Each mol of nitric acid gives three mol of nitrous acid which is therefore present in the final solution to the amount of 0.048 mol per liter. |
Each of these is a latent variable, which is measured by one or more observable variables. |
Humans have two hands and ten fingers. Each hand has one thumb and four fingers. |
Each has a mayor and an elected legislative body, but no separate Court of Law. |