The signal cut off, leaving only dead air as Murphy continued to call out to Carly. |
After about an hour, I think I hear one of the receptionists, a rotund lady with bushy red hair, call out my name. |
Faking bravado, I wave my hands about as a shopper walks by, and call out that I'm being prevented from leaving. |
Let the refs call out the floppers right then during the game which would embarrass and expose them. |
I hear Roberts' voice call out distantly, even though he's right in front of me. |
Residents are being warned that they may get a call out of the blue asking for security and pin numbers enabling thieves to clone bank cards. |
And they have concluded that one way to show that we are not in fact a party of wimps and sissies is to call out the Republicans. |
In the raffle, if they call out ticket 315, chances are I'll have it, but in buff when they want blue. |
The supernova observations call out for some gravitationally repulsive substance to drive the cosmic acceleration. |
It is these voices that make interpretation a living force as they call out to contemporary moments. |
As we walk past the High Court in Glasgow, passers-by call out affectionately to him and he returns the banter. |
In the winter of 1999 she received a phone call out of the blue from someone looking for an artist to paint a custom hex sign for a new barn. |
With the Capital being bombarded by brand new radio stations, it was time to call out the old heroes this Tuesday morning. |
Then, last month, I got a phone call out of the blue from one of the photo managers at Head Office. |
Make sure you call out the specific changes in a modular way to show developers a path for building your designs. |
The police call out their elite strike force and the fuzz tour the resort for a little evidence tampering. |
Setting them down, he flipped the light switch on, and turning around, he began to call out. |
I call out hopefully as I shut the door to the sprawling Tudor style mansion my parents bought last year. |
Taking a deep breath, I shut the call out of my mind and pushed myself from the uncomfortable wooden chair to my feet. |
Paramedics had to call out an RAF helicopter to fly a seriously ill baby 200 miles from Rochdale to an intensive care bed in London. |
Miss Piper began to call out the answers as the whole class followed and marked their own work. |
Each night as they bedded down, the chimps would call out to one another. |
The final call out of the year had been five minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve from potholers intending to see in the new year underground. |
If the money went straight to the king he could call out the fyrd, collect the money and then disband the fyrd, lining his own coffers as William Rufus did after the Conquest. |
The postman, aware that he was the cynosure of all eyes, would strut to the centre of the village and call out names of those whose letters he had brought. |
He wasn't pleased that I called him an empty suit and wrote back to tell me that he would continue to call out these people for their bad manners. |
We call out for the lack of protection of our black body We ashamed of our street body. |
While some of this can be explained by foreign aid, these divergent trends call out for further investigation. |
When our families call out for help, we must be able to answer that call immediately and substantially. |
The there was that last effort to call out for you, as your son crossed the thin boundary of life and death. |
Though many call out for world peace, the law of cause and effect is always very clear. |
If you call out 'pukutu', everyone has to stay still and not move a feather. |
Of course, it's politically incorrect to call out people for such battiness. |
Just keep your eyes open and call out when you see any of the following vehicles. |
The local officials would then call out villagers and order them to trample under foot the Fumie. |
Managers do not always or often call out the individuals making such comments. |
Service in French was adequate, but was only provided on one call out of two. |
Service over the telephone in French was only offered on one call out of two, and the office was unable to provide the service in person. |
Note: we do not call out the numbers on the questionnaires to maintain anonymity. |
The finish judge must call out the names of as many riders as possible as they cross the finish line. |
Thus the conflict conditions that prevail in numerous regions of the world call out a challenge to us. |
Each time the teacher asked me to read in class I would hide behind the other kids to make sure that she wouldn't see me and call out my name. |
The electrician then advises the bridge tender to call out technicians from the other departments, if required. |
Defense includes sentry birds alerting the flock to danger, as well as mobbing, in which several crows surround a potential predator and call out a forceful alarm. |
Isis was so associated with mourning in Egypt, at funeral services women were hired to call out loud wailing lamentations as the body was escorted to the grave. |
The comedian was right to call out Bill Cosby, but his material is littered with jokes about rape. |
Too many in the opinion world have a disinclination to call out their own side. |
I am going to call out their names and I would ask them to stand and remain standing. |
At the edge of the woods, a few birds had started to call out and flutter between the trees, vague shapes moving through the mist beyond the half-open bathroom window. |
She was contemplating whether or not she wanted to stop at the local coffee shop to get an iced mocha latte when she heard someone call out her name. |
This is also the time of year to carry out maintenance on existing systems, to save having to call out an emergency plumber in the depths of winter. |
The provision of Article 115 ยง 7 of the Executive Penal Code does not envisage a possibility to call out a prison officer in the case of providing the health services by persons other than medical personnel of prison system. |
They call out 304 stainless steel in the drawing, but the part was made from aluminum. |
Please give me the gift of a few minutes as a tribute to them, because as they listen to us call out to them, they answer the roll call by their hearts beating a little faster, from the depths of their jungle tomb. |
With the flames still leaping into the air I began to call out the names of the traditional tribal curses and break them one by one in the name of Jesus. |
Alive enough, at any rate, to call out and declare that enough is enough! |
You are presented at every step with magnificent views of glaciated mountains and idyllic high valleys where burbling streams cascade down over colourful stones and marmots call out their warning into the stillness. |
On this particular day, I felt ill, mostly from exhaustion, and had to call out from work. This callout caused a stir and a display of animosity. |
So many people attended the basketball call out that the coach decided to form 2 teams. |
The cabinet discussed Disraeli's proposal to position Indian troops at Malta for possible transit to the Balkans and call out reserves. |
After our people had been on board about one glass, people in the two canoes began to call out to us in gruff, hollow voices. |
This Fund gives that generosity a home, and will provide us with a unique opportunity to support our families in the dark hours when they call out for help. |
A breakdown truck on a rescue mission near Spalding in Lincolnshire got stuck in mud, forcing its driver to call out another breakdown truck. |
Merchants call out for customers, and have time to sit and chat. |
They call out to the Lord, shed tears and clap their hands. |
The speech balloons in her comic strips and fanzines call out to readers in many languages, while the humorous diary by her alter ego brings smiles to the faces of people far beyond our borders. |
Of course, to call out pinkwashing is not to deny the facts. |
Spots for Super Bowls call out for marching bands. |
The unique circumstances of Canada's Aboriginal people call out for a separate process involving relevant stakeholders to address how best to improve access to collaborative mental health care. |
Now we call out overworked GPs, or join the other sneezers and snufflers at the surgery and spread the germs. |
We started to call out for my mother and father, but they did not respond. |
Brigg's continued to call out Haye, asking him to honor his end of the agreement. |
Many thousands prayed with me to receive salvation and then I began to call out the traditional curses one by one, breaking their power in the name of Jesus! |
Often, people call out the five-second rule because they think that if you get food off the floor quickly enough, there won't be any germs on it. |
When you're ready, just call out the position of the pieces and I'll give you a countermove. |
I had to pay for the call out of the plumber after the pipe burst. |
Full remote control ESP set point capabilities, reducing nonproductive time and significantly minimizing the need to call out Service Technicians to the well location. |
From Series 9 the narrator would call out the episodes' names and from Series 11 the theme song was sung starting with the sound of a train whistle. |
It operates a twenty four hour call out service for surface hazards. |
You call out the names in this strange incomprehensible language, and you're looking into the glass and there appears to be this little man talking to you. |