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How to use Callow in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Callow? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
St Joseph's Church in Callow was the venue for the Mid-West Radio Mass broadcast on Sunday, 25 January.
It has been decided to put in new kerbing on the roadway and carpark at Callow Church.
Simons takes a lead in the frame but Callow fights back and the pair tussle over the colours.
What is the government doing to stop high risk dangerous criminals like Callow from moving into our communities when they are likely to reoffend?
Callow might look and play the buffoonish lush on screen, but he began on the great stage and continues to act and direct.
It's all very silly, despite the presence of Callow, Celia Imrie, Stephen Fry and Co but no doubt the kids will chortle at the rude noises.
Over the years, Darlington Interiors has produced high quality, bespoke furniture and created interiors for a prestigious list of clients, including Ridley Scott, Simon Callow and Gleneagles Hotel.
Jim Naughtie's interview with Sir Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Simon Callow and Ronald Pickup – the cast of a new production of Waiting for Godot – was repellently smug and self-admiring on all fronts.
But Julian Callow of Barclays Capital reckons that may reflect the way the numbers are calculated: by valuers, who may be cautious about cutting their estimates.
But what is impressive is the way that their dialogue, often callow and maladroit, is callow and maladroit in precisely the right way.
A callow president had the sense to surround himself with people who had three great virtues.
Even so I still feel a paternal affection for these two callow younglings, if mainly for their ardency.
His was not the kiss of a callow adolescent or a selfish boy bent on earning a notch on his bedpost for being the first to defrost her.
Then it happened, and our tepid prehistory was, quite literally, forgotten beyond a lingering embarrassment at my own callow unresponsiveness.
One was, once again, the callow young subaltern, looking for somewhere to shave.
Normally nothing ruffled his composure, and yet there he was, blushing like a callow youth at the sight of her ankle.
The paper excised a section of his remarks, making him seem both glib and callow.
Enforcing the isolation of this callow and callous ruler is the least that a humane and pacific foreign policy must aim for.
The modern proponents of self-esteem argue that the undeveloped self, however callow, should be praised as it is.
At 27 I was too breezy, too callow, and more gullible than I'd like to admit.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But even in those days as a callow, trusting youth, he'd been smarter than Boswell.
Of course it was another piece of callow whistling in the dark, but it was a buildup, too.
The 87 Medium, who is at first indifferent, finally warns her callow child.
In his callow youth he had coquetted with ultra-Liberal ideas.
He was so different from the callow youths and dapper fellows who had heretofore worshipped at her shrine.
They are not callow like the young of most birds, but more perfectly developed and precocious even than chickens.
Early in the morning and late at night he was to be seen half out of window, administering to the varied wants of his callow brood.
He nodded toward the group of callow youths who surrounded angelica.
With bird nicknames may be mentioned callow, unfledged, cognate with Lat.
Culpepper sprang, a flash of green, straight at the callow boy.
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