The calls stopped abruptly that weekend, but Frisk is adamant that his decision is final. |
She calls for a radical re-examination of traditional approaches to accountability, transparency and press freedom. |
The persistent charges of jury packing in Ireland led to calls for reform of the jury selection statutes. |
As they get closer to the main base, the Jody calls get louder until they reach the Parade Deck. |
I marched to those old Jody calls while serving my country and they didn't offend me and nobody around me was offended either. |
Many students have xeroxed booklets of Jody calls and brought them in, thrilled to have perplexed their fellow workers. |
That submission calls for serious consideration and it has led to some close textual analysis of the paragraph in question. |
Routine circumstances include calls made by an occupier following the activation of fire or burglar alarms. |
A conservative play calls for an iron off the tee that will leave the player a wedge into an angled green guarded by a bunker on the right side. |
Environment Agency chiefs say they will not be taking action against a controversial landfill site, despite calls for its immediate closedown. |
I have made numerous calls to the so called Help Line and nothing is ever actioned. |
It calls for a register of interests for voluntary organisations so that we can know the extent of Labour nepotism and jobs for the boys. |
A local man has been arrested after making obscene phone calls to a TV weathergirl. |
Bell is a stuntwoman who makes her living standing in for the star when the script calls for something acrobatic or dangerous. |
However, in 2005 the plan calls for production of entirely new-build Vipers for which the company will have to build jigs and tools. |
The Port Elizabeth weather office said there wasn't a weather balloon in that area and no calls reporting UFOs had been received. |
Now when a grower calls in an order, the data disk shows exact field locations and acreage. |
Free calls allow scammers to spend as long as they want wearing victims down with long calls or repeatedly phoning back. |
There have been calls for a radical delivery of the three Rs, and we back this. |
I also got lots of phone calls and quite a lot of people asking for jobs there. |
It is distressing to see the impulse for integration give way to calls for segregation. |
Trouser suits and jersey knit tops are key items in what she calls her seasonal capsule wardrobe of significant items. |
The Call Presentation section in the skillset configuration dialog allows you to specify the order in which calls are serviced in the queue. |
In the case of JavaScript, our application has a common set of function calls used by the web page. |
I can speak the Queen's English, if I so desire, but I can use our patois if it suits me and the situation calls for it. |
They were receiving frantic calls regarding accounts and computers crashing all weekend long, and they had no idea why. |
The Home Secretary today resisted calls for his resignation after the latest rioting and jailbreaks. |
He calls for the quantification of what can reasonably be expected of today's students in three years. |
So simplistic a statement certainly calls for some immediate qualifications. |
While such criticism is certainly fair and reasonable, the calls for Little's scalp as manager border on the absurd. |
I'm at the library every morning at opening time to check the want ads, make phone calls and surf the web looking for openings. |
Last year rescue calls included a total of four broken backs, with two paraplegic cases and one quadriplegic case. |
The identity which underlies all difference, including the fundamental difference between nature and spirit, he calls the Absolute. |
During two of their three phone conversations she ended the calls abruptly, hanging up without warning. |
Queensland's hotline for the elderly fields calls from all walks of life and situations. |
I hope this is not a harbinger of 4 a.m. wake-up calls to come, but I'm probably kidding myself. |
Deeply affected by the tragedy, he authored legislation that calls for mandatory life jacket wear for kayakers. |
But he is certain that Jarrod Stehbens would not agree with some calls for great white pointers to be culled. |
Our motion explains what the movement is about and calls on the union to affiliate to the organisation, provide support and invite speakers. |
They have a variety of calls usually described as whistles, rattles, trills, squeaks or screams. |
The finding has led to renewed calls for British Summer Time to be used year-round to give lighter afternoons and evenings. |
He constantly calls and whines to me about my not calling him and including him in my life. |
When she first told me she was pregnant she didn't take my calls for ages then rang out of the blue and said she was aborting. |
All the job involves is making yourself available for the occasional brief meeting wherever the occasion calls for it. |
He put what Stan Isaacs calls razzle-dazzle into his shows and there's no mistaking the fact that Chicago is piled high with it. |
Think of a device that will route your cellphone calls through your home's wired Internet connection. |
Once a node reads data from storage, that data may remain in cache for some period of time, to accelerate future calls to that information. |
He urged people to keep mobile phones out of sight when not in use, and to use them to make essential calls only. |
Since then Anthony has risen within the company ranks to the position of directing animator, and now calls California home. |
The incident comes in the wake of widespread calls to restrict the sale of fireworks to members of the public. |
I can imagine the flood of phone calls to the local association and hear the muttered curses and imprecations of massed wheelers and dealers. |
I will go out for him for the sake of research but really 3 calls in 2 days is a bit much since we haven't even had a date yet! |
When my telephone line was activated I received many junk calls and fax machine sounds when I answered my phone. |
Whenever you are cooking something like, say, ramen noodles, which calls for water, use your broth instead. |
Brind seemed somewhat rattled by a few disputed calls at critical junctures of the match. |
The third method calls for your practicing with someone not as good at judo as you are. |
Highworth Town Council is backing calls for a cycle route along the disused railway line. |
Another aspect of relief operations is the welter of frenzied calls by the media to evoke sympathy and monetary and other contributions. |
So far, it has sparked a massive increase in calls to Crimestoppers prompting a string of police raids and arrests. |
They made frantic calls to friends, well-wishers and relatives at home to rush much-needed funds. |
By the time I returned to my mother's, she was jubilant because she had received two phone calls to assure her that the bag was safe and well. |
The report calls on the Department for Education to invest more money in refurbishment programmes and address pay levels for technicians. |
It measures time by what Hillis calls a serial-bit adder, a highly accurate binary digital-mechanical system he invented. |
She calls her Jolie, as in jolie laide, on account of Jolie's popularity with the men, even though she's got a big nose and a flat chest. |
Unsolicited junk mail and intrusive sales calls are plagues on modern society. |
The Brunswick Police Department released recordings of the calls to 911 from the scene. |
Dincer expects calls for an independent Kurdistan to grow louder as a consequence of the fighting. |
When you are safely out, you give your password to the smuggler who calls it in to the broker to release the funds. |
McCall did not agree with Bopp, but said that he received numerous calls after the announcement from other delegates who did. |
It can come during one of those loud late-night phone calls fueled by booze and bile that leave no insult unspoken. |
She has been wearied by calls from the media from throughout the country. |
Indeed, our a-list Asian blogger Phil Yu calls himself Angry Asian Man to address this lack. |
Liesl Schillinger calls for the return of big-screen romance and wit to enliven the season. |
Then betting commences with raises, calls and folds as usual. |
A similar fate would have befallen those who borrowed against their homes to purchase calls on Apple stock last summer. |
There is a particular focus in the magazine on attacking the United States, which al Qaeda calls a top target. |
Shortly thereafter, Facebook announced a similar initiative, although their plan calls for the use of drones instead of balloons. |
But instead of talking to us and resolving the issue, or getting a manager involved, the clerk calls the cops. |
It calls for calabrian oregano on the branch, which if you can get from your local Italian food store, is always worth the effort. |
Carter reveals that Jay made weird, borderline mentorly calls to Kimmel long before the Conan contretemps began. |
While the caution that the fragility of this situation calls for cannot be overstated, neither can the successes made thus far. |
The counterprovocation plan calls for consultation at the highest political levels in the event of an attack from North Korea. |
I usually manage to do all my transactions online or face to face but have reached the point where I must grab the whatchamacallit by the whatsit and make two calls for work. |
On her first big hunt with the Divas, as she calls them, she bagged not one, but two deer. |
Among the abusive calls and text messages being received are some claiming to have put campaigners' addresses and contact details on Combat 18's target lists. |
They sat in on monthly conference calls with the State Department for families caught midstream in the adoptive process. |
Her readers, some of whom she calls obsessive, comb her blog and her Tweets for clues. |
But he also would have helped to keep calls for a smaller federal government from being seen as a backdoor attempt at Jim Crow. |
I am receiving SMS's and phone calls that are completely weirding me out. |
Some of her calls for activism read as warmed-over tracts from decades ago. |
The town, known in Arabic as ayn al-Arab, is so significant to ISIS that the group calls it ayn al-Islam. |
Her husband, director of corporate wholesale for an automotive group, teasingly calls her crazy, but supports her fully. |
Rowaida Yousef, as she calls herself, used to be a math teacher and citizen journalist in Damascus. |
Next to appear are his pretty, teenage daughters, whom he calls the apples of his eye. |
Iyer employs a terrific combination of erudition and absurdity that calls to mind the great postmodernists. |
She apologizes profusely, curls up across from me, and begins to, as she calls it, gab. |
McDonough did not respond to repeated phone calls and a list of questions faxed to his Abilene office. |
More fiction than fact abounds in a country that's now flirting with calls to ignore the painful lessons of history supposedly learned in the past. |
It is not hard to see how this debate calls into question deeply personal religious and philosophical beliefs. |
The arresting officer follows a hunch and calls in a canine search unit that happens to be in the area. |
They'd probably be shocked to find their phone calls on the watch list. |
The volume and speed of traffic through the North Sligo town has led to increased calls for pedestrian crossings and speed ramps from local people. |
Despite the trials of a lifetime and the events of this summer, Washington still calls himself a patriot. |
That may be of no account in the general scheme of things, but it calls into question the reasons for the Minister's office making such an obvious error. |
Hitchcock arrives about ten o'clock, reads his mail, and answers the few phone calls he gets. |
In the last two days I've had two phone calls about job interviews. |
By 5pm that day, after Mayday calls went unanswered, they were forced to abandon ship, torching the wheelhouse as a last-ditch smoke signal and praying it would be seen. |
This year Las Vegas entered what it calls drought alert, meaning tight restrictions on water use for residents and businesses and heavy fines for water wasters. |
I made some phone calls to see whether I could find any anecdotal evidence for the trend. |
But they still could have done more to defuse the calls for violence from their allies. |
This recipe calls for calamari on the grill, a method that brings out the sweet tenderness of the small cephalopods. |
This study calls into question our long-standing view that warm-blooded mammals were only occasional and accidental hosts of this human fungal pathogen. |
Unlike Rita Ora, who she totally calls out for sleeping with Jay, Liv is alleging that she actually turned him down. |
This recipe calls for brushing the ears with a melted butter, cilantro, and hot red-chile mixture. |
This season the World Snooker Association bowed to calls from players to do away with the rule insisting they wear bow ties, white shirts and waistcoats. |
The psychiatrists and other medical staff avoided this ward, making only the bare minimum of calls and writing off the patients there as unsalvageable. |
The dullahan calls out a name, at which point the named person immediately dies. |
Musk began developing another transportation project in 2012, something he calls the Hyperloop. |
The headspring is a unique vault because it calls for a bent arm support and the touching of the horse with one's head. |
In 1187 Jerusalem surrendered to Saladin and calls for a new crusade swept Europe. |
Nick was deep in the doghouse with Louella after three days of persistent phone calls and his final less-than-tactful message. |
A labyrinth of intricable questions, unprofitable contentions, incredibilem delirationem, one calls it. |
Corbyn backed calls for May to resign, but said she should be removed by voters. |
Nevertheless, there were calls for an independent enquiry into the implementation of the new voting system. |
In recent years the number of cruise ship calls have increased at the port. |
The forecast calls for winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour. |
The A.M.A also calls for refundable, advanceable tax credits or vouchers, to help Americans buy insurance. |
That evening I sat at my spacious nonpink desk and made telephone calls on my nonpink phone. |
What George Berkeley calls visible magnitude was by astronomers called apparent magnitude. |
This form of classroom observation calls for more confidence in the process on the part of the appraisee than more general observation. |
I feel lonely at times, but then somebody phones, or calls round, and I cheer up again. |
A shutout performance calls for a brilliant display between the pipes and Bill was right on the job. |
That these Bidentals, as Mr. Owen more comprehensively calls them, are amongst the earliest reptiles, has been somewhat rashly assumed. |
Some people are worried about marketing calls at dinnertime or junk mail or spam, while others are more concerned about Big Brother. |
The development of a typesetting program suite for general bookwork calls for very close cooperation between typographer and programmer. |
Many experts now advise consumers to use a prepaid calling card to save money on long distance calls while staying in a hotel. |
The painting calls to mind the description in Xenophon of how the animal was driven into the net and killed. |
Still, while most Japanese may not care for the meat, many object to calls to stop whaling. |
Even so, the score calls for Thai gongs, African balaphone and Caribbean cencerros, among others. |
She calls on the neighbours, she's out half the time and doesn't answer the telephone, and when I start cribbing she just laughs. |
The letter's false intent trumps any truths within, which one would expect of a woman who disingenuously calls herself Fidessa. |
Curiously, Aliph calls this earware rather than a headset, hence the comparison to sunglasses. |
Underground armies operate in the large cities enturbulating the police with false information through anonymous phone calls and letters. |
The Front National won the French elections with calls for an immediate restoration of the franc and a referendum on Frexit. |
The emergency cars still answer all routine calls and one night a gentlehanded surgeon found himself helping to disarm a maniac with a shotgun. |
The Parliamentarians' calls for further reforms were ignored by Charles, who still retained the support of the House of Lords. |
There were also calls to change the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2013 from Sri Lanka to another member country. |
Cameron reiterated calls for an independent investigation into the alleged war crimes during the final stages of the Sri Lankan Civil War. |
Arthur Henderson resigned from the Cabinet in 1917 amid calls for party unity to be replaced by George Barnes. |
Because of this, there were calls from some in UKIP for a voting reform in favour of proportional representation. |
In January 2012 Simon Hughes, the deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, supported calls for a devolved English parliament. |
Nearby the West Coast Main Line runs through Berkhamsted and the Midland Main Line with First Capital Connect calls at Luton. |
Although a fictitious event, at least six calls were made to GMPTE asking if services had been affected. |
Long-standing custom calls for referring to the town chairman as mayor, even though we don't have a mayor. |
After the elections of December 1970, calls for the independence of Bangladesh became stronger. |
A massive civil disobedience movement erupted across East Pakistan, with open calls for independence. |
Furthermore, this Baptist polity calls for freedom from governmental control. |
Gildas calls Alban a martyr of Verulamium but says he crossed the river Thames prior to his execution, during the persecution of Diocletian. |
Despite calls for reform, the church in the late 15th century was medieval in tradition. |
He calls for legislators to determine whether punishment creates an even more evil offence. |
Fonteyn and Nureyev became known for inspiring repeated frenzied curtain calls and bouquet tosses. |
The film's darker and more violent plot elicited calls for cuts by the British Board of Film Classification. |
Alice scoffs and calls the dormouse's accusation ridiculous because everyone grows and she cannot help it. |
There was further calls for subsequent Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games. |
The referee also replaces the colours on the table when necessary and calls out how many points the player has scored during a break. |
Since its founding, there have been many calls for reform of the UN but little consensus on how to do so. |
Injuries and other midmatch dramas are hardly unusual for Jankovic, who calls on trainers with regularity. |
Following the referendum there were calls for greater unity within Scottish Unionism and to vote tactically against Nationalist candidates. |
In a serious lapse of security, assistance only arrived after two calls to the Palace police switchboard. |
There are calls for an extra 10bn annually to be spent on the Health Service to match health spending in other advanced European nations. |
In return, calls for a total embargo were abandoned, and the existing restrictions adopted by member states against South Africa were lifted. |
There were calls for Foster to resign as First Minister after the scandal broke. |
Hegarty's mother Rose appeared on the programme to tell of telephone calls to McGuinness and of Hegarty's subsequent execution. |
In recent years there have been repeated calls for reform, most arguing for a move to only two verdicts. |
This situation led to objections from the other republics and calls for the reform of the Yugoslav Federation. |
Caroline Lucas' Private Member's Bill calls for the end of franchising altogether. |
The Halifax Hurricanes of the National Basketball League of Canada is another team that calls Nova Scotia home, and were 2016 league champions. |
He is viewed as a personal god who responds whenever a person in need or distress calls him. |
It is a historical position of the church that any disciplined theological work calls for the careful use of reason. |
This created a climate of intolerance that led to calls for jobs to be preserved for Protestants. |
There have also been calls from the public for a permanent statue of him to be erected in Cardiff. |
Since then she has created a variety of multireel stories she calls Vladmasters, which she sells and presents in public performances. |
Following calls for a new location to be found, the government accepted an offer of funds from the philanthropist William Henry Alexander. |
This led to calls from fans and players for international matches to be held at smaller stadiums. |
There have been calls by South African church leaders over the past months for the fence to be switched off permanently. |
Dey calls it 'Who'd 'a' Thought It,' 'ca'se you nebber would 'a' thought of puttin' a house dere. |
First, it calls attention to the neoracists, who exploit the results of demographic research for their evil propaganda. |
Edward's invasion fleet also mustered there, having received calls to assemble as far back as the previous month. |
From the fifteenth century, Renaissance humanism encouraged critical theological reflection and calls for ecclesiastical renewal in Scotland. |
The deteriorating economic position of Scotland led to calls for a favourable political union, or at least a customs union, with England. |
Cleaning up after identity theft can be a nightmare of phone calls and letters. |
One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name. |
This has had a dramatic effect on property prices and has also led to calls for improvements in services and infrastructure in the area. |
The skip evaluates the path of the stone and calls to the sweepers to sweep as necessary to maintain the intended track. |
The Annals record no great details of the death, but where the B text calls Gwriad Rhodri's brother, the A text has him as Rhodri's son instead. |
By 1879, however, Fothergill was in financial difficulties and there were calls for him to step aside. |
Rejecting calls to completely remake the street grid, San Franciscans opted for speed. |
Both parents attack potential predators with alarm calls and striking with talons. |
In the UK there have also been calls for a cull from some fishermen, claiming that stocks have declined due to the seals. |
As Canada developed, in 1890 calls were made for a mint to be built in Ottawa to facilitate the country's gold mines. |
There are calls for the reintroduction of Corsham station due to recent growth of the town. |
Student protests at UCNW in the 1970s focused mainly on calls to expand the role of the Welsh language. |
He calls the decennial Lambeth Conference, chairs the meeting of primates, and the Anglican Consultative Council. |
Before the five required daily prayers, a muezzin calls the worshippers to prayer from the minaret. |
There have been calls for the country to be represented by its own national team as in other sports. |
In November 2002, scientists recorded calls in the presence of sei whales off Maui. |
The whistles and pulsed calls that pilot whales make seem not to fall into distinct types, but rather can be arranged on a continuum. |
Recent studies have found that a large portion of their vocal repertoire is made up of calls produced in repeated sequences. |
Newborns produce calls similar to their mothers, but have a more limited repertoire. |
The sled dogs' barking is speculated to have sounded enough like seal calls to trigger the killer whale's hunting curiosity. |
The calls appear to contain prefixes and suffixes that serve to emphasize a message. |
Some calls have around seven rhythm patterns and are comparable to birdsongs and whalesongs. |
Similar calls have been recorded in other lobodontine seals and in bearded seals. |
While most vocals are audible to the human ear, a captive leopard seal was recorded making ultrasonic calls underwater. |
They make grunting and chuckling sounds while eating and guttural calls during the breeding season. |
Gulls defend their territories from rivals of both sexes through calls and aerial attacks. |
This membrane, when shaken, is able to produce various sounds and calls depending on whether the seal is underwater or on land. |
For instance, in law enforcement it may refer to collecting large volumes of telephone call records hoping to find calls made by suspects. |
According to Dudo, Rollo struck up a friendship in England with a king that Dudo calls Alstem. |
The port also sees various cruise ship calls bringing visitors to the Dorset area. |
But Representative Ron Paul of Texas, who calls himself a paleolibertarian, came closest. |
Kits make warbling whimpers when nursing, these calls being especially loud when they are dissatisfied. |
Ultrasonic calls play a part in social communication between dormice and are used when the individuals are out of sight of each other. |
Bat calls are some of the most intense, airborne animal sounds, and can range in intensity from between 60 and 140 decibels. |
Bats are among the most vocal of mammals and produce calls to attract mates, find roost partners and defend resources. |
Male hammerheaded bats produce deep, resonating, monotonous calls to attract females. |
After nine days of plague, Achilles, the leader of the Myrmidon contingent, calls an assembly to deal with the problem. |
The next morning, Telemachus calls an assembly of citizens of Ithaca to discuss what should be done with the suitors. |
Edward Gibbon, for instance, calls the sea by this name throughout The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. |
This early evidence of human expansion calls into question behavioral modernity as an impetus for migration. |
Radio Dispatch Officers are located at both sites and deploy police officers following calls for service from the Call Handlers. |
Call Handlers are regularly faced with calls for service where a person is feeling suicidal and has called the police for help. |
Other areas may have a mix of the two systems, where drivers may respond to radio calls and also pick up street fares. |
Instead the customers' calls are forwarded to the cell phones of whichever drivers are on duty at the time. |
Bird and other animal species produce music such as calls to attract mates. |
Polite dinner calls for persiflage rather than in-depth possibly offensive discussion. |
Prairie dogs similarly have complex calls that signal the type, size, and speed of an approaching predator. |
These mountains, stretching from near the upper Elbe to the headwaters of the Vistula, he calls the Askibourgian mountains. |
In the 6th century Jordanes named two tribes, which he calls the Suehans and the Suetidi, who lived in Scandza. |
The Consularia Italica calls him king of the Heruli, while Theophanes appears to be guessing when he calls him a Goth. |
The first, the Canterbury Charm from Canterbury, England, calls upon Thor to heal a wound by banishing a thurs. |
Hobbes further calls the American Indians an example of a contemporary people living in such a state. |
In his first edition, he expressly calls attention to Rask's essay, and praises it ungrudgingly. |
Despite calls for rational thought and action, Italy, Prussia, and Austria continued to rush toward armed conflict. |
In his preface, the compiler calls himself a knight, and states that he was born and bred in England, in the town of St Albans. |
The national constitution calls for the measures to give it parity with Portuguese. |
It also puts up what it calls precinct money, the small bankroll a worker carries and spends on election day and the few days before. |
Females communicate with their young with moans and chuffs, and the distress calls of both cubs and subadults consists of bleats. |
The Christchurch Police Communications Centre handles all emergency and general calls within the South Island. |
There have been increasing calls for revision of the Book of Alternative Services. |
Chapter 22 describes the appropriate use of oaths and solemn vows, which are part of religious worship because the person calls upon God. |
Male putty-nosed monkeys in Nigeria have been observed stringing together calls of pyow and hack. |
Despite the wide use of the death penalty, calls for reform were not unknown. |
Some calls for reform stress the difficulties encountered by potential claimants. |
The judge calls out the names of the anonymously challenged prospective jurors and those return to the pool for consideration in other trials. |
In very rare cases, the court may not call on counsel for the appellant and instead calls directly on counsel for the respondent. |
An association of doctors in Zimbabwe has made calls for President Mugabe to make moves to assist the ailing health service. |
Formally, the motion that follows the speech merely calls on parliament to thank the monarch or viceroy via an Address in Reply. |
The United Church of Christ in the United States also calls their main governing body a General Synod. |
Innovative entrepreneurs may be more likely to experience what psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow. |
The Waltham Fire Department currently responds to over 8,000 emergency calls annually. |
Ulverston calls itself a 'festival town' in reference to the many and varied festivals which take place in Ulverston over the course of the year. |
Use of heritage infrastructure and operations often calls for assigning roles based on historical occupations to the railway staff. |
The Brighton Main Line calls at mostly unskipped stops Horley and Redhill before reaching either London Bridge or London Victoria. |
The purpose of Mundy's poems was to resist calls for the enclosure of the forest. |
Northern's stopping service between Manchester and Stoke calls at Macclesfield. |
It is also believed that if someone calls one from behind, never turn back and see because the spirit may catch the human to make it a spirit. |
By 1986 there were calls for the full privatisation of the Forestry Commission and its estate. |
Republicans robo-called Americans during their dinner and evening hours, blaming the annoying calls on Democrats. |
Prescott's sister calls him a scaredy kitten because he's afraid of the dark. |
He's living west of the river with George Gharboneaux and his sister Marie on that scrabbly little thing George calls a ranch. |
But I ultimately discovered how these sleazoids got my number, and got the calls to stop. |
Holmes calls these active vents solfataras, so evidently we are at the type locality for this kind of thing. |
The teacher then calls on each one of the tagged to identify his tagger. If a student cannot guess correctly, he must sit down. |
Tail calls can be implemented without the need for an additional frame on the call stack. |
Christ calls for large ideas, bold enterprise, heavy undertakings, brave adventure, and heroic plunging into the thick of things. |
She calls herself a novelist, but she only has a few short stories to her name. |
Talk about tough titties! They're hard, like Rolf. Waldi, the singer, calls one Briinhilde although she's really Hanni. |
Gaddafi's calls for unity and stability are at odds with his track record of backing rebellions. |
But it does not contribute to the uberty of reasoning, which far more calls for solicitous care. |
Mr. Andrews... also finds three primitive laws or fundamental principles of universology, which he calls Unism, Duism, and Trinism. |
Aidance Skincare recently introduced what it calls the first natural acne care product. |
Picture what the Episcopal Bishop Claude Payne calls the apostolates of the laity, the clergy, and the judicatories. |
He now pledges to keep the levy intact despite calls by the Socialists to abandon it as asocially unfaira. |
We play a game she calls zoomy rocket, which usually draws some nasty maternal stares. |
Despite his public calls for reform, Bashar al-Assad grew up in the confines of his father's Ba'athist system. |
The arrangement calls for AAM to function as the product sponsor and distributor, while Cutwater serves as the portfolio consultant. |
I think one of the wake-up calls our people are going to have over time is when they have to learn to speak languages other than their own. |
In the emotionally charged Immolation Scene that concludes the opera, the former Walkyrie calls for her steed, Grane. |
They recorded 626 hours of songs, with 26,545 calls of Antarctic blue whale analysed in real time, said lead acoustician Brian Miller. |
Critic Malcolm Jones calls it a big-hearted novel that you shouldn't miss. |
The scheme calls for building five solar power plants, including two in Western Sahara. |
Melvyn Sacks and Jeffrey Karpel, defense attorneys for the Wieners, didn't return phone calls seeking comment. |
And instead of white flour pasta, this recipe calls for brown rice pasta. |
Dr Langton, who calls himself an occasional investor, chose a few renewable energy companies such as Alkane Energy and Biofuels. |
The pullback appears to have been interpreted as a long entry point by options traders, who are piling into WYN calls this afternoon. |
This Breazeale calls the 'phenomenological-synthetic' method, thus denoting both its performative and its ampliative nature. |
But I have no desire to go on casting calls or any of that stuff. |
Characteristics, use, and possible functions of the perch songs and chatter calls of male Common Yellowthroats. |
The HS Strut Champion Yelper, Li'l Strut and Field Champion box calls are designed to work in the wettest conditions. |