It brings together juniors and infants on one site, rather than a quarter of a mile apart on opposite sides of busy Bag Lane. |
Bag him at a rate of 30. Check for breath sounds bilaterally. |
An acned teenager with his hand in a bag of nacho-flavored Doritos was whispering to another kid who was reading Lolita and picking his nose. |
If you air out your sleeping bag after you use it, it will smell better the next time you get in. |
A debagger breaks the bag, liberates material, and automatically removes bag from the material to be sorted. |
I got my bag out of the checkroom when the performance ended. |
It was going to be a surprise party until someone let the cat out of the bag. |
No on had time to answer, for just then all frogdom seemed to croak inquiringly, in answer to the sounds coming from the burlap bag. |
All I have is a sleeping bag right now. All my money goes to keep up the cars. |
When he saw what was happening he threw down his bag, gollied up some phlegm, and spat into the sand. |
Putting your phone in a sandwich bag when you go to the beach is such a great hack. |
It is the largest tea bag factory in the world and makes 18 billion tea bags a year. |
The other crows call her sweetling and hushling, and give her cigarette ends to put in her little bag. |
It's not a great fashion statement, but in a pinch a large trash bag will keep you dry. |
The first bomb, a black bag containing dynamite, was discovered by a visitor on the steps towards the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft. |
My sleeping bag fell off my backpack into the water, while we were knapsacking up the mountain. |
You've got a huge ladder in your stockings. I've got a spare pair in my bag, come to the Ladies and you can change. |
Mix four pounds magnesium sulfate with a bag of your favorite lawn food that covers 2,500 square feet. |
Dust is removed from the airstream by the bag, and usually a filter, before it passes through the fan. |
This is in marked contrast to filter bag systems, which lose suction when pores in the filter become clogged as dirt and dust are collected. |
Atmospheric pressure then pushes the air through the carpet and into the nozzle, and so the dust is literally pushed into the bag. |
Some have a grass catcher attachment at the opening to bag the grass clippings. |
A rear bag mower features an opening on the back of the mower through which the grass is expelled into the bag. |
He bought two McDonald's in a bag and took them to the Social Services place. |
For instance, a dollar will buy you a bag of chips, a soda, or get you a closer gander at a stripper's meat curtains. |
In 2016, The British Museum moved its bag searches to marquees in the front courtyard and beside the rear entrance. |
A golf bag is used to transport golf clubs and the player's other or personal equipment. |
But I feel like 40 miles of bad road. I pull the sleeping bag over my head and curl my body around knobs of rock and tussocks of blueberries. |
Mm-hmm. And they would still be wrapped up if Tandy hadn't threatened to haul the bag out to the trash bin along with my mom's boxes. |
Some assemblies never send an offering bag round the congregation, even at the Breaking of Bread meeting. |
He also designed a shopping bag for the Lucky Brand Jeans company for the holiday season. |
I drove home with the mystery bag on the seat beside me. I was going to do as he asked and wait until I got home to open it. |
Along with the remains of the ancient ruler were found burial treasures which include a bronze and gold dagger, a wooden bowl and a leather bag. |
The English already knew the details of this planned shipment from a paper found in a bag at Flodden field. |
The fish is stored in a branched bag in the throat and does not cause drag when in flight. |
A modern set has a bag, a chanter, a blowpipe, two tenor drones, and one bass drone. |
From 1995 to 2008, the city had a blue bag program to divert recyclable refuse from landfills. |
Because of low participation in the blue bag programs, the city began a pilot program for blue bin recycling like other cities. |
Typical of the north are the traditional bag pipers or gaiteros, mainly in Asturias and Galicia. |
You're entitled to bring a bag weighing fifty pounds onto the airplane, and will be charged extra for any overage. |
Now, those little ends of the bag above the running stitches, are to be overhanded together. |
They form a bag or pocket made from a pelt and a badger or other animal's mask may be used as a flap. |
He gave Odysseus a leather bag containing all the winds, except the west wind, a gift that should have ensured a safe return home. |
Just as Ithaca came into sight, the greedy sailors naively opened the bag while Odysseus slept, thinking it contained gold. |
Her mother stuffed a peanut butter and jelly into a bag and turned to look at Emily. |
Vacuum bag moulding uses a flexible film to enclose the part and seal it from outside air. |
A vacuum is then drawn on the vacuum bag and atmospheric pressure compresses the part during the cure. |
When a tube shaped bag is used, the entire part can be enclosed within the bag. |
When bagged in this way, the lower mold is a rigid structure and the upper surface of the part is formed by the flexible membrane vacuum bag. |
This process can be performed at either ambient or elevated temperature with ambient atmospheric pressure acting upon the vacuum bag. |
When using a tube shaped bag, the ends of the bag are sealed and the air is drawn out of the bag through a nipple using a vacuum pump. |
Carbon fibre fabric and fibreglass, along with resins and epoxies are common materials laminated together with a vacuum bag operation. |
The piece, or pieces to be glued are placed into the bag and the ends sealed. |
One method of sealing the open ends of the bag is by placing a clamp on each end of the bag. |
A plastic rod is laid across the end of the bag, the bag is then folded over the rod. |
This procedure forms a seal at both ends of the bag, when the vacuum is ready to be drawn. |
The platen must have rounded edges and corners to prevent the vacuum from tearing the bag. |
This process is related to vacuum bag molding in exactly the same way as it sounds. |
Over the last year I have dined with our Brown Bag Sommelier and he has prepared some tastings for our dining group. |
The 83-year-old man answered a knock at the door of the house in Bag Lane, Atherton, without putting the security chain on because he thought it was a taxi they had ordered. |
The gift of angpow was placed beside the basin. When my mum was walking out, the bomoh took the angpow and put in into his cloth bag. |
In early February the North China Marines arrived, bag and baggage, decked out with full uniforms, overcoats and fur-lined hats. |
The summer camp was being dismantled, and the tribe, bag and baggage, was preparing to go off to the fall hunting. |
If small baglike objects are hanging on your evergreens or trees, each bag covered with bits of leaves or stems, you have bagworms. |
One had spent much time in Queensland. Ah! he said, fingering my jacket. Australian bag of fruit. |
I was expecting the tearful ticking off, the girlish recriminations and all the rest of the bag of tricks along those lines. |
Instead of to the credit side of my account he had put the whole bag of tricks to my debit. |
I wrapped the wad of small bills inside about thirty Bordens from Luc's bag. |
A cardboard cakebox on the cold counter would be the swap bag and when next seen it would have a cake in it. |
He stepped back and opened his bag and took out a printed pad of D.O.A. forms and began to write over a carbon. |
Bottles of rye, purgative waters and eaux for every conceivable toilette made a companionable click in his worn carpet bag. |
I was giving him craisins and he started to stick his head in the bag looking for more. |
Pulling out a letter from her dorothy bag she beguiled the tediousness of waiting by perusing distraitly its contents. |
Same thing with the plastic bag, which has grown so ubiquitous, it's well on the way to turning Earth into one vast dumpsite. |
I've long faunched for these, and they turned out to be better constructed than I expected, and even included a padded carry bag. |
Pooley's eyes suddenly alighted upon a half empty bag of cement which lay among a few unused red flettons in the corner of the patio. |
A forepack carried over the saddlebags contained a gas mask, hand spade, food bag, field flask and cooking utensils. |
The police frisked the suspiciously-acting individual and found a knife as well as a bag of marijuana. |
A maximum of 14 clubs is allowed in a player's bag at one time during a stipulated round. |
The usual handout was a sugar bag of salt beef and some niki niki tobacco. |
Fig. 7. A set of bandileers, with powder flask, and bullet bag. |
After the accident, he just vanished and left me holding the bag. |
Bag filters with blowback cleaning are best suited to regrind or dusty materials. |
His hands padded down the bag almost violently, searching for some trace of what the tarp must certainly be hiding, but found all he had was the tarp. |
The bag seethed in her hand, not unpleasantly, as computational monofilaments shifted and flowed under her touch until they cradled the palps of her fingers. |
The Wee Bag Band thought it was a joke, but found they had impressed a talent scout at a folk festival in Skegness, Lincs. |
The bloke's suit looked made-to-order for someone else's body, not so much a bag of fruit as a crate of it, and his hat band was twice the normal width, more like a bandana. |
A TASSLE BAG Tassles are big news this season, adorning coats, tops and shoes everywhere we look. |
Daly went to his bag of tricks and found, what else, a way to win. |
Keykegs deliver the product under gas pressure, but it is internally held in plastic bag, rather like a wine box, so that the gas does not affect the beer. |
Cycle times for a helmet bag moulding machine vary from 20 to 45 minutes, but the finished shells require no further curing if the molds are heated. |
He wanted to usher her into the flat but the bin bag made the action potentially dangerous, so rather than sending her flailing off back down the staircase he went on in. |
We have more boxes of books and paraphernalia than I would have thought possible. Almost every inch of space is taken up with a box or bin bag of stuff. |
The Inquiry concluded that the last four months of her life had been spent in a black bin bag in the bath in an unheated bathroom, lying in her own urine and excrement. |
The module and attached collection tube were then transported in a sealed bag to the laboratory, where they were further processed under a biohood. |
The bladderpod is a pretty bush. It has loads of bright yellow flowers and the punching bag seed pods that give it its name. But, to be honest, it stinks! |
Vesalius and others, make it a Peculiarity to Man, that the Pericardium, or Bag that incloses the Heart, should be fastned to the Diaphragm. |
Did you attend the brown bag Tuesday on healthy exercise habits? |
I also became frustrated with the stuff sack's built-in mud flap, which folds out of the burritolike bag to provide a dry working space, but mostly just got in my way. |
During the jury trial he testified that a fan had given him a vial of what he thought was legal medication, which he put in his bag not knowing what was in it. |
Tomatoes that are not yet ripe can be kept in a paper bag till ripening. |
Golf bags have both a hand strap and shoulder strap for carrying, and sometimes have retractable legs that allow the bag to stand upright when at rest. |
But, overturning the 1961 coronial finding, Victorian coroner John Olle ruled Ms Kramer's mother, Phyllis Loomes, had put the bag over Margaret's head. |
The Ice Bag, a parachutelike swell of nylon cloth capped by polyester resin, is an oversized, mechanized version of the classic headache remedy. |
I had nothing to fear, deathwise, from a stupid wolf. I threw myself at the fur bag, wrapping my left arm around his neck, and with my right hand clawed his eyes. |
I don't mean to bag you out, but that top is really not flattering on you. |
Owning a car is a mixed bag. It is convenient, but also costly. |
I'm just going to duck into the loo for a minute, can you hold my bag? |
Vacuum bag material is available in a tube shape or a sheet of material. |
Place your bag by the entrance so that you can find it easily. |
For instance. when a cell phone is found. proper forensic protocol may call for it to be placed in a Faraday bag, which prevents stray signals from going in or out. |
The Pearly Bag of the Three Caverns continues the parallel of an adherent's quest. |
I stayed in this hotel last year, I hated it, it's a flea bag. |
Bag a butterfly, splash out on blues, whip up some wallpaper and show a well-turned leg if you want your home to be bang on trend this year. |
In short we subconsciously experience certain signs as symbols. A good example are the white lilies in 'Incarnation'. The woman has gathered flowerpetals in a plastic bag. |
The Bark n Bag Jetway is a designer-styled carrier for dogs and cats that's designed to look amazing without an inflated price. |
She would sit here sometimes, perched on a bag of concrete looking at the big lumps of four by two and imagining what she might do with them if she had a chance. |
Place whole, unpeeled knobs of ginger in a zipper-lock freezer bag for up to 3 months. Slice or break off what you need and return the rest to the freezer. |
While industrial fishing is often effectively controlled, smaller scale and recreational fishermen can often break regulations such as bag limits and seasonal closures. |
We poured a bag of chocolate chips into the cookie dough mixture. |
Using form as a criterion for adverbhood leaves us with a highly mixed bag of forms with little in common, such as HOWEVER, OFTEN, NOT, VERY, MORE, EVEN, OUT, DOWNSTAIRS, etc. |
A Gladstone bag, a light travelling bag, is named after him. |
Blanford could hear his creation tearing open a bag of potato chips and starting to champ them as he reflected furiously upon these all too alembicated ideas. |
As a result, uniform pressure approaching one atmosphere is applied to the surfaces of the object inside the bag, holding parts together while the adhesive cures. |
Mac turned to the bed and pulled a handful of Nokias from the bag. 'We need those charged,' said Mac as he headed off to find the communal shower block. |
With that system, it's a grab bag which files we can find at any moment. |
Bag mask ventilation was reattempted but this proved to be more difficult than when used prior to laryngoscopy. |
Typically, polyurethane or vinyl materials are used to make the bag. |
Regulations were introduced to restrict the size, amount of catch, fishing locations and bag limits for recreational fishers as well as commercial fishers. |
These measures include fishing quotas, bag limits, licensing, closed seasons, size limits and the creation of marine reserves and other marine protected areas. |
Just about the only way out is for him to be sealed in a giant Jiffy Bag and posted because diplomatic parcels cannot be opened by foreign police. |
The Bag Man is a classic example of how to waste a stellar cast. |
Newly promoted Carrier Bag provided the opposition, a team who have gained some momentum over the past couple of weeks after some fine performances. |