Superlative for aggressively ambitious or determined
“This Edgware Road Knight of the Yard-stick was a pushing young man, anxious for business.”
Superlative for pushy or aggressively assertive or brash
“They were said to be arrogant, pushing and cocky, talking loudly while gesticulating.”
Superlative for interfering or meddling in the affairs of others
“That turbulent, pushing busybody Winston is going to split our Party.”
Superlative for determined and assertive in nature
(of a person or performance) Superlative for energetic in nature
Superlative for beginning to attract attention or critical acclaim
Superlative for being in effective or current operation, action, or force
Superlative for having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others
Superlative for holding independent and arbitrary powers of government