Opposite of to search unsystematically and untidily through something
Opposite of to search carefully and systematically
Opposite of to make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune
Opposite of to search through something in a hurried way
(in a place) Opposite of to look thoroughly for something
“Hamish thought it would be funny to hide in a cave, but began to panic when he got lost.”
Opposite of to sing, especially loudly and enthusiastically
Opposite of to walk in a leisurely way
Opposite of to search or rummage through something
Opposite of an evil or mischievous spirit
(folklore, fantasy fiction) Opposite of a mischievous, ugly creature resembling a dwarf
Opposite of a strange, horrible, and often frightening being
“Then an angel appears before her, wings the color of a warm serene morning, etched and lined with gold.”
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