Opposite of superlative for full of life and energy
“Increasingly, however, he was becoming listless and withdrawn, refusing invitations to play and grooming himself disconsolately.”
(of a place or atmosphere) Opposite of superlative for full of life, spirit, energy, or movement
“It was seven in the morning in the sleepy town where time floated like a blanket of clouds in the sky.”
(of a debate or discussion) Opposite of superlative for stimulating strong views on a topic or subject
“For a few minutes, Alex and I listen to a boring discussion on symbolism, which seems to drag on forever.”
Opposite of superlative for bright and vivid
“An artist, by using drab colors and bold strokes of the brush, can suggest a negative feeling about a scene.”
Opposite of superlative for at a quick or fast speed
“Roper asked the pilot to take a slow turn around the borders of the ranch.”
(British, ironic) Opposite of superlative for difficult or challenging
“Instead of conducive tasks, the lessons contain mainly homogenous and easy tasks.”
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