To accord someone with a unique gesture
“The benevolent gladiator shows his opponent mercy by sparing his life.”
To establish or stipulate as a previous condition
“The contract is rigid and provides that the work will be well done.”
To be or to provide an advantage to
“Exercising regularly benefits your health.”
Opposite of to refuse or say no to
“I accept your apology for breaking the vase.”
Opposite of to become smaller, weaker, or less important
“I needed to demonstrate I could improve my output before I could be elevated to the senior team.”
Opposite of to go to a lower level, especially abruptly
“The temperature will increase in the coming months as we move towards spring and summer.”
Opposite of plural for a gradual and continuous loss of strength, numbers, quality, or value
“The rise in our revenue this month is cause for optimism.”
Opposite of plural for a downward or declining slope or surface
“The bicyclist braced himself for a hard slog upon encountering an unexpectedly steep incline.”
Related Words and Phrases