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What does bequeath mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word bequeath? Here's what it means.

  1. (law) To give or leave by will; to give by testament.
  2. To hand down; to transmit.
  3. To give; to offer; to commit.
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A woman may also bequeath her pension to her children in accordance with the law.
If we do not invest as of now in the responsible management of these resources, what will there be left for us to bequeath to our children?
He gave his overcoat to an alcoholic panhandler on the street in return for a promise that the man would bequeath him his liver for research.
I bequeath three-fiftieths thereof to my niece Louisa, daughter of my brother Amos.
All the residue of my estate, including real and personal property, I give, devise, and bequeath to Earlham College.
The bit we like best is the idea that tax relief is available today for money that donors agree to bequeath to charities on their death.

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