He looked into my eyes and smiled his big brown eyes just glowing with this new radiance. |
Cottonseeds treated with this would yield 20 quintals per acre, a quantity farmers do not dream of even with the best of the BT-Cotton seeds. |
If you can only find whole chipotles, puree 2-3 peppers along with some adobo in a blender to proceed with this recipe. |
I turned around, and when I was turning I saw just someone was running by me, and he just, like, whacked me with this long black stick. |
In the meantime, we'll be acquainting ourselves with this super-duper whatchamacallit! |
Mobile phone bills can be very expensive, but for some reason most of us just put up with this as a fact of life. |
For simple systems like roulette wheels, turbulent fluids, and stock markets, I have a lot of experience with this. |
She got away with this, but are we to be mercilessly reduced to cogs in the wheels of medical care systems over which we have lost all control? |
In order to cope with this dilemma, the authorities decided to remove the signs on Friday, but not to advertise the fact. |
We quote below a message which will represent your first advices in connection with this incident. |
I had this idea of him being loud and brash when in fact he's laidback and quiet with this fantastic wit. |
For the weekend, I'll leave you with this, from another Yorkshireman who might have occasionally been something of a ranter. |
She's as clean as a whistle, but you, you obviously had something to do with this mess. |
Sandstones with this component contain authigenic hematite intergrown with kaolinite and illite and replacing muscovite. |
This honeyed, concentrated, sweet and sour style white is perfect with this dish. |
You will need bold summer food to cope with this sweet, hefty, toasty, nutty white. |
One method of helping students with this is to provide a daily agenda on the bulletin board, whiteboard, or on a projection screen. |
I also managed to connect the water butts together with this brilliant set of tube and washers that James' dad suggested we get. |
And if you wanna join him for a psychedelic freakout session then you can always have a word with this guy. |
Only the techiest of aficionados will find complaint with this video presentation. |
To help with this, forensic teams have been working flat out to gather DNA and fingerprint evidence. |
Those wishing to be associated with this venture can contact either of the aforementioned. |
The Lord strips her of this robe of honour, accursing her with this penalty. |
I'd better keep in with everyone because I wouldn't like to be fighting for my place with this great minor team coming up. |
New ideas are not always readily accepted, and so it was with this dialogical project. |
Regular use of aspirin or acetaminophen together with this anticoagulant may also increase the risk of bleeding. |
It will enable the Government to fudge things much more because the output classes can be aggregated with this legislation. |
The controlling group needs to know they are going to be on a sticky wicket with this. |
We're just coming to the realization that, in fact, surprise, surprise, our president actually has something to do with this. |
It is about time the council dealt with this widespread contamination once and for all. |
Free-motion machine embroidery, quilting and monogramming are all easier with this unique needle. |
The director has you on the edge of your seat from go to whoa with this slick, totally cool adaptation of the thriller. |
After he went down from Cambridge, RVW retained friendly links with this group. |
I was going out with this guy for two years and all that time he had been seeing another girl. |
The trouble with this new level of competition is that there wasn't really enough talent to go round. |
There is a snag with this product for owners who have dependants living with them, be they able-bodied or disabled. |
Swimmers with this body type are more muscular, thick-chested with broad shoulders and a smaller waist. |
I keep dreaming I'm camping with this gorgeous woman, sometimes in army tents, sometimes in mountain tents, sometimes in wigwams. |
I'm sure you agree with this philosophy, despite how painful it must be in this case. |
Moving in association with this dust are an estimated 2 quadrillion microorganisms. |
So, be careful with this CD-ROM set as you should be with the answer key in any math textbook. |
I now use a cream, with this supplement, which is rubbed onto my body twice daily in order to rebalance the oestrogen-progesterone balance. |
The trouble with this argument is that all the people I know who work overtime are broke! |
Launched with this jumbo team aboard for a test flight, the aircraft failed to gain height. |
He also submits that if the report is not admitted then there is no evidence to rebut his claim for summary judgment with this latter submission. |
A southern jessie like myself would surely cut no sway with this Teesside Boadicea in Vivienne Westwood. |
The war on terrorism had something to do with this increase, but it doesn't account for all of it. |
Visible choices on divestments or acquisitions should be seen to fit with this rationale. |
What exactly he intended with this disgusting waste of celluloid is a complete mystery. |
We're talking massively complicated stuff that I wouldn't even fathom creating myself, and I'm not half bad with this stuff. |
The fact that Colmes, who is demonstrably brighter than that, can sit there and shuck and jive with this fool says a lot about him. |
Brimming with this new dash of energy, Darteil just needed one more psychological push. |
They'll be radioing with this transmitter before their most recent message gets to the Bruton Corridor. |
You can't spot the joins between the spontaneous and the prepared, so comfortable are they with this uniquely intimate form of theatre. |
Aside from constantly bagging out Cameron Diaz and publicly jonesing for a Spears wedding, she was involved with this gem. |
While I'm right there with the player that rage-quits a session with this game, I'll also be the first to defend it. |
In line with this trend, King Louie is launching a new pima cotton golf shirt with raglan sleeves for 2003, the Saddlebrook. |
Plans can be rejected if found to be not in accord with this process and regional heads face sanctions depending on the severity of the mistake. |
Indeed, the lack of judicious editing is the most obvious problem with this book. |
Note that I am in no way disrespecting Asia, Asians or Asian products with this name. |
Do you sir, agree with this punishment which would involve the admonishment of a member of your own party? |
The negotiations have gotten nowhere, and I see no reason to continue with this pointless exercise. |
Any sign of an impulse toward moderation or conciliation will only hurt Pawlenty with this crowd. |
We aren't going to fix our broken job market, or our government finances, with this kind of anemic growth. |
The problems with this concept include the role of food enzymes in digestion, their survival through gastric acidity and the notion of a body pool of enzymes. |
Without going into too much research, it is clear that the reason that we were landed with this road is simply because vested interests won the day. |
There also proved to be a court order forbidding him from ever having anything to do with this particular relative. |
The morphology of Archaeopteryx, with large wings and tail, but no sternal keel, and with semi-lunate carpal in the wrist, is consistent with this model. |
Vegetative tissues which are able to survive desiccation to an air-dry state have mechanisms that cope with this potentially lethal mechanical stress. |
The constitutional problem with this ruling, experts say, is that it places an extra burden on women for being pregnant. |
All statistical models were consistent with this finding except for one, which categorized patients by quintile and showed no mortality difference in the first quintile. |
And she chose the dinner party where he was the guest to belabor him with this abuse. |
Along with this, many other native games are also on their way out. |
Most chemists were not concerned with this detail because during the first half of the eighteenth century chemistry was not concerned with quantitative analysis. |
It was a fine achievement and I hope the singers enjoyed singing it as much as I enjoyed the opportunity of renewing my acquaintance with this excellent piece. |
Shouldn't we be working on getting in touch with this technology so that we can keep track of children and young people who are absent from school? |
However, the difficulties encountered with this approach are one of the major reasons justifying the retention of the Fair Trading Act provisions discussed below. |
What humans choose to do with this shapeless primordial stuff leaking through the cracks can often be almost comical. |
Every woman made her web and bleached it herself, and the price never rose higher than 2 shillings a yard, and with this cloth almost everyone was clothed. |
You feel gypped when most bands play shorthanded, but not with this lot. |
There they were, kicking it with George Stephanopoulos, when Dowd burst out with this observation on the Shutdown Showdown. |
I leave you with this motto don't be dim, use a wheelie bin. |
Other bands might get away with this on intensity alone, but Harcourt's straightforward, predictable manner leaves his wan material desperately lacking. |
I have to say that I don't agree with this from a moral viewpoint. |
Measurement of hydrides with this absorptiometer is performed as follows. |
Not that the demonstration had anything to do with this couple, whom Sarah seems to see as a fairy tale come to life. |
Well, on top of everything else with this show, you now have bragging rights. |
Of course, Eisenberg will be pushing himself outside of his comfort zone with this new, challenging role. |
The CIA Publication Review Board has required that the following statement be included with this commentary. |
What's with this recent rash of injuries plaguing the Gang Green? |
It was with this ammunition that Australians organized protests at events where Blanc was scheduled to appear. |
Hedges, most assuredly, is not joining the ranks of those charlatans and demagogues with this slim, powerful volume. |
But with this marriage alliance queering the pitch as far as India is concerned, it could be a long time before he appears on Indian TV screens again. |
She says that her faith has given her the courage to deal with this tragedy. |
Most people with this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected. |
Relive the magic of the past 10 years of Top Model with this compilation of the best fights, freakouts, and breakdowns. |
As symptoms progress, individuals with this disease may have trouble walking, talking, or completing other daily activities. |
The problem with this attachment to a particular place, though, is that it can seem limiting. |
And I thought the angle with this project, which is fiction, was interesting. |
Combined with this influx of gold and silver, the growing population and urbanization perpetuated the price revolution. |
Although his name is closely associated with this observation, he was not the first to make it. |
The problem with this explanation is that the postulated substrate languages differ amongst themselves and with creoles in meaningful ways. |
Duterte has stated that there is no problem with this and might consider their inclusion to the association despite their geographical locations. |
Connected with this belief is the traditional scattering of buns, biscuits and sweets at the top of the hill by the Master of Ceremonies. |
Faced with this setback on the continent, Richard turned his attention instead towards France's ally, Scotland. |
Upon returning to the United States with this highly welcomed cargo, Thomas Paine and probably Col. |
The letter was adopted with this value in the Old Italic alphabets, including the early Latin alphabet. |
Haiti is included with this group based on historical association but Haitians speak both Creole and French. |
Not all Liverpudlians are brought up to speak with this variation but this does not make it any less Scouse. |
Examples of people with this accent are Steve Irwin, Julia Gillard and Paul Hogan. |
Along with this shift, the effective administration of the Church in the Eastern Roman Empire also shifted. |
Those associated with this Awakening held that reason was insufficient and pointed out the importance of emotional religious experiences. |
We think we can trust John with this new position as he has his feet on the ground. |
Only a small percentage of offences are defined with this mens rea requirement. |
Downe with this litle queane, that hath at me such spite, Saue you from hir maister, it is a very sprite. |
The case was decided by a jury which was instructed by Judge Samuel Mandelbaum in accordance with this negligence standard. |
However it is also shown that the majority of Muslims in the 43 nations surveyed did not agree with this interpretation of sharia. |
Every time I get into a conversation with this ravishing girl, I want it to last forever. |
Wheat with this mutation was harvested more frequently and became the seed for the next crop. |
Charles Kugler came up with this concept and found that carbon was easier to remove from the gas after the gas was extracted from the gasometer. |
It was with this in mind that they made for the 'bohemian' town of Taos, New Mexico, where Mabel Dodge Luhan, a prominent socialite, lived. |
A number of noted University of Birmingham alumni have been involved with this societies committee. |
Suppose that Professor Turk has won a prestigious grant and wants to impress his hearer with this fact, without saying flat out that he won it. |
This was the critical column, and it was no coincidence that Hannibal was with this column. |
They redeemed themselves with this show. The first song or two was meh, but they were on fire after that. |
The guard, emboldened by alcohol, determined that he would find and deal with this haunter. |
Why don't you go get lunch? I need to frob with this thing for about 30 minutes and then we'll be good to go. |
Along with this it is seen as a privilege, and seen as a valuable addition to a school leaver's curriculum vitae, showing discipline. |
Here all trace of him was lost, until a sais or groom met me on the Simla Mall with this extraordinary note. |
Hatton later claimed that 4 of Castillo's ribs were broken with this one punch. |
Suppose, then, a whole family got sick with this flu, and no help around, and winter setting in solid and cold three weeks early? |
As she had hoped, the hiking boots looked more or less OK with this outfit, in a studenty sort of way. |
With a metonymic expression encountered in almost every sixth utterance, an uncontroversial need for dealing with this problem is demonstrated. |
He met casually with this Polly once in company, and taking a liking to her, makes it worth her while to keep entirely to him. |
Nevertheless, an element of real danger adds a piscine frisson to most encounters with this mysterious teleost. |
She stood at the open door, staggering herself with this enigma, on a rainy, thundery evening. |
The experiments made with this objective showed that agar-gel could toxify a rat serum which had been heated at 45 an 50 C. for half an hour. |
Decorated with this mop of hair and the chaplet, the girl was led by her father to the mia-mia and put inside this with the four boys. |
The advent of the new Six Nations format coincided with this Irish resurgence. |
He began by the very unjudicial act of pledging himself, to himself, that nothing should interfere with this new, this true love. |
And between the intervals of eating fruit, we will geologize on the way home, with this little bit of paper to show us where we are. |
Now we move from the broad to the specific, with this inspiring story of two young boys, Ryan Hreljac and Akana Jimmy. |
It is perhaps easiest to see the superimposition of vocal fry, so we will begin with this behavior. |
She acquainted the Greeks underhand with this treason, which was a warping against them. |
Garden shops now carry hoes with this depth of blade, so that all that has to be done is to cut off the handle to a wieldable length. |
Boy Scouts and others interested in visual signaling can practice indoors with this miniature wigwag sender. |
While some art historians may view the monograph as obsolete, there are many reasons to work with this genre today. |
Those with this sponsorship, which is available for an annual fee, receive unlimited leads and custom autoresponder capability. |
A little girl was given an automatic weapon to play with this week. |
Cosmetic surgeries conducted with this technology include breast reduction, breast implants, mastopexy and abdominoplasty. |
Spain claimed the right to board and search British vessels to ensure compliance with this provision. |
The only problem with this time of year is that courses aerate their greens. |
Dejean's lost 14 and had 68 wounded, with this unit's left wing taking a disproportionately higher number of casualties. |
Harcourt and Morley also sided with this group, though with slightly different aims. |
His first encyclical, Ad beatissimi Apostolorum, given 1 November 1914, was concerned with this subject. |
We present a baby with this rare condition associated with an allantoic cyst and a thickened umbilical cord. |
There is more of a buttery and smooth taste profile with this wine. |
In compliance with this Article, Turkey has now adopted a law abolishing these courts. |
I remember waking up strapped down to a table with this horrible thing around my head, X-raying me. |
I can't go on with this song if there's people in here sitting down unless y'all sitting down because y'all handicapped. |
According to The Telegraph, a Home Office official who disagreed with this decision was suspended. |
Pilates who came up with this whole thing, that's about my sum total of knowledge on the subject. |
Complete your LEGO Star Wars toys set today with this cool General Grievous'' Starfighter TM and get your younglings building. |
We are looking forward to working closely with this champion of liberty. |
Democrats, do the American thing and have nothing to do with this charade. |
For this reason, the Protestant Reformation is said to have started in England with this act. |
They, the Rabbis, for better or for worse, were very ginger with this question. |
How do they maintain that closeness with this risk over their heads? |
The open day is for those who hold a Security Industry Association licence, although Jobcentre Plus can offer assistance with this. |
Aligned with this has been the opening of the company's state of the art distillation and wood chip processing factory in Johor. |
Applications for citizenship may be denied or otherwise impeded if the applicant cannot prove having complied with this requirement. |
The people at Four Grounds Media help us find out with this compilation. |
Along with this new appreciation of history, the future also became a topic for fiction. |
Decorate your child's bedroom or the rec room wall with this high-quality lifelike 3-D T rex head. |
One way to deal with this issue is to add the compress command, which gzips the old logs as they are rotated. |
Some of the earliest stone circles in Britain are connected with this industry. |
No one talks long with this intense, long-time Kiwanian from Tyler, Texas, without itching to roll up his own sleeves and get into the act. |
Fiery orange kniphofia contrasted with this tall shrub's incomparable dark foliage. |
The positive side is that it reacquainted an audience with this music and played an introductory role for others. |
I was drinking far too much and that was kind of the basis of my relationship with this boy. |
He was of a nervous disposition, and throughout his life relied on networks of male friends to aid him in dealing with this. |
Bragg believed Burton defied the studio system with this act when it would have been tantamount to unemployment for him. |
When weathered, the colour of buildings made or faced with this stone is often described as honey or golden. |
Marx strongly disagreed with this new political position and in 1863 was forced to withdraw as a writer for the Tribune. |
A group of Providence locals took issue with this and challenged them to race, which the Providence group summarily won. |
The international success of boxers such as Bernard Dunne, Andy Lee and John Duddy has much to do with this. |
The solid colored pieces sold with this line were the nappie, fruit bowl, creamer, sugar bowl with lid, and cup. |
He was taken to hospital but later died from his injuries, no other competitors were involved with this incident. |
In 1974, a decade of work began on the construction of the Thames Barrier across the Thames at Woolwich to deal with this threat. |
Hewson maintains its high standards with this rootin', tootin', killin', maimin', shoot 'em up. Not to be missed by arcadey types. |
Certainly, if Scone was not associated with this kind of thing in Pictish times, the Scottish kings of later years made an effort do so. |
The Liber Vitae of Durham Cathedral names two priests with this name, one of whom is presumably Bede himself. |
Two of the members of her escort said they and the people of Vaucouleurs provided her with this clothing, and had suggested it to her. |
Queen Victoria was not pleased with this statement, and an outraged Palmerston considered it seditious incitement to agitation. |
The continent has no document to compare with this detailed description covering so great a stretch of territory. |
And Scott Haskell started going out with this sophomore girl called Asia, who was this rich girl from Weston Heights. |
It seems there were Danes in opposition to him, and an attack he carried out on the Wends of Pomerania may have had something to do with this. |
We have now a nonette somewhat suggestive of Mozart, and the whole piece closes with this ensemble thoroughly well developed. |
There is evidence of ridge and furrow fields remaining in Walworth Park which may be associated with this settlement. |
Faced with this turn of events, Dafydd and Rhodri agreed to divide Gwynedd between each other. |
This deadly scenario with this hurricane is still in play, so please take precaution. |
And not for nothing, but have you thought about going the indy-pub route, as I have with this book? |
The name of Tipson is associated with this new romanization which still embodied the phonology of the Fenyun to some extent. |
The Llais Ceredigion political initiative had been formed with this aim but the proposal was rejected. |
Medieval romance in particular plays with this process of turning myth into literature. |
Trust me, we both can find fringe fanatics to prove the other side is nutso. So let's stop with this stereotypical silliness. |
This meant Harlequins became the first team to win the Challenge Cup three times and with this entered the Heineken Cup. |
Along with this, in May 2016 the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, appeared alongside Cathrine Tate in a collection of three audio adventures. |
Success with this album was less widespread in Europe, though it was still certified Platinum in Norway. |
Oho! Now I see where he's going with this, Frank thinks. Would have seen it earlier if I hadn't been so tired. |
Tolkien took issue with this and quickly notified his fans of this objection. |
Unhappy with this change of policy by the Portuguese government, Napoleon sent an army to invade Portugal. |
Cloggers with this type of tap can be heard on carpet as well as hard surface floors. |
Bulbophiles definitely should consider experimenting with this unique approach to groundcover under their bulbous plants. |
The small khanjar is a curved dagger, and it was with this very one Nuri had killed in single combat a minor chieftain of the Muntefiq. |
However, more recent work has found many problems with this theory including the lack of anatomical structures for the actual heat exchange. |
Consistent with this, VR1-knockout mice can eat capsica all day, even though mucosal injuries still occur. |
In 2004, the party claimed 20,000 members, with this remaining broadly stable, and in June 2007 it had a recorded 16,700 members. |
One of the possible issues with this timing was the continental debris cluttering up the seaway between the two plates in question. |
The problem with this route was that the Spanish owned both sides of the Mississippi below Natchez. |
Regions with this climate include Western Europe, northwestern North America, and parts of New Zealand. |
Regions with this climate include northern temperate Asia, the northern United States, southern Canada, and parts of northeastern Europe. |
However, some areas with this climate see some snowfall annually during winter. |
As a consequence, engines equipped only with this governor were not suitable for operations requiring constant speed, such as cotton spinning. |
In his report, Popov wrote that this phenomenon might be used for detecting objects, but he did nothing more with this observation. |
We'll have to do the best we can with this year's meager harvest. |
Individuals with this form of allergy can also develop reactions to other fruits and nuts. |
Others were contemporary with this period, and are also known from historical accounts of the time. |
An object that is moving without being dragged along with this rotation travels in a straight motion over the turning Earth. |
The ULSW eddies erode rapidly as they mix laterally with this warmer saltier water. |
Older blades with this attribute have yet to be discovered from sites in either Asia or Alaska. |
The first notable pirate to be brought to trial with this new set of laws was Captain Kidd. |
A maintenance backlog developed during the war and the private sector only had two years to deal with this after the war ended. |
No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view. |
Archaeological evidence consistent with this understanding has been difficult to identify. |
The government has acted with restraint in dealing with this crisis. |
The names of some of the places with this climate have become veritable synonyms for extreme, severe winter cold. |
The problem with this model is that funding can be inconsistent and can disrupt the development and operation of services. |
If she doesn't smile with this pick-up line she might be suffering from a case of permafrown. |
Faced with this ultimatum, Mordaunt decided that a further immediate assault was impossible, and agreed that the force should withdraw. |
Unhappy with this, their chieftain Odoacer defeated and killed Orestes, invaded Ravenna and dethroned Romulus Augustus, son of Orestes. |
The form of collective animal behavior associated with this is referred to as herding. |
Those with this aphasia also exhibit ungrammatical speech and show inability to use syntactic information to determine the meaning of sentences. |
Therefore, Flensburg was not a member of the Hanseatic League, but it did maintain contacts with this important trading network. |
Shortly thereafter he announced the adoption of Trajan as his successor, and with this decision all but abdicated. |
The chromosome with this allele became the Y chromosome, while the other member of the pair became the X chromosome. |
John was brought back to the kingdom, and with this came the support to serve the possible epic maritime adventure that lay ahead. |
The government should implement this policy to cope with this serious problem. |
Kenneth MacAlpin and the House of Alpin are most associated with this process. |
The term cosmetologist is sometimes used interchangeably with this term, but the former most commonly refers to a certified professional. |
Some historians note that Christopher Columbus was among those to make the voyage to the Gold Coast with this fleet. |
Venezuela did not agree with this as it claimed all lands west of the Essequibo River. |
Consistent with this focus, textbooks often distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics. |
In Spain, Fulgentius of Cartagena, Ildephonsus of Toledo and Leander of Seville have been recognized with this title. |
The writers are dishing up more of the same with this bland suburban sitcom. |
Seal out winter winds or enjoy summer breezes with this pre-hung extruded aluminum combination door. |
It is with this ambiguity in mind that one can begin a serious deconstructive, or doublehanded, reading of Levinas's work. |
I'm just a plain hillbilly from East Jesus Nowhere with this adopted child that everybody keeps on telling me is dumb as a box of rocks. |
Those who seek to prevent 2010 from becoming 1984 will want to arm themselves with this valuable book. |
Such was the intensity of human fascination with this magnificent predator, the only marine bear. |
And with this, and a profound bow to his patrons, the Manager retires, and the curtain rises. |
The people have a tradition in connection with this region which they implicitly believe. |
The herdboy in the broom, already musical in the days of Father Chaucer, startles the lark with this exiguous pipe. |
We walked in procession with this tree and not even a single leaf had to touch the ground. |
Victorian fiction is rife with this ageist and ableist comedy. |
Next, you'll need to create an autoinstall diskette. When the potential client machines are booted with this diskette, the process of downloading their image begins. |
The subwoofer that comes with this set of speakers is a beast. |
I would give any thing to change a word or two with this person. |
Inferences made in accordance with this reason are defeated by finding that the merged plan clobbers one of the causal-links in one of the constituent plans. |
Down with this Delilah! Avaunt, O Circe, giver of poisonous feeds. To your natural haunts, ye gentlemen of the press! if bachelors, frequent your taverns, and be content. |
Maybe someone else can help with this part. Maybe there are some converters on some PC eurodemo sites, since they tend to go into weird low color modes for some demos. |
Which Sea, though it will yeeld good plenty of such like presidents, and we may finde them in authenticall records of Histories, yet I content my selfe with this one. |
I think we're finally on the home stretch with this project. |
Along with this revolution has come another, quieter and more subtle, but perhaps more impactive and ultimately more dynamic in its potential for change. |
Composers closely concerned with this tradition include Edward Elgar, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gustav Holst, Charles Villiers Stanford and Benjamin Britten. |
Anne herself grew increasingly uncomfortable with this dependence on the Whigs, especially as her personal relationship with the Duchess of Marlborough deteriorated. |
General Baird was directed to scour this grove and dislodge the enemy, but on his advancing with this object on the night of the 5th, he found the tope unoccupied. |
Lying on the ground, when fired, it kicked me back a foot. There was no way a person my size was going to be able to do an effective job with this gun. |
As of 2016 no one has been prosecuted in connection with this case. |
We can deal with this all by our lonesomes, we got enough gas. |
The archaeological evidence agrees with this earlier timescale. |
Many authors agree with this arguing that it needs to be implemented in 'good faith' with the political will to support commitment to minority rights. |
He met frequently with this and other religious societies in London but did not preach often in 1738, because most of the parish churches were closed to him. |
In 936, King Athelstan of England annexed Cornwall and granted privilege of sanctuary to Padstow, there only being two other churches in Cornwall with this privilege. |
Many neopagan witches strongly identify with this concept, and profess ethical codes that prevent them from performing magic on a person without their request. |
A problem with this is whether the quotas should be taken from a normal distribution or from the specific distribution of attainment in the immediate catchment area. |
There were perhaps as few as four causeways onto the Isle itself, with this being the southerly route from London and the likely route of William's army. |
McKillop had been researching another Canadian historical figure when he came across information relating to this, and intrigued, followed through with this book. |
My grandfather obviously didn't agree with this and made all the responses very loudly in Latin while the rest of the congregation answered in English. |
When referencing female singer Zola Jesus, writers questioned if she announced the second coming of the genre as her music was described with this term. |
While some success was achieved with this format, it generally did not receive the same amount of press attention or status as the regular ranking tournaments. |
We think thou mightst find in that camp some cavalier who, for the love of truth and his own augmentation of honour, will do battle with this same traitor of Montserrat. |
Faced with this sudden turn of events, Britain aligned herself with Prussia, in a series of political manoeuvres known as the Diplomatic Revolution. |
Prominent artists associated with this movement include Donald Judd, John McCracken, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Robert Morris, Ronald Bladen, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella. |
Gaiman has said Roger Zelazny was the author who influenced him the most, with this influence particularly seen in Gaiman's literary style and the topics he writes about. |
However, the De Primo Principio version concludes with this argument. |
What am I supposed to do with this neolithic piece of machinery? |
In line with this desire, Edward demanded in May 1291 that his claim of feudal overlordship of Scotland be recognised before he would step in and act as arbiter. |
But if Cheyne thought he could save face with this letter, he failed to reckon with Hugh de Cressingham, who was the most able of the king's administrators. |
Along with this passion for naturalism, they shared a marked distaste for the Edinburgh oriented Scottish art establishment, which they viewed as oppressive. |