He was a man with whom it was impossible to imagine the most audacious student venturing to take a liberty. |
Most of the major roles were cast with actors I already knew and with whom I had acted earlier in my career. |
He encounters the sheriff's daughter, with whom he enjoys a roll in the hay. |
The chief architect of this project is the President, with whom Dr. Nair has associated. |
He is married to a former model, with whom he has a son, a daughter, and a stepson from one of her three previous marriages. |
Most of the audience with whom I saw the film seemed as stupefied and astonished as I was by the dullness of the proceedings. |
I marvelled as he name-checked the celebrities with whom he was on first-name terms. |
His father finally succumbed to alcoholism, orphaning the son with whom he had travelled the world. |
When I arrived for induction, I saw only eight or 10 of the applicants with whom I had taken the test. |
Anne declares that she cannot speak highly enough of the oncology specialists with whom she works. |
Lisa's running for her life from a man with whom she has either a real or imagined passionate relationship. |
Similar relationships have been formed with all foreign suppliers with whom they import directly. |
She found it strange how all they had to worry about was who got a date with whom and where they were going on Friday night. |
That's why it's a great protection to have a good confessor or spiritual director with whom you can be open and honest. |
He also considers himself lucky to have gained two penfriends with whom he remains in touch. |
It also had unconquered tribes with whom there was always the possibility of war. |
Then there's the party's head of political intelligence, a man with whom the prime minister confers regularly. |
Each master artist selects five to fifteen applicants to the program with whom he or she will work. |
Considering Rousseau, with whom he quarrelled, as utopian, he hypothesized an art which was morally neutral and elitist. |
How do we talk peacefully with people with whom we might violently disagree? |
On the first anniversary of his death, he hypnotizes his father and visits Billy, with whom he develops a friendship. |
I try to forgive myself first of all, and then I ask the other person with whom I'm angry to forgive me as well. |
The passing of people whom you've known all your days and with whom you worked on many occasions, always comes a jolt. |
One thinks of the shopkeepers and craftsmen in and around the Agora with whom Socrates passed the time of day. |
It is not the French people with whom I have any quarrel, but their corporate interpretation and abuse of EU rules does stick in the gullet. |
He continued to play the piano, accompanying the violinist Bronislaw Gimpel, with whom he formed the Warsaw Piano Quartet, which toured widely. |
After reassuring him that all was well, I discovered he had heard the rumor from his account executive, with whom he had a close relationship. |
He drank like a fish and so, unless they were exceptionally strong-minded or weak-headed, did the friends with whom he filled his house. |
Hankey can be found too in various biographies of Swinburne, with whom, naturally, he was acquainted. |
You'll find that those with whom you do make eye contact are internally wincing at his remarks. |
Wharton was born Miss Jones, of the Joneses with whom one was obliged to keep up. |
Communal trust requires attachment or connectedness to those with whom one is interacting. |
You send your camp's story into a veritable jungle of competing messages that bombard every parent and every child with whom you correspond. |
Croats also began to look to Serbs and other southern Slavs as people with whom they shared a linguistic and cultural affinity. |
But just who were these four individuals with whom the city of Dublin has recently been reacquainted? |
Your victim could be the workmate with whom you shared a sandwich from your lunchbox. |
Three years ago he divorced his second wife Anthea, with whom he has two small children. |
In the 1980s, Coutts was the bank with whom Sloane Rangers opened an account before going up to Oxford or Cambridge. |
He had forborne his opportunity to acquire his title directly from the seller with whom he had negotiated for purchase of the farm. |
But there was one person with whom I was able to hold an amicable and fruitful conversation. |
It is hard work to listen receptively to the opinions of those with whom we disagree. |
The kindred of an individual often comprise the group with whom it is possible to eat or marry. |
They are the same people with whom every single Friday, without exception, I have this conversation. |
Upstairs, the large rooms host workshops for local craft groups, with whom Chris has become friendly since he took up pottery three years ago. |
Many of the political reformers with whom the artist felt instinctive sympathy supported the French. |
His colourful style was influenced by Dufy, with whom he shared a liking for cheerful subjects such as horse races and regattas. |
Although I found it unsatisfying and lacking in credibility, the female friend with whom I watched it enjoyed it. |
Neruda repeatedly spoke for persecuted writers, including, or especially, those with whom he disagreed. |
On the other hand, among friends with whom you feel at ease, you are expressive, witty, and quite charming. |
Or I could point out that I have had any number of law partners with whom I have violently disagreed about politics. |
Another professor, with whom the plaintiff had been feuding, allegedly tore down the notices. |
How did he perform in medical school and residency and later in his practice as judged by the physician and nursing staff with whom he worked? |
It also reflected a respect for standards and for the public with whom staff were in contact and it reinforced morale. |
Vasiliev, with whom I was walking hand in hand, suddenly left hold of my arm and sank upon the snow. |
He fooled the firm's staff by claiming he was another prisoner with whom he was sharing a cell. |
This left both the students and those with whom they came into contact at higher risk of meningococcal infection. |
Then, quite by chance, he runs into a woman with whom he had a furtive adolescent relationship. |
They also share some cultural similarity with the Athabaskan, with whom the Tlingit have interacted and traded for centuries. |
It has simply gone through your email inbox and designated some of those with whom you correspond frequently as followees. |
Her only sympathetic ear at first is that of Sally, her French tutor, with whom she communicates by audio tape. |
The victim was a 20-year-old Hungarian au pair, with whom he had formed a non-sexual relationship after he met her through a colleague. |
Precious or not, made-up stories take us forward or back in time and put us inside the souls of people with whom we have nothing in common. |
In the current experiments females were in cages or aviaries with males with whom they had not previously bred. |
When I have shown you great rage, it is because you forced me to relinquish the last human beings with whom I could speak without Tartuffery. |
Thrilling, after all, to be making common cause over one issue with a person with whom you would not otherwise agree about anything. |
Masculinity and manhood have nothing to do with whom you sleep with or whom you love. |
A person with whom you've lived for a period of 12 months or more in a conjugal relationship is generally considered to be a common-law spouse. |
But I have, for a long time, called him Badger, for his propensity of badgering and harassing young women with whom he fancies himself in love. |
The family wants to thank everyone for their visits and support, as well as the nurses with whom he joked and bantered. |
Their views and ecclesiastical organization were similar to those of Presbyterians, with whom they easily merged. |
Many people with whom he spoke in the provinces had expressed a desire for self-determination and perhaps autonomy. |
Sipping bottled water before the concert in Huntington in March, he ticked off a long list of luminaries with whom he had worked. |
In the former, the set-off was to be executed by a third party, with whom both the creditor and the insolvent debtor maintained their accounts. |
Not unconnected with these two mercenary characters are the Cohens, the family with whom the saintly Mordecai lodges. |
Harris, with whom Tedder clashed more than once, thought Tedder had one of the most brilliant minds of any serviceman. |
Obviously, the best confidantes are people with whom a high degree of intimacy already exists. |
But, then again, inferiority depends on where your benchmarks are and with whom you are comparing. |
Their partnership provided a hot contrast to the coolness of former dancers Igor and Elena, with whom they shared the roles. |
But it is human interest, true stories of true people with whom we can identify, that grips us. |
David Brett was a founder member of the chart-topping group, The Flying Pickets, with whom he sang for seven years, touring worldwide. |
He deservedly earned the tremendous esteem and the great regard of all with whom he came in contact with. |
I happened to like it, but I'm in disagreement with the rest of the brood of mockers with whom I saw it. |
A gipsy boy, with whom I was on friendly terms, used to travel about this part of the country selling trumpery brooches and ornaments. |
Brown was ready to mollify the union leaders, with whom he has a long and close association, with a pledge to continue the debate on the issue. |
We expect revelations like who was sleeping with whom, who was committing adultery, who was charging the highest black money and so on. |
Choose your bell and choose another with whom you're going to make the singles. |
Just ten months ago his mother, with whom he had lived all of his life, passed away. |
Friends provide companionship and support when things go wrong, and are a social group with whom we share values and beliefs. |
This was the woman with whom he had fought so many bitter disputes, almost come to blows so many times. |
This recipe comes from a close friend of mine with whom I worked when I was living in London. |
In a different time, turning to himself, he manages to discover an uncongenial double, another maricone, a banker with whom he shares his name. |
The lack of minorities in popular culture affects multiracial people the most because we have no role models with whom to relate. |
She graduated in 1960 and that same year married the violinist Jaime Laredo, with whom she collaborated musically. |
The purpose of these rituals is to enable young people to bond with others with whom they have undergone painful experiences. |
An unsatisfying relationship with a boyfriend was exacerbated by the type of women with whom he consorted. |
Live not in continual smother, but take some friends with whom to communicate. |
She also helped recruit more good bowlers with whom she had bowled youth leagues. |
The bus stops in Oklahoma and Sal meets a girl with whom he necks all the way to Indianapolis. |
A doctor with whom you have a good, communicative and friendly relationship is a rare beast. |
I have learnt how to establish a healthy working rapport with difficult, prickly people with whom I have precious little in common. |
When he was 14, he met fellow Brooklynite Irving Taylor, with whom he began a successful writing partnership. |
She ventures a few speculations about the woman with whom he likely had a long relationship. |
Carmazzi once again danced the featured role, this time as a temptress with whom the male corps was bewitched. |
It works successfully for both teenage audiences, with whom it resonates, and older viewers, who grasp the irony. |
Lisa, you don't need the money and you certainly could find better ways to spend it than hiring unoriginal hacks with whom to collaborate. |
It is helpful to identify a person or a group of people with whom we can have an open and candid relationship. |
Arriving in Athens, the son of Sopaeus was introduced to the banker Pasion, with whom he deposited his money, as much as 1,000 gold staters. |
Until the dispute was resolved in his favour at Leeds High Court he had to continue sharing offices with his former colleagues, with whom he was at loggerheads. |
The latest salvo comes from Gershom Gorenberg, responding to Jonathan Safran Foer, with whom he largely agrees. |
She seeks revenge upon the other assassins with whom she worked. |
In spiritualism, a medium is one with whom spirits communicate directly. |
He was probably the first of the Monarchians to visit Rome, where he was well received by the Pope about 190-198, with whom he used his influence against the Montanists. |
Family history and family trees are important because they tell us where we have come from, the point of growth that we have reached, and with whom we connected. |
This was to serge Sorokko, the art dealer, with whom she moved to San Francisco, where he has a gallery on Geary. |
For a young Muscovite girl, for example, with whom you schoolkids have been exchanging letters of friendship. |
Not only does Fancy contradict southern ideals but in her saintlike manner, she possesses qualities nobler than those of the aristocrats with whom she seeks to identify. |
Solomon is a 16-year-old bay gelding with whom she would trust her life. |
It is not moral absolutism but theological relativism we would do well to explore if our real need is for a God with whom we can engage our lives. |
The small man with the sallow complexion and expressionless eyes seems to have made no particular impression on anyone with whom he came into contact during that time. |
Nor are we protected by the people with whom we entrust our money. |
I was still able to get a flavour of the place through my meetings with animals such as Trixie the eight-year-old whippet cross, with whom I struck up an immediate friendship. |
And Putin might meet a certain special someone, without insignia and wearing a ski mask, with whom to share his hopes and dreams. |
The virus arrives in your mailbox clearly labeled as having been sent by a particular individual with whom you probably have an established relationship. |
I even managed to get some random lady with whom I was previously unacquainted to buy me a birthday pint despite sitting with my girlfriend at the time! |
Similar in height to his friend, the two paled in comparison to height of their third companion, a tall statuesque woman with whom black was a predominant color. |
He lost time stuck behind some backmarkers, which under the safety car resulted in him losing one lap against those cars with whom he should have been racing. |
What data in your digital profile would make it possible for you to more easily find relevant media, and to connect with others with whom you share affinities? |
Yet this masterful, luminous image places him in the august company of the renowned landscapist John Knox, with whom he worked on a series of views of Glasgow. |
The only vehicles with whom I lose out are call centre cabs and tempos. |
Never cheat by inventing a fictitious cab driver with whom you argue. |
If I were to walk into a place of business tomorrow and discover that you were the one with whom I must interview, I would turn on my heel immediately and never return. |
He wants to be surrounded by his family, his children, his in-law children, and his doctors, with whom he is extremely close. |
She turned to the aproned man with whom she had been dealing and smiled. |
Among thirty-eight or so individuals with whom he had direct dealings are included a member of the local gentry, merchants, factors, victuallers and master mariners. |
The knights stayed with the citizens rather than joining the baronage, with whom they had much in common, adding great weight to the Commons house. |
In this respect and in their more southerly location they were different from the ancient Maya and the Aztecs, with whom it is natural to compare them. |
When the cold war ended, ideology went by the wayside, according to cold warriors like Francis Fukuyama, with whom Michaels agrees on this limited point. |
Two of the jurors with whom I served had taken in foster children. |
His unostentatious manner and his sense of humour endeared him to those with whom he came in contact, and as a lecturer he was lively and interesting. |
I now have none with whom I can unreservedly commune as I did with him. |
Instead, he sees his ethical obligations as a matter of duties to those with whom we have relationships. |
In the second half of the book, Athill describes, with a strange combination of amiability and mercilessness, the main writers with whom she worked. |
True to form, Palmer is ambivalent about Weaver, with whom he does commercials and TV commentary. |
With the exception of a few bookshop cognoscenti with whom he talked, his intelligence seemed strictly a private matter, existing for its own sake. |
Our members are statistically amongst the safest people with whom to share a racetrack, with consistently fewer incidents and therefore more track time. |
At VNN, Miller appears to have found a community of likeminded people with whom he could share his ideas. |
He now bent all his efforts to carry into execution a project designed for the sons of the wealthy planters of Louisiana, with whom he was an unbounded favourite. |
This is a love quite distinct from that of a lover, with whom we fall in love, in part, because they are free and have a choice. |
Petersen is also survived by his younger sister Lydia, 18, with whom he was very close, and his partner in life Chanda Creasy. |
Zuckerberg himself has bragged that he is able to predict which site members will hook up with whom based on their site activity. |
My own opinion was best summed up by the woman with whom I saw the play, a staunchly liberal, theatrically savvy playgoer who, like me, admires Sam Shepard greatly. |
But they all contemplate that in some circumstances, a court may override a parent's decision about with whom their children may have relationships. |
I work for my ideal of German womanhood with whom, some day, I will live my life in the east and fight my battles as a German far from beautiful Germany. |
How many university presidents sit on corporate boards of corporations, especially those with whom their university has entered various partnerships? |
It's a question of them doing a triage with the most important papers they are trying to affect and those reporters with whom they get along best. |
Each of us observes the world and the people with whom we come in contact through a lens refracted by our own upbringing, experiences and prejudices. |
I'm a relatively open guy, but I have close friends with whom I haven't shared as much as I had with David in the safe instant intimacy of weekend fathering. |
As the central figure is the diminutive yachtsman Peter Cummins, I felt it would be interesting to see just how much yachting he had done, where and with whom. |
He had an unequaled Rolodex in terms of not just passing acquaintances but people with whom he had worked over time. |
A director, with whom she had been rehearsing a monodrama for a few months, was insisting that they meet in his apartment. |
The women, stout, strong, brazen-faced creatures, in most cases looked able to thrash any of the partners with whom they consorted. |
This will give you someone with whom you can trade softball complaints, which any veteran game-goer will tell you is the key to a good time. |
The discourse of some with whom I have had some habitudes since my coming home. |
This alliance later broke down and Anarawd came to an agreement with Alfred, king of Wessex, with whom he fought against the west Welsh. |
These churches are generally not in communion with Eastern Orthodox Churches with whom they are in dialogue for erecting a communion. |
Adam purports that Sweyn was shunned by all those with whom he sought refuge, but was finally allowed to live for a while in Scotland. |
Bertha was the widow of Alan de Bretagne with whom she already had a son, Conan. |
After divorcing Douglas, her third and final marriage was to Henry Stewart, with whom she had another daughter, Dorothea Stewart. |
He continued to meet the men with whom he had frequent discussions in Oxford. |
He renewed his friendship with William Wilberforce, now MP for Hull, with whom he frequently met in the gallery of the House of Commons. |
This recommended the appointment of general managers in the NHS with whom responsibility should lie. |
Hooke often met Christopher Wren, with whom he shared many interests, and had a lasting friendship with John Aubrey. |
A man very rarely has an image of a person with whom he is livingly, vitally connected. |
After leaving the Royal Academy, Rossetti studied under Ford Madox Brown, with whom he retained a close relationship throughout his life. |
In 1601, Donne secretly married Anne More, with whom he had twelve children. |
He was also joined by Mary's stepsister, Claire Clairmont, with whom he had had an affair in London. |
During this time, Byron pursued his Greek page, Lukas Chalandritsanos, with whom he had fallen madly in love, but the affections went unrequited. |
When Mary was four, her father married a neighbour, with whom, as her stepmother, Mary came to have a troubled relationship. |
In 1941 Blyton met Kenneth Fraser Darrell Waters, a London surgeon with whom she began a serious affair. |
In 1952 Russell was divorced by Spence, with whom he had been very unhappy. |
They married shortly after he divorced from his first wife, with whom he had two sons. |
Her home life was complicated by her mother's illness and a strained relationship with her father, with whom she is not on speaking terms. |
In Italy Handel met librettist Antonio Salvi, with whom he later collaborated. |
The second of them was Joan Plowright, with whom Olivier began a relationship that endured for the rest of his life. |
Cukor was dismissed and replaced by Victor Fleming, with whom Leigh frequently quarrelled. |
Komisarjevsky directed, which made rehearsals difficult as Ashcroft, with whom he had been living, had just left him. |
The LSO arranged a series of concerts conducted by Wood, with whom the orchestra was completely reconciled. |
The film was directed by Stephen Chbosky, with whom Watson had collaborated on The Perks of Being a Wallflower. |
His second wife was Jane Sparrow, whom he married in 1987, and with whom he had three children, Leonora, Edwina and Henry. |
The memory of Disraeli was used by the Conservatives to appeal to the working classes, with whom he was said to have had a rapport. |
The Royal Marines have close links with the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps, with whom they conduct NATO exercises throughout the year. |
There 24 organizations and six institutions with whom Gaelic Affairs works to promote and develop Gaelic language and culture in Nova Scotia. |
He married a woman named Elizabeth Walsh, with whom he had at least one son, named Robert, and possibly one or two other children. |
On 12 May 2007, he married Melinda Gebbie, with whom he has worked on several comics, most notably Lost Girls. |
Gaiman is married to songwriter and performer Amanda Palmer, with whom he has an open marriage. |
Thomas spent the last nine or ten days of his third tour in New York mostly in the company of Reitell, with whom he had an affair. |
When that event occurred, I saw no one with whom I felt that I could work with satisfaction and success, and so I discontinued to write libretti. |
They had also replaced Druce as manager with Helmut Gorden, with whom they secured an audition with Chris Parmeinter for Fontana Records. |
Marx mistakenly thought that Engels was still associated with the Berliner Young Hegelians, with whom Marx had just broken off ties. |
Orlando Bloom read the script after Rush, with whom he was working on Ned Kelly, suggested it to him. |
In his early years he was influenced by Lord Monboddo, with whom he corresponded. |
The Levellers had a strong following in the New Model Army with whom his work was influential. |
Augustine, with whom he would occasionally converse in his Philosophical Investigations. |
He had been born at Angolala in an Oromo area and had lived his first twelve years with Shewan Oromos with whom he thus had much in common. |
Although there is no guarantee, this is lessened as the parties usually state with whom they will favour a coalition after the elections. |
Also while there, he became a great friend of fellow undergraduate Herbert Vere Evatt, with whom he remained in contact throughout his life. |
Voltaire's wit made him popular among some of the aristocratic families with whom he mixed. |
Here the princely hero is a nondancing cavalier amid the many swan-maidens who resemble the one with whom he is falling in love. |
He has an instinctive power of divining the thoughts and intentions of people with whom he is conversing. |
Accordingly, Louis used this personal connection to help the cause of various black soldiers with whom he came into contact. |
She is married to American actor Michael Douglas with whom she has two children. |
The first edition of The Three Railway Engines was illustrated by the artist William Middleton, with whom Awdry was deeply dissatisfied. |
This expedition was led by William Spotswood Green, with whom Holt would work together for much of his later career. |
Cabral met with its king, with whom he established friendly relations and exchanged gifts. |
In exchange for a pardon, Hands testified against corrupt North Carolina officials with whom Teach had consorted. |
The two whites with whom he fled were sentenced only to an additional year of their indenture, and three years' service to the colony. |
Alfonso XI had married Maria of Portugal with whom he had his heir, the Infante Peter. |
It was at this time he met his second wife, Maria Muhary with whom he fathered his fourth child, Jarrod. |
Under Goar, they allied with the Burgundians led by Gundaharius, with whom they installed the usurping Emperor Jovinus. |
During his time in these positions, Caesar befriended Pompey and Crassus, the two men with whom he would later form the First Triumvirate. |
The Totonacs were the first people with whom the Spanish had contact on the American mainland. |
Once in Siberia, Andrei reunites with a female singer with whom he had been in love in Moscow. |
Supporters included attorneys, social workers, and reformers with whom he had worked on cases, and they testified eagerly in his behalf. |
On the way, he stopped in Paris to meet Karl Marx, with whom he had an earlier correspondence. |
Now for a word or two about the master of all these marvels, with whom I am most horribly in love. |
She declared her helpmate to be a limb of Antichrist, and one with whom no regenerated person could associate. |
His second marriage was to Marlene Schwarz, with whom he had two children, Julia Hobsbawm and Andy Hobsbawm. |
After school, she joined the WRNS and married Richard Hough, the biographer, with whom she had five children. |
In 1931 he married his first wife, Ruth Holden, a mill worker, with whom he had a son Peter. |
He eventually found one, a married policeman, with whom he settled in the English Lake District. |
Among the city's attractions for him was the presence of Konstantin Somov, a painter with whom he had formed a close relationship. |
It was probably around this time that he first met John Dos Passos, with whom he had a rocky relationship for decades. |
When Hemingway first arrived in London, he met Time magazine correspondent Mary Welsh, with whom he became infatuated. |
The goal is to select a maximum of three suppliers, with whom will be contracted services of the acquiree. |
Burridge had announced he planned to transfer another of his jumpers, Ragged Robin, with whom Elsworth had won a string of races, to Tim Forster. |
I can't wait to be driving a prancing horse car again and to reacquaint myself with so many people with whom I had such close links. |
The drummer, with whom I co-led the KJV, qualified as the only real professional musician in our midst. |
People adopt many rules of thumb from groups with whom they share cultural or ideological commitments. |
He had his heart broken by a Playboy bunny girl called Lynn, before marrying actress Tessa Wyatt in 1972 with whom he has a son, Simon. |
When we talked, she was finalising work for a major exhibition at Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac in Paris, with whom she exhibits regularly. |
The social worker very clearly befriends the families with whom she works, and the GP becomes a friend to many of his patients. |
Beware of individuals who constantly name-drop about high-profile people with whom they allegedly do business. |
The 77-year-old also enjoys working out with her grandchildren, with whom she takes step aerobics classes. |
It is not clear in the case at all with whom he colluded 'with the intent to act against national security. |
This ruling marks an important positive signal to us and our present and future partners with whom we enter sublicense agreements. |
She was friendly with timothy Leary, with whom allegedly she dropped acid. |
Blowers has become perhaps our greatest oenophile, a bon viveur with whom most cricket fans would enjoy sharing a satisfying lunch. |
More specifically, our debriefers found that those Iraqis with whom we worked lost trust in the relationship when we did not act with integrity. |
One of Angharad's four bridesmaids was her pen friend from Illinois with whom she has regularly been exchanging letters for the past 10 years. |
Ask for referrals from satisfied friends and relatives, but also find a dry cleaner with whom you feel comfortable. |
She still said hubby Renn Hawkey, with whom she has a 12-month-old son, is an even better kisser. |
Sakwaya is ready to introduce her fiance to her parents Poze and Anna, with whom the grandmother lives. |
Since they were the main group with whom I collaborated, they held the strongest influence on how I would develop, both socially and intrapersonally. |
In the post-Suharto era, state gender ideologies and the prohibition of polygamy inactively enter the fields of discourse for young women with whom I lived in the pesantren. |
The next interaction involves a man named Untces, with whom Lendix'tcux negotiates the return of Untces' spearhead in exchange for building a sweathouse. |
Other groups might share music downloads and swap files of their favourite singers, or simply chat and find people with whom they want to be friends. |
In fact, King was meek and mild when Cecilia eventually introduced him to her new partner David Cooze, with whom she has been living for the last three years. |
This work has gained fame for Arevalo as well as for Barba Jacob, the Colombian, with whom Arevalo was frequently linked both literarily and physically. |
Businessman G F Angas, with whom Forster had been associated in the Northumberland Sunday Schools Society, employed him as his agent and attorney in South Australia. |
They trekked through Europe, discovering designers like Melinda Gloss and the Italian sunglass manufacturer LGR, with whom they secured exclusive United States representation. |
Yet surely he was a humorless robot of a man, spewing forth lonely and bitter critiques of all those lesser mortals with whom he could not identify. |
Besides Rawnsley, members included Robert Browning, the Duke of Westminster, Ruskin, and Alfred, Lord Tennyson, with whom Rawnsley had a family connection. |
He separated from his wife, with whom, however, he remained in touch. |
When Victor is five years old, his parents adopt Elizabeth Lavenza, the orphaned daughter of an expropriated Italian nobleman, with whom Victor later falls in love. |
In 1834 Locke married Phoebe McCreery, with whom he adopted a child. |
Cort seems to have alienated most of those with whom he came in contact. |
Some prerogative powers are exercised nominally by the monarch, but on the advice of the prime minister, with whom the monarch communicates, and on the advice of the cabinet. |
The Kadamba fame reached its peak during the rule of Kakusthavarma, a notable ruler with whom even the kings of Gupta Dynasty of northern India cultivated marital alliances. |
A duty can arise through contract, a voluntary undertaking, a blood relation with whom one lives, and occasionally through one's official position. |
Use of who here is normal, and to replace it with whom would be grammatically incorrect, since the pronoun is the subject of was, not the object of say. |
He married Maria Correia Barreto with whom he had at least two daughters. |
Finally, Charles Martel also had known a mistress, Ruodhaid, with whom he had the children Bernard, Hieronymus, and Remigius, the latter who became an archbishop of Rouen. |
Pliny's interest in Roman literature attracted the attention and friendship of other men of letters in the higher ranks, with whom he formed lasting friendships. |
He served with distinction in the First World War, serving first with the Royal Fusiliers and then the Welsh Guards, with whom he was awarded the Military Cross. |
Persistent suggestions that Harry's father is not Charles but James Hewitt, with whom Diana had an affair, have been based on a physical similarity between Hewitt and Harry. |
He married Eleanor of Provence, with whom he had five children. |
Andrew's Day 2015, the town is formally twinned with the French medieval town of Loches, with whom it had previously shared a cultural exchange for over 2 decades. |
The suggestions that have been made that I 'disapprove' of the films, even to the extent of thinking ill of those with whom I may differ, are wholly without foundation. |
In summer 1966, while teaching at UCLA he met Peter Schlesinger, an art student who posed for paintings and drawings, and with whom he was romantically involved. |
In August 1883, Janey would be introduced to the poet Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, with whom she embarked on a second affair, which Morris might have been aware of. |
Clapton's close friendship with George Harrison brought him into contact with Harrison's wife, Pattie Boyd, with whom he became deeply infatuated. |
The other eminent creative artist most closely associated with the festival was Sir Edward Elgar, with whom Shaw enjoyed a deep friendship and mutual regard. |
Among the cast of the London production was Florence Farr, with whom Shaw had a romantic relationship between 1890 and 1894, much resented by Jenny Patterson. |
At the international level, there are 12 international organizations located in Scotland and Ireland with whom Gaelic Affairs is in regular communication. |
In 1992, Craig married actress Fiona Loudon, with whom he had a daughter. |
Among the women with whom he mixed socially at Cambridge was Adeline Fisher, the daughter of Herbert Fisher, an old friend of the Vaughan Williams family. |
While there, he cultivated friendships with Elizabeth Pigot and her brother, John, with whom he staged two plays for the entertainment of the community. |
He had one surviving sibling, Samuel Bentham, with whom he was close. |
Thomas Paine wrote the second part of Rights of Man on a desk in Thomas 'Clio' Rickman's house, with whom he was staying in 1792 before he fled to France. |
In Bruges, Gerard was associated with Sanders Bening or Benninck and his son Simon, with whom he worked on the illustrations for the Grimani Breviary. |
He later met Thomas Wintour, with whom he returned to England. |
More substantial backing came from John Roebuck, the founder of the celebrated Carron Iron Works near Falkirk, with whom he now formed a partnership. |
Penrose is married to Vanessa Thomas, director of Academic Development at Cokethorpe School and former head of mathematics at Abingdon School, with whom he has one son. |
Fox, who became Pitt's lifelong political rival, then joined a coalition with Lord North, with whom he collaborated to bring about the defeat of the Shelburne administration. |
And therefore I say again, I will marry as soon as I can conveniently, if God take not him away with whom I mind to marry, or myself, or else some other great let happen. |
These were the same people with whom the judges who rendered these decisions were apt to foregather at social clubs, or dinners, or in private life. |
Irabu had hired Nomura, a man with whom he obviously had a great deal in common, and, who, as we have seen, was rapidly becoming the Darth Vader of Japanese baseball. |