They were all metis, in other words mixed-blood, hybrid or mongrel films, influenced by other cultures and especially by Hollywood. |
After 1840 many Metis buffalo hunters, the offspring of European fur traders and Cree and Ojibwa women, also joined these groups. |
Combined with demonstrations on the different aspects of Metis culture like hunting and trapping, it added up to a busy and interesting weekend. |
The 67-year-old Metis businessman has made a career of finding a niche, setting a goal and filling a need or want. |
The Metis claim all but the northernmost reaches of Labrador, but their claim has never been accepted by the federal or provincial governments. |
The Metis descended from the intermarriage of Europeans with indigenous peoples and they possess elements of both cultures. |
They also say the action could rewrite the relationship between non-status Indians, the Metis, the provinces and the federal government. |
Meanwhile, those looking for anything new on the Metis will have to look elsewhere because the works she cites on Metis history are dated. |
Ms. Menard is an interesting artist who hails from the Metis tribe in Canada and performs on stage and writes her own material. |
Cross Lake is a Native and Metis community of approximately 5000 residents located about 500 miles north of Winnipeg, Manitoba. |
Goodon is reflecting an aspect of Metis culture by using parts of the animals most people have no use for, Chartrand said. |
While the case involved Metis in Ontario, the ruling was considered a precedent for the entire Metis population in Canada. |
A must-see for its importance in Manitoba history is Riel House, the family home of the famous Metis leader and found of Manitoba, Louis Riel. |
The highest court in the land has affirmed the rights of Metis people in regards to hunting and fishing. |
The assembly doesn't officially represent Metis or Indians who aren't registered under federal legislation. |
I would also like to know how well acquainted he was with the Metis of western Canadathe people, their clothing, and their culture? |
The Assembly of First Nations does not represent Metis, non-status or Inuit people. |
After Healy's release, commanders ordered additional Fort Assinniboine soldiers to drive out all Canadian Indians and Metis. |
There are no thumbscrews used for the Metis, though removal of one Phillips screw allows for full access of the case. |
When the Canadian government acquired western lands from the Hudson's Bay Company in 1869, Louis Riel led a group of Metis settlers in protest. |
Any musical artists of Canadian aboriginal status or non-status Metis or Inuit by birth, adoption or community acceptance are eligible for the awards. |
First Nations have resolved this issue, and the Metis community is presently working to address it. |
Unlike the Aboriginal people, the Metis of Manitoba were not asked to sign a treaty. |
It also acknowledges the arrowhead sash as the recognized symbol of the Metis people. |
Metis and other settlers were accused of being land squatters and forced to leave lands they developed. |
We have established co-operation agreements with key First Nation and Metis communities in the region. |
We have Inu, Inuit, Metis, settlers and whoever and they are all good hard-working people. |
Metis lawyers began taking these actions to court and were winning successful judgements. |
Prior to signing the agreement, the MSGC executive and staff took their special guests on a community tour of the Gift Lake Metis Settlement. |
Inuit, Metis and First Nations youth have the spirit to succeed and these role models are a prime example of that. |
Riel also secured the consent of Colonel Black, the commanding officer at Fort Assinniboine, to allow the Metis to overwinter at the Big Bend of the Milk River. |
Barry's a member of the Saulteaux and Metis nations of Manitoba. |
At the service, a Metis fiddle lament, an Inuit throat song and a First Nations honor dance added unique touches to the traditional wreath laying and playing of the Last Post. |
Touring the show through Albertan junior high schools, he's found that it's difficult to identify the schools with the highest concentration of Metis youth. |
The government's scrip system was devised as a ways of extinguishing Metis land rights. |
A few pieces of work deal with Metis identity, while the odd one simply refers to Treaty Indians. |
Honourable senators, today I wish to share an amazing story about Billy Loutit, a Metis mail runner and his great-granddaughter Shannon. |
When European settlers arrived and made claim to their historic lands, the Metis were treated as squatters and pushed off the land. |
From St. Ambroise, Channing works full-time as a youth co-ordinator at the St. Ambroise Manitoba Metis Federation Youth Centre. |
She believes that her early experiences with discrimination as a Metis helped prepare her for work as a counselor, working with both Native and non-Native people. |
They fear Ottawa may be trying to blur the distinct needs facing First Nations, Inuit and Metis in favour of cheaper, one-size-fits-all solutions. |
Missionaries, interpreters, and soldiers all played a role, while north of the border there also existed a potentially intermediary community, the Metis. |
The Metis, who were part French Canadian and part native, feared that the encroachment of other settlers would mean the loss of their freedom and identity. |
British Canadians in Manitoba felt threatened by large populations of French Canadians and Metis, who continued to oppose British domination and refused to be assimilated. |
The term Aboriginal in this report refers to First Nations, Inuit and Metis. |
This resulted in the establishment of an awards program to support young Aboriginal and Metis students who want to pursue a post-secondary education. |
The fact is that aboriginal people, first nations, Metis, Inuit and Innu and many others, have a very strong knowledge of what goes on in terms of traditional knowledge of our natural environment. |
It sits on a helmet which shows a Metis sash as mantling. |
In the original text Theogony by Hesiod, Metis was the first wife of Zeus before he became the king of all gods. |
The term refers to cultural groupings such as the Mi'kmaq in the east, the Mohawk in central regions of Canada, the Metis on the Prairies, and the Dene and the Inuit in the North. |
Germaine Elliott: A member of the Serpent River First Nation, Elliott is second vice-president of the Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association, managing the health portfolio. |
The cart belonged to a Metis family that was not identified. |
It will help our members, and our Union, to make gains and fight for the rights of all our Aboriginal, Inuit and Metis members included in this Network. |
When I returned to the Bahamas earlier this year, the CSL Metis happened to be discharging stone in Nassau right next to the major tourist center. |
Lack of opportunity, disease, famine and increased settler pressures forced many Metis to disperse from Red River to their new homelands in what is now today Saskatchewan and Alberta. |
Recognition of the unique role of the Inuit, First Nations and Metis peoples of Canada in Canada's social union and the contributions each can bring to reflect and give expression to the fundamental values of Canadians. |
Its focus is on Métis youth. This summer, the Metis National Youth Advisory Gazette was launched with hoopla and excitement from its North Battleford, Sask. |
Precision, adjustable focusable optics allows the Metis to pinpoint very small targets and features advanced sighting capabilities such as through the lens, laser or video. |
She was also presented with a Metis scarf and a dream catcher. |
Settlement negotiations, including resource revenue sharing, are also underway with the Akaitcho and the Northwest Territory Metis Nation Aboriginal groups. |
An elder will work with teachers, principals, parents and the Metis community as a whole in identifying challenges in the school system and work with parents and the school to resolve them through alternative solutions. |
As a result, in 1898, Manitoba changed the Criminal Code to make it illegal to bring scrip cases before the courts, basically eliminating any chance for Metis to correct the injustices that were occurring. |
Used historically as a teaching tool by Aboriginal peoples in the Algonkian language group, the medicine wheel continues to be widely applied by many First Nations and Metis peoples. |
I'm a Métis and for me it's just a matter for me to get in touch with my Metis culture and just a chance of getting to know a little bit more about the history. |
While Calgarians participate in celebrations of First Nations, Metis and Inuit culture, their understanding and appreciation could go deeper, says McLandress. |
Since this government was elected we've seen nothing but insensitivity, disrespect and broken promises for First Nations and Metis people of Saskatchewan. |