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How to use Metis in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Metis? Here are some examples.

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The assembly doesn't officially represent Metis or Indians who aren't registered under federal legislation.
The Metis descended from the intermarriage of Europeans with indigenous peoples and they possess elements of both cultures.
After 1840 many Metis buffalo hunters, the offspring of European fur traders and Cree and Ojibwa women, also joined these groups.
The 67-year-old Metis businessman has made a career of finding a niche, setting a goal and filling a need or want.
The Metis claim all but the northernmost reaches of Labrador, but their claim has never been accepted by the federal or provincial governments.
The highest court in the land has affirmed the rights of Metis people in regards to hunting and fishing.
A must-see for its importance in Manitoba history is Riel House, the family home of the famous Metis leader and found of Manitoba, Louis Riel.
Meanwhile, those looking for anything new on the Metis will have to look elsewhere because the works she cites on Metis history are dated.
Ms. Menard is an interesting artist who hails from the Metis tribe in Canada and performs on stage and writes her own material.
Cross Lake is a Native and Metis community of approximately 5000 residents located about 500 miles north of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Goodon is reflecting an aspect of Metis culture by using parts of the animals most people have no use for, Chartrand said.
While the case involved Metis in Ontario, the ruling was considered a precedent for the entire Metis population in Canada.
The Assembly of First Nations does not represent Metis, non-status or Inuit people.
They also say the action could rewrite the relationship between non-status Indians, the Metis, the provinces and the federal government.
Combined with demonstrations on the different aspects of Metis culture like hunting and trapping, it added up to a busy and interesting weekend.
I would also like to know how well acquainted he was with the Metis of western Canadathe people, their clothing, and their culture?
After Healy's release, commanders ordered additional Fort Assinniboine soldiers to drive out all Canadian Indians and Metis.
When the Canadian government acquired western lands from the Hudson's Bay Company in 1869, Louis Riel led a group of Metis settlers in protest.
There are no thumbscrews used for the Metis, though removal of one Phillips screw allows for full access of the case.
Any musical artists of Canadian aboriginal status or non-status Metis or Inuit by birth, adoption or community acceptance are eligible for the awards.
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Examples from Classical Literature
One was in consequence chartered, but, being neaped in the harbor of Rimouski, did not reach Metis till the 19th August.
At Metis the height of the cistern of the standard barometer was determined by a spirit level.
It looks at Metis people, a uniquely Canadian group relevant to understanding Aboriginal identities in general.
Award-winning Metis artist Will Belcourt and Cree actor Todd Houseman are among eight recent recipients of the 2014 Cultural Diversity in the Arts grant.
For example, one consultant related how, as a young teenager with a male partner, she represented the Metis by Red River Jigging in two such showcases.
This leaves him free to imagine a philosophic explanation of the myth based on the word metis.
Then on the twenty-fifth of April, 1848, came the discovery of metis, by Graham.
Many of them are metis, or half-breeds, the descendants of French and Indians.
The metis, of French and Chippewa blood, were famous as hunters and trappers.
At the metis the strange Indians left us and returned to join their fellows.
No sooner was the metamorphosis complete than he swallowed the fly, and himself produced the child of metis out of his head.
Here thousands of metis, or French half-breeds, had settled.
The metis claimed a right in the soil from their Indian mothers.
The metis, on his side, covered the young nobleman with his carbine.
Zeus, therefore, persuaded metis to transform herself into a fly.
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