Because fruit and vegetable waste goes in the brown bin and sits there for up to two weeks, maggots and fruit flies end up in it. |
The hook was baited with two maggots and the tackle fished a few inches over-depth. |
When the fish melt away, introduce a handful of maggots and the same amount of hemp on to the clear patch. |
Within days fly maggots are born and release an enzyme that decapitates their ant host. |
Rat-tailed maggots are the larvae of the drone fly and, in order to pupate the larvae, look for a dry place and start migrating. |
We were contacted by some people from Spain and they denied the presence of maggots in Cabrales. |
One University of North Texas graduate student is using black fly maggots to compost that garbage. |
The fish were not picky with bread, luncheon meat, cat meat, worms, casters, pellets and maggots offered in various ways. |
Flea beetles and root maggots, the two major radish pests, can be avoided by placing floating row cover over the bed. |
Kathleen Jamie should have used quicklime rather than caustic soda to deflesh her gannet's skull, but maggots would have been best. |
I always keep feeding with maggots and casters whatever I am fishing with at the time and caster will usually be my first change bait. |
Before tea time I moved around the lake and swapped some worms for maggots from a local angler. |
This year flea beetles, white grubs, seed corn maggots and wireworms generated a lot of discussion. |
The ham was, by this stage, specked with fungus and small white things that might have been maggots. |
Other flies found on the poultry establishment include soldier flies, small dung flies, fruit flies and rat-tailed maggots. |
Say what you like about those white maggots, but they are the best thing the game has going for it. |
Autumn sown grass is occasionally attacked by the stem-boring maggots of frit flies. |
In fact the tonnage of maggots, casters and groundbait introduced must have been incredible. |
In New England, apples on about 95 percent of unsprayed trees are typically damaged by apple maggots. |
The white maggots have been being kind of sooks because people have been threatening to come around and burn their houses down. |
I prefer the groundbait feeder with bread in clear water, switching to the block end filled with maggots in coloured water. |
The chub and barbel often appear at night when they can be caught on legered meat baits or block-end feeders with maggots. |
We used a variety of tactics ranging from the open-end feeder with bread to the stick float with maggots. |
In addition to worms and groundbait you will need some casters and red maggots when you are there. |
Always use the best quality bait you can obtain and keep maggots and casters in top condition. |
Many boletes are worth eating, but their stems tend to become infested with insects or maggots and often have to be discarded. |
We transferred the birds to the second roosting aviary and we counted the number of unconsumed maggots left on the foraging platform. |
Today doctors use medicinal maggots to clean wounds by dissolving dead tissue and to disinfect them by killing bacteria. |
The maggots moiled about its flesh, pixellating and transforming its appearance. |
In the nature of things, the art was attacked by flies and maggots, and the stench is reported to have been unendurable. |
It was claimed that before they were really ready for cooking, grouse should be hung until maggots dropped out of them. |
Likewise, as we have mentioned, Jesus compared the Pharisees to sepulchers which are whitewashed on the outside but full of maggots inside. |
Her feet were lacerated and bleeding, her face infested with botfly maggots. |
Now, weeks later, they have returned to find iceboxes full of maggots and putrefying chicken. |
Hemp seed, sweet corn maggots and even worms can also be used. |
I always take a variety of bait with me and will never go tenching without lobworms, casters, red maggots, white maggots, bread, mini-boilies, and luncheon meat. |
Corpses are left outdoors and scientifically observed for rigour and maggots, to help budding crime scene investigators learn to determine time of death. |
Especially, some ladies will be so horrified just by seeing a bunch of maggots wriggling. |
They're huge white maggots with transparent membranous skin. |
When maggots have completed their development they convert their last larval skin into a puparium, a hardened shell within which the pupa develops. |
Larvae of the frit fly of oats and the gout fly of barley are maggots of flies that belong to the plant-feeding family Chloropidae. |
In spite of her warning, Izanagi looked at his wife and discovered that her body was infested with maggots. |
This injury should not be confused with symptoms of seed corn maggots, which will leave the seedlings ragged in appearance. |
We were also concerned that A. bipustulata might interfere with an existing Canadian parasitoid of root maggots, A. bilineata. |
Apple maggots also breed on hawthorn, crabapples and wild apples which should be removed from the vicinity of the orchard if possible. |
If you look in the photos-I don't know where they are at the moment-you'll see small white spots throughout, which are maggots. |
Apple maggots do have some natural enemies but complete control with these parasites and predators has not been demonstrated. |
The thin layer of ash suffocates the fly maggots, hence decreasing the number of flies. |
A number of plants repel apple maggots and other insects that attack apple trees. |
We were not made for the maggots in the cemetery, but for Eternal Happiness, with God and with all of God's children. |
After two or three days, the maggots are flushed out with a saline solution and discarded. |
Some clinicians in the hospital are still using them, but access to the maggots is slow and that delays wound healing. |
They look like maggots, but they are many times bigger than just ordinary maggots. |
Once the bee dies, maggots eat the carcass, turn into zombie flies, and buzz off in search of their next host. |
They carried out procedures we now rate as complementary or alternative as well as some off the wall procedures such as cupping, bleeding, the use of maggots and leeches. |
It appears that these seed applied insecticides and liquid insecticides will be effective in protecting seeds from seed feeding insects such as wireworms and seedcorn maggots. |
Even if most people don't care to eat black radish, cabbage maggots sure love it and without a row cover a marketable crop can be almost impossible to achieve. |
Centuries after the technique was pioneered, maggots are being used at Harrogate District Hospital in larvae therapy, to remove unhealthy tissue from wounds. |
He wanted to know what we did to keep root maggots out of radishes. |
There are ways to deal with coddling moths and apple maggots. |
Biosurgery using larvae such as maggots for treatment of difficult wounds is now becoming an established discipline in the management of difficult wounds. |
The source of the trouble lies to the north, where it spews its venom throughout the Great Kingdom, breeding dissension as rotten meat breeds maggots. |
Out has gone hempseed and maggots or casters, to be replaced by pellets. |
The maggots were bred in plastic containers in the laboratory using chicken liver until they pupated. |
The patients who were treated with maggots also reported more pain. |
When people or animals have some serious skin troubles, they may have discharges and blood flowing down on the sores and maggots live on the sores. |
It's been more than fifty years since the usefulness of maggots has been known to the medical community and still people die because of doctors' squeamishness. |
I was just about to apply the customary two red maggots to the hook when my host produced a handful of huge lobworms. |
The corpse had already been there a few days: it was seething with maggots hatched from eggs laid in the putrefying, stinking flesh. The man's death had been a violent one. |
Grains are infested by vermin, fruit and vegetables get bruised, meats are attacked by flies and maggots, eggs break and milk goes sour. In rich countries, packaging and handling has vastly reduced this sort of waste. |
These include onion thrips, onion maggots, grasshoppers, and gophers. |
One UK company, ZooBiotic Ltd, farms maggots from the sterilised eggs of the common greenbottle, Lucila sericata. |
He shook his shoulders, in imitation of writhing maggots. |
In addition to this mess, there was also an infestation of maggots. |
Mike Towler snatched victory by just half an ounce when he caught 17lb 7oz of bream by using a groundbait feeder and red maggots on the hook. |
The founding members of Chicago's Madina Lake gamely faced death for theirs, crawling through trenches, munching on cow parts, ingesting maggots and eventually being hospitalized, all in the name of rock n' roll. |
One of the options offered is maggot therapy, in which sterile maggots are applied in a pack, in order to clean wounds and help recovery. |
I don't think the drill instructors were trying too hard to catch dozing maggots. |
My usual tactics of big baits for big fish saw me bait my size 10 hook with a large lobworm and three red maggots. |
Food supplies were frequently in terrible condition, infested with mould, weevils, worms, and maggots. |
In the hot August weather, maggots crawled over the bodies, and swarms of flies descended on the area. |
Francesco Redi, the father of modern parasitology, founded the experimental biology and demonstrated that maggots come from eggs of flies. |
Dried up patches appear at the fruit's stalk end and small white maggots are often seen inside the fruits. |
Dried up patches appear at the fruit's stalk end in summer and small white maggots are often seen inside the fruits. |
The Widnes welder then stuck two white maggots on a 16s hook and helped himself to seven bream. |
Although the meat in all of the flasks putrefied, he found that only in the open and uncovered flasks, which flies had entered freely, did the meat contain maggots. |
When in captivity, moles will eat a wide variety of food items including liver, mice, mealworms, shrews and maggots. |
You'll find that during the spring and summer months, anglers will go armed with an array of particle baits such as hemp, maize, maggots and pellets in the hope of creating a feeding frenzy so they can put a fish on the bank. |
Roach after roach followed by rudd and perch kept filling up my keepnet and the red maggots had worked wonders again. |
Rutabaga and turnip to control root maggots. |
A PET lover opened a can of worms when a tin of cat food exploded, showering her with maggots. |
Codling moths and apple maggots are two other pests which affect apple trees. |
They feed on slugs, snails, cutworms, cabbage root maggots and other pests that live in the soil. |
Later this year she will be working with the company to conduct a clinical trial using maggots to debride leg ulcers. |
Last year, 30,000 NHS patients were treated with maggots to debride their wounds. |
In this true masterpiece, straight razors slice, a dead rabbit develops maggots, a corpse fills a bathtub, groping arms come out of walls, oppressive ceilings lower and even potatoes grow tentacles! |
Unless, that is, our crops this year have been hindered by such nasties as codling moths, maggots, sawfly or scab. |
It's astonishing how you can pump out a pit filled with rank wastewater, maggots, insects and decaying rodents, yet a little poopy diaper sends you squealing. |
He said excuse me and turned for another look and puked a phlegmy liquid on her when he saw maggots crawling out of her nostrils and her eye sockets. |
The sight of the squirming mass of maggots left me disgusted. |
The glassworker performed effectively with a two-hook straight bomb rig covering swims at 13 and 17 metres, so that he could catapult loose maggots. |
The Prose Edda, however, describes dwarfs as beings similar to maggots that festered in the flesh of Ymir before being gifted with reason by the gods. |
Most damaged fruitlets fall off and maggots go into the soil to pupate. |
Grubs and maggots are also excellent bait when trout fishing. |
And second, though there were all kinds of scavengers in the area, ranging from black bears down to Canada jays, the only thing feeding on this fellow were maggots. |
Mr Hatton said the most seriously ill twin was passing live maggots into his nappy which were later identified as the larva of the common housefly. |
Trying a free stretch of the River Frome, Cody, eight, from Wareham, in Dorset, set up a feeder rod and baited his size-16 hook with three red maggots. |
A left parietal 10x10x4 cm polypoid, partially necrotic, degenerating, exophytically growing tumour which was colonised by maggots was identified. |
Casting a groundbait feeder and maggots from the dam at Butetown Pond brought Colin Whitehouse a string of small perch to win the Rhymney AS match with 6lb 4oz. |
The fish fell for bunches of red and white maggots on a size 6 Korda Kurv hook during a session which also produced fish of 24lb and 22lb for the 35-year-old. |
The image Nosey about Maggots by Yam Ni Nigam, of the College of Human and Health Science, won the Academic Prize and reflects research at the university into maggot therapy. |
Maggots actually feed by extracorporeal digestion, a process in which they spit enzymes onto the tissue, which breaks down into a semiliquid that can be sucked up. |