Remember, in any relationship, both parties have to give and take and learn to accept things about each other, right? |
They will soon learn that to give and take in the workplace and indeed, any relationship, reaps its own rewards. |
The most important thing in marriage is to give and take and to understand one another. |
The barge also features some aquaponic techniques, which rely on the natural give and take between creatures and plants. |
Pam's recipe for a long and happy marriage is a lot of give and take, and always making up any arguments or quarrels before going to bed. |
And don't you hope, John, that the spirit of give and take, the spirit of cooperation, will prevail in the coming days? |
A long marriage is down to give and take and making sure you have a good family around you. |
A little give and take must be allowed but under no circumstances can the admission fees be charged for promotion to the next class. |
The success of our marriage is based on give and take and we talk things through. |
The relationship between IT and the rest of the business needs to be like a marriage with a good deal of mutual give and take. |
For its ease of interplay and generous spirit of give and take, the rapport between them is remarkable. |
Some give and take will be necessary between manufacturers and regulators for diesels to be viable. |
I always thought that a relationship was a two-way street, a give and take, but with them, I felt more like their pet dog. |
But friendship is a matter of give and take in every way, including the allowances that must be made for each party's lapses. |
Then come the give and take of negotiation and the fine points of legal contracts. |
Sometimes the give and take between Mr. Smith and the audience assumes the form of courtroom drama. |
I believe this has been one of the proposals most based on give and take and finding a balance that we have seen in this Parliament. |
Our discussion was lengthy and, in the end, quite straightforward, with give and take on both sides. |
The goals that we have outlined in this statement can be achieved if a genuine willingness to negotiate, to give and take, prevails among us. |
In order to learn nuances of language, how to relate to others and to develop social skills, there must be an active give and take. |
More importantly, we should tackle their root causes of conflicts with a spirit of openness, mutual compromise and give and take. |
That means that in a democracy, there has to be some give and take in order to ensure that everyone's interests are balanced. |
In order to fulfill its mandate, CSIS must participate in a constant give and take of information with other agencies, both at home and abroad. |
As all partnerships do, this will require consultation, negotiation, give and take, and co-operation if it is to succeed. |
As the Associate Administrator already said, it was on all sides a give and take. |
In a negotiation system, a relationship of power is established and there is some give and take. |
I was merely illustrating the give and take, the reciprocation. |
He rarely wrote foreign-policy articles and generally confined himself to the give and take of the policy wonk meetings. |
Unlike traditional journalism, it has a collegial give and take. |
In politics, you have to give and take and respect the views of others. |
Nearly everyone is in favor of freer international trade, but when it comes to specific give and take nearly everybody gives in to nationalism and would take everything advantageous, ignoring all else. |
And it means a readiness to give and take. Those blocking progress must be made to understand that the inertia in the CD is doing damage not only to our common security but also to their own. |
It is misconceived because it ignores the necessary give and take of everyday life, assuming too readily that any insult to one's dignity must necessarily give rise to a legal remedy. |
It means that everyone is evolving and all of us give and take leadership. |
They hoped for an amicable solution, but both knew it would require some give and take. |
Identity consequently expresses the mysterious alchemy whereby a people receives, transforms and assimilates influences from elsewhere in a dialectic of give and take. |
They should just learn to give and take and tolerate each other. |
During the dickering and the give and take that took place what the Bloc member got from the parliamentary secretary was these clauses that annihilate the exemptions. |
We've been really lucky in our program to have lots of staff that are of aboriginal descent, so there's a lot of that give and take, there's not just one person who has one piece of the pie. |
Inclusiveness and effective participation clearly improved the quality of the final regulatory package in that good ideas were brought to the table by all parties and improved through the give and take of negotiations. |
Let us show our constituencies that we are ready to give and take. |
It is necessary that interuniversity teams are created throughout Africa, that institutional or thematic networks are launched, and that Africa engages in a vast intellectual networking based on give and take. |
This is not a compromise, it is not a give and take deal, it is all take. |
Teachers can encourage students to have a sense of ownership for classroom learning by fostering a climate of give and take where they listen to each other respectfully, share ideas and consider alternative viewpoints. |
Although the US courts have clearly affirmed that no system, however brilliant, is above the law, the underlying give and take philosophy of file-sharing remains untarnished. |
A matcher is somebody who tries to keep an even balance of give and take. |
Give and take is the key to a successful marriage, say a Malmesbury couple who have celebrated 50 years of wedlock. |