Gabby waited a long time before answering, and only did once Justin's breathing grew slow and steady, a dead giveaway that he was sleeping. |
Kennedy freestyled with him and everyone was treated to free food and a record giveaway. |
The mayhem the giveaway created was hard to watch, but the schwag was well worth it. |
Even without such giveaway settings, the Canadian accent and humour still would exude unmistakeably from a huge proportion of playwriting. |
The tilde over the letter o is a dead giveaway as the other languages don't have it. |
It was heavily panned in the internet chatrooms, and there were raised eyebrows at what some regarded as a giveaway price. |
Otherwise, you would always be selling your goods at giveaway prices far below your total production costs. |
The valuations suggest that the company cannot be sold for anything other than a giveaway price. |
The giveaway will last a couple of days to a few weeks, depending on how many radios retailers and middlemen were able to order. |
They also aim to fill their planes as near as possible to capacity, even if it means selling tickets at seemingly giveaway prices. |
The contents of the giveaway goody bags were largely related to estrogen replacement. |
It's a giveaway paper, to be published by a joint venture of four government-linked corporations. |
To put a ribbon on this giveaway, some officials even want to provide taxpayer subsidies for building new power plants. |
Laughter like a strange hybrid of belly laugh and chuckle, a belly chuckle, perhaps, is a bit of a giveaway. |
The giveaway holiday vouchers are a way of drawing everyone's attention to the large sums of money that ex-smokers find themselves with. |
I'm pretty happy with how this competition turned out, so I might try it again in the future if an appropriate giveaway object presents itself. |
Everything old has to go to make way for new stock and many more books, for adults and children have been added to the sale at giveaway prices. |
Now and then these old tomes are overpriced, but on occasion you can find fantastic books for giveaway prices. |
It has put scarves, pin badges, shirts and other memorabilia up for sale on the internet at giveaway prices. |
It's a pity, too, that your favourite Sunday newspaper can't quite stretch to a giveaway cassette. |
I just wanted to let you all know we have announced our deadhead ticket giveaway. |
She was one of hundreds of customers who were trying in vain to benefit from a giveaway deal. |
He also published on his own, countless commercial giveaway comics and puzzle collections that featured his work. |
He's reading their bodies, all the little giveaway tics and touches we have. |
The basic tee is renowned for its relentless work in the promotional trenches as a giveaway item. |
Natural belly buttons do NOT look like a perfect circle, and circular umbilicoplasty scars are a tummy tuck dead giveaway. |
A second and even clearer giveaway feature is the appearance of small-font superscripts in words like 117th. |
I can't afford to hire one of those chefs who cooks in your home, and I think a Chinese carry-out might be a dead giveaway. |
I am pleased to be able to begin the new year with news of another gigantic Irish's Movie Review Column ticket giveaway. |
A real giveaway to the true nature of comedians is the complex mixture of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine they need to perform. |
The pixilation around the right side of the dog's jaw is also a giveaway that this picture has been modified. |
The new virus makes its way into computers through an email attachment and is less obvious than previous viruses due to a lack of giveaway signs. |
With specks of gravy on his tie and the heavy smell of garlic, his dinner is a dead giveaway. |
Twin exhaust tailpipes, one at either side of the car, are the only giveaway that a 3.0 litre V6 engine lies under the bonnet. |
The real giveaway is the female's hidden pouch, albeit backward opening, for rearing its young. |
Charter forests are already being condemned by environmental organizations as a giveaway to rapacious loggers who want to fell national forests. |
The most striking ones are connected with the illegal giveaway of some public parks and gardens, he said. |
Members of the Chippenham Winkle Club known as winklers donned their Christmas outfits for the giveaway along the Kennet and Avon canal. |
He wasn't running to fat yet, which was a good thing, and there was no grey in his moustache, which was always a dead giveaway. |
At the ABC's internal local radio awards, the gong for best promotion went to a giveaway of a free trip to France. |
My jacket doesn't say where it was made, but the label's Chinese characters are a dead giveaway. |
These giveaway items require prior written approval by the appropriate Marketing Coordinator in advance of the tasting. |
A new giveaway tabloid newspaper has hit the streets of Sydney. |
Stay tuned for the next giveaway by joining any or all of our social networks. |
Prospects of a pre-election giveaway Budget on December 5 are fading fast. |
The stickers are a great way to advertise Fruit of the Loom products to everyone visiting your premises, and also make welcome giveaway items. |
His use of an incentive, called tax-increment financing, to attract developers has been criticized as a tax giveaway for companies that don't need financial breaks. |
He just thinks nobody will notice, even though it's a dead giveaway. |
I was after their giveaway 70s CD which turned out to be OK for a freebie. |
The monthly giveaway sports magazine launched towards the end of last year in a bid to attract new customers will be redesigned before its next edition. |
With the influx of giveaway papers hitting city streets, Sydney's Lord Mayor plans to introduce a new policy regulating the distribution of newspapers and magazines. |
The sale is meant to be an opportunity for it to offload items like used basketballs that may just be slightly cracked, old t-shirts and past varsity giveaway items. |
At a giveaway price, it went to a development company who created what is now the Broadgate centre, a fairly ghastly set of offices with a few shops thrown in. |
Immediately, the giveaway signs of serious sickness were flashing. |
Unfortunately the plot of the film tends at times to be almost giveaway, there is little suspense and few surprises except in the effects and action. |
Even the names of the players are a giveaway for the average class-conscious Englishmen. |
The fact that the masthead of the April 1 edition was printed upside down was supposed to be a dead giveaway. |
Of course, the coffee ring on the bottom is his de facto Seal of Office and a dead giveaway, but the grammar and lack of punctuation nail the lid firmly down. |
It was a too strong giveaway of a technocratic rationale that does not reflect what Europe's founding fathers wanted and accomplished. |
He and two co-authors read through back numbers of various urban gay community papers, mostly of the giveaway sort that are laden with bar ads and personals. |
But if, say, £2bn-worth of shares attract the bonus, that's a £200m giveaway. |
His reluctance to accept your generous offer of meeting his ex is a giveaway. |
In an ideal world, George Osborne would be sitting in the Treasury putting the finishing touches to a nice, fat giveaway budget. |
Tax cuts that are not tied to investment and job creation are just a giveaway to corporations. |
Hand out T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers or other giveaway items, and encourage everyone to use them. |
Members and the public alike put their names in for an Irish Basket giveaway, and the lucky winner went home with a four-leaf clover! |
I know of a Cheyenne family in Montana who promised to do a big giveaway if their son returned safely from Vietnam. |
Offer this great little giveaway to loyal customers and to those whose loyalty you want to gain. |
In order to reduce product giveaway, they decided to move from minimum weight to an Average Weight system. |
But the Masonic tartan trews and kilts could be a bit of a giveaway. |
The enticing title is a dead giveaway about the presentist orientation. |
The source of that class was the corrupt decision to sell off the state's assets at giveaway prices and without open competition, in return for huge kickbacks. |
But that means there's still that giveaway jerkiness of movement. |
Of course, the loud buzzing of such drones and towels being blown away would have been a dead giveaway to the pool girls. |
As with phone bills, major expenses or bills for jewelry and other gifts are a dead giveaway. |
As part of the promotion a Morris Oil team travelled around the region demonstrating the zippy Citroen Xsara and inviting people to sign up for the giveaway. |
His giveaway with 37 seconds to go in the Portugal match cost the U.S. the game and an easy trek into the next round. |
In her hand she held a silk map of the region, given to agents to avoid the giveaway rustle of paper in pockets. |
The Ultimate Audience Freak-Out What would an Oprah giveaway be without tears and hysteria? |
At Miami Carnival in October, several soca music traders set up stalls at major venues, openly hawking illegally acquired wares and at giveaway prices. |
But the dead giveaway on almost any of these fraudulent emails is not the painstakingly simulated appearance or the sophisticated coding, but the grammar! |
There were many giveaway signs of Europe's predictable weak points. |
Regular Wednesday Hump Day crediting will continue as usual during the Clover of Fortune casino bonus giveaway. |
Android Authority is giving away a single Galaxy S4 handset in an international giveaway. |
Then build the giveaway accordingly and decide how you'll convert those people into customers. |
The giveaway has simple rules and works on the number of points that you can generate by referrals. |
The giveaway is the nearby Grand Wash Cliffs, researchers from Arizona State University report online June 10 in Geosphere. |
As the birds approach, bank and dive to decoys, the outstanding blue patch on each forewing is a dead giveaway as to the identity. |
Ashkenazy's 1988 recording of the famous fifth, reissued by Decca at a giveaway price, has Shostakovich's music sonically unfettered. |
All participants received a practical briefcase as a giveaway, which included all information about the mechatronics products of the Sartorius Group. |
A potlatch was a great giveaway of presents. |
Furthermore, there was no sign of any European solidarity and the French market was saturated by consignments of meat at giveaway prices arriving from other Member States. |
Sixty quid is a lot to pay for any friendly when you can see most competitive football in this country much more cheaply, though it is the pre-season bit that is the dead giveaway. |
First, there is the shameful government response, the smug and idiotic claim that it is actually doing something with the bogus regressive tax giveaway of a few bucks a month. |
When they do so in a romantic comedy it's a giveaway that the screenwriter was too lazy and unimaginative to give their characters any hobbies that they don't have themselves. |
Boards have a duty to pluck up the courage to challenge such larger-than-life bosses. However, most corporate fraudsters do not have swishing reptilian tails as a giveaway sign. |
If that's not a dead giveaway to its heightened performance, listen to the specially tuned exhaust note emanating from the pipes or cast your eyes to the 20-inch wheels filling the colour-coordinated fender extensions. |
The frosting in his beard was a giveaway that he had been munching the cake. |
Local metal band Lyckwyd also will generate some warm fuzzies in the form of a guitar giveaway to one lucky performer on Saturday. |
The Taiwan EPA requires dry battery manufacturing or importing firms in accordance with Article 15 of the Waste Disposal Act to indicate the recovery marks on the batteries used in sales, giveaway or promotion. |
A dead giveaway is the image used to promote it. |
Thanks to Mr DeLay et al, it became a giant giveaway to the old. The Big Not-Too-EasyMany of Mr Bush's ideas for turning New Orleans into a model for conservative urban reconstruction look half-baked. |
Manny Rothstein received a plastic two-handed back scratcher in the mail as a promotional giveaway from a drug company. |
Here is your chance to fill up your petrol tank and not feel the pinch with our fantastic fuel giveaway. |
Crowder said that Monday's giveaway was a Secret Santa project funded by an anonymous donor. |
Well, just the name Buck Turgidson is a dead giveaway. |
The enchanting tale of Max, the hedgehog who becomes a hero Hodgeheg, is the second in our great giveaway of Puffin bestsellers for youngsters. |
His Mediterranean accent is a dead giveaway of the Provençal food lover who admits to a certain inclination towards modern cuisine, developed from basic traditional flavours and textures. |
However, she said that the provenance of this so-called Hillbilly Heroin could be a good giveaway for desperate parents. |
The Cousteau Society and other environmental NGOs criticized the proposal as a giveaway that legitimizes forms of commercial whaling without providing conservation protection. |
The decision to add guffawing canned laughter is a giveaway that they lack confidence in the strength of the show. |
Such soppiness is a dead giveaway that Tiger is new to parenting. |
To celebrate the Grande Partenza or 'Big Start' of the prestigious Giro d'Italia this weekend, we've arranged a great cycling giveaway with sports megastore Decathlon. |
The fact that they were promoting the Greekness of their experience in the middle of Athens should have been a dead giveaway of what we were in for. |
That disguise is a dead giveaway! Choose something less obvious. |
Although we announced the retirement of the Dealers Only Giveaway in last month's issue, we have plans for special giveaway promotions in the future. |
This giveaway marks another successful step in the Kravco Simon Company, developer and manager of King of Prussia Mall, and Chevrolet marketing alliance. |
The way she looked at him was a dead giveaway that they were more than just friends. |
The store is staging a promotional giveaway to attract new customers. |