Past tense for to diminish the confidence or courage of
“Should we throw cold water on his dreams of being a rockstar, or should we wait until he's a little older?”
Past tense for to allay a situation that has escalated
“Security was called to the scene to throw cold water on a heated altercation between two disruptive neighbors.”
Past tense for to feel, or cause to feel, disheartened after learning the truth about something
Past tense for to remove hope or enthusiasm from
Past tense for to prevent (hopes or expectations) from being realized
Past tense for to prohibit or interdict the use, participation or inclusion of
Past tense for to (attempt to) prevent something from happening
Past tense for to make emotionally sad or depressed
Past tense for to (attempt to) quell or put an end to
Past tense for to dismiss something as unnecessary or irrelevant