Towards or from the side
“I slammed on the brakes, slid sideways, and stopped just before careening into a state road truck.”
To or on the side (of something)
“This is provided in the considered system by a pair of calibrated cameras located sideways to the robot.”
In a distrustful, suspicious or doubtful manner
“He glanced at me sideways. I could tell he didn't want to get me started on a Lucas-is-innocent diatribe.”
In a sly or furtive manner
“Mr. Falconer was walking with bent head and hands behind his back, but now and again he looked at her sideways with his sharp eyes.”
Not in a direct way, line or path
Towards one side
(of a glance or look) Peripherally, in an indirect manner
From or towards the ends, or from end to end
Moving or directed toward one side
“My life begins to take a slightly new shape, like a bubble blown from a child's wand that gets caught by a sideways wind.”
Sly or furtive in nature
“She paused and shot him a sideways glance, unable to conceal a ghost of a smile.”
Out of the perpendicular, not perpendicular
Moving or extending sideways
Running or lying across
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