Superlative for automated, typically driven by machines or mechanical devices
“Foundries are able to reuse reclaimed sand from this process using a mechanical process.”
Superlative for done or occurring spontaneously, without conscious thought or attention
“The algorithms ran their determined courses, and our thoughts followed one after another, as mechanical and as predictable as the planets in their orbits.”
Superlative for unnatural or artificial in one's mannerisms or behavior
“Her face, turned towards Alice, wore a mechanical smile.”
Superlative for devoid, or lacking in, emotion or feeling
“He seemed so mechanical in his speech. It was obvious that he struggled speaking to his mother.”
Superlative for lacking in the necessary care or attention
“It confirms that parts of Athene's speech to Telemachus have been re-edited in a careless and mechanical fashion.”
Superlative for tedious or boring, especially because of a lack of variety
Superlative for operated mechanically via winding up
Superlative for operated using springs
Superlative for cold or unfeeling, like a machine or robot
Superlative for involving or concerned with applied and industrial science or technology
Superlative for related to the physical anatomical structure of a thing
Superlative for following fixed or systematic rules or structures
Superlative for inanimate, having no sentience or consciousness
Superlative for related to, or resulting from, the mechanics of a device, machine or system
Superlative for recurring at uniform intervals