Comparative for relating to a spiritual realm
“The spiritual in man may soar in the highest transcendental realms, but man's body is essentially that of an animal.”
Comparative for transcending physical matter or the laws of nature
“I seem to be insinuating the possibility and attractiveness of an ideology that will analyze social ills on a transcendental plane.”
Comparative for not composed of matter
Comparative for of, relating to, or suggestive of, heaven
Comparative for exceptional or superior beyond the ordinary
Comparative for based on abstract reasoning
Comparative for concerned with theories or hypotheses rather than with practical matters
Comparative for of great excellence, grandeur or beauty
Comparative for serving as the ideal model or example for something
Comparative for of, involving, or existing only as a fanciful idea
Comparative for modeled on, or aiming for, a state in which everything is perfect
Comparative for basic or fundamental
(of objects) Comparative for the best of its kind or class