(of a payment) Comparative for required at a certain time
“Our rent will be due in just a few days.”
(of a person) Comparative for having reached a point a given thing is required or owed
“I am due up to three weeks of back pay.”
Comparative for expected at or planned for at a certain time
“History suggests that a downturn is due relatively soon.”
Comparative for of the proper quality or extent
“He met with a minor accident after driving without due care on his way home.”
Comparative for characterized by being fair, just, or impartial
Comparative for legitimate as recognized by law
Comparative for due to happen or just beginning
Comparative for according to expectations
Comparative for done without fee, generally for clients of limited means
Comparative for in a straight or direct line or course
“After departing St. Paul Island, we headed due north to St. Lawrence Island.”
Comparative for exactly or precisely as stated
“Its destination was Christmas Island, an Australian territorial outpost, about 300 nautical miles due south of Sumatra.”
Comparative for in a prompt manner