Superlative for very serious or gloomy in expression or demeanor
“He had dark circles under his eyes and a grim expression on his face.”
Superlative for horrifying or terrifying to the senses
“The grim discovery of a dead man in a Govan flat was one of the most sensational murders Glasgow has known.”
Superlative for dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding
“It is a grim story about an aspiring scriptwriter who becomes involved in a triangle involving a young would-be starlet and her sister, a singer.”
Superlative for unrelentingly harsh
“The residents of Iron City lived and worked in grim conditions while dreaming of a life in the aerial city of Zalem.”
Superlative for determined and unrelenting in one's resolve
“Sam wiped away her tears of joy and donned a look of grim determination.”
Superlative for lacking genuine levity or mirth
“Ian Cawsey recalled with grim humor the moment when he almost died.”
Superlative for lacking in health or wellbeing
“We are shivering, wrapped up in our shawls, feeling grim with cold hands and feet.”
Superlative for of low or poor quality
“The grim quality of army food convinced him there was a place in professional cooking for the low-priced, preserved, dried, and canned goods then beginning to appear on the market.”
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