Opposite of comparative for realistic and pragmatic, rather than fashionable or attractive
“I was convinced that bigger was better, but did not consider how impractical a large tripod was to lug around.”
Opposite of comparative for suitable for a particular purpose
“Unless your name is MacGyver, that tiny screwdriver is going to be useless for what you want to achieve.”
Opposite of comparative for so nearly the case that it can be regarded as so
“Please be aware of what you need to do in the unlikely event of an emergency.”
Opposite of comparative for of, or concerned with, the actual doing or use of something, rather than with theory and ideas
“This is a theoretical conclusion, but one that graphically illustrates the point.”
Opposite of comparative for concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice
“In the end, we accepted the ruling after feeling that it would be injudicious to challenge it.”