Opposite of superlative for having an irregular or uneven surface, edge, or outline
“She turned sideways, stared at her stomach, and felt the smooth skin around her belly button.”
Opposite of superlative for bristly or prickly in texture
“Some monkeys had bald patches caused by over-grooming, a compulsive behavior caused by stress.”
Opposite of superlative for consisting of, or resembling, granules or grains
“Snow of a dry powdery consistency commenced to fall in the first week of February and continued intermittently for several days.”
Opposite of superlative for in raw form, having not been purified
“Take three squares of the filo pastry and place the first one down on a surface, then brush with clarified butter.”
Opposite of superlative for having rough or rugged features
“Adrianna felt the ropes rubbing against her delicate skin, tearing and burning.”
Opposite of superlative for having a croaky, husky or raspy sound or voice
“Rose wondered, listening to Yashi's soft, mellifluous voice soothing Jess, and feeling a pang of annoyance that she'd gone straight for him.”
Opposite of superlative for vulgar or indecent in nature or quality
“They advocated clean comedy and, therefore, scrupulously avoided smut and double entendre.”
Opposite of superlative for lacking class or refinement in behavior or manner
“Let the medical man aspire to be a refined and cultured gentleman, and do all he can to adorn the higher walks of life.”
Opposite of superlative for of low or mediocre quality
“Before the formalities started, the Sligo pipe band gave an excellent performance.”
Related Words and Phrases