Other good choices of summer flowering bulbs include eucomis, galtonia, ixia and crocosmia. |
Galtonia candicans may appear like a white bluebell but it flowers in late summer and being a bulbous plant is easily managed. |
Except in extreme northern zones, where they must be lifted in fall, Galtonia will withstand winter if planted in a sunny spot and heavily mulched. |
The Cape Hyacinth, Galtonia candicans is tall and white, lifting its elegant head above regular border plants, it brings a sort of pearly freshness to the August garden. |
If we northerners are willing to dig our glads and cannas and store them in the basement or garage, why not do the same with Acidanthera, Bletilla and Galtonia? |
Hardy bulbs such as nerines, galtonia and amaryllis belladonna can be planted in spring and left to naturalise in a warm, sunny spot. |