These gutless wonders did not come close to meeting those basic requirements. |
Superheroes form such a vital part of popular culture one wonders why there aren't more games with a superhero theme. |
But perhaps the dreadful birth defects and mutated plants are not evidence at all, but signs and wonders portending some great event. |
One wonders whether there is something fishy going on, as what happened at the Moratuwa Stadium, when counterfoils were resold at the gate. |
The wonders of post-production editing and a well-known film finds a new life. |
Outside we would go, necks craned, eyes upward, waiting for our glimpse at the wonders of modern aviation. |
With the current turmoil in the US economy one wonders if people will be quite so free with their money on luxuries this year. |
This simple funda is creating ripples and working wonders in Suryapet Municipality. |
Technology and the Internet are also taking interest away from the wonders of wool and gabardine, he said. |
One wonders what bad experiences the sensitive prince has had with unsympathetic sofas or aggressive pouffes. |
One wonders if they shouldn't ease up, calm down, breathe deep, get more securely grounded. |
If anyone wonders whether dress codes are strict now, why not take a gander at the way swings were back at Fulford Golf Club. |
The quirky humor has been abandoned in favor of futuristic imagery and gee-whiz exclamations about the wonders of cool technology. |
He wonders what maintaining a constant police presence in the area is costing taxpayers. |
His lack of physical presence is a drawback at this level but a goal would do wonders for his confidence. |
He wonders if concern about the future prevents us from enjoying the present. |
I sat at their tables enjoying fresh wonders of the Mediterranean and learned to milk goats. |
Nutrition deprivation also works wonders on making people more open to suggestion. |
And one wonders at the public-sector whistleblowers' consequent employment prospects in the private sector. |
One just wonders how much further matters would have gone if these public-spirited individuals not been passing by at that time. |
Full marks to the ground staff who worked wonders to have the pitch in excellent condition following the recent inclement weather. |
I guess one of the wonders of technology is the capacity to lay a passive-aggressive guilt trip on me from 10,000 miles away. |
At first Ellen is confused by the disconnected stories, and wonders if he is making them up as he goes along. |
The commentary is by the producer, who endlessly wonders why the movie never took off. |
Recreational diving enables us to experience those underwater wonders firsthand. |
But one wonders if a brush of white wash on these walls would help erase some of the pain. |
She feels sorry for him and wonders if being dysgraphic means she has escaped some hardships. |
The exuberance with which he engages every topic attests to the wonders he can accomplish with his prose. |
The endurance of the generation of 1914 was one of the wonders of human fortitude down the ages. |
The first technique works wonders in treating large boils, abscesses, and evidently, also big or tight clusters of acne pustules and comedones. |
Most Scots are familiar with the sight of Jim and Carole demonstrating the wonders of Aberdonian soil. |
One wonders why, after being put off time after time, she continues to persist. |
A temporary lift has been installed enabling wheelchair access to one of the wonders of the world. |
It was August, sunny and hot, and we were on a trip from Iowa to Wyoming by way of the scenic wonders of South Dakota. |
He wonders if I am not being just a wee bit hypocritical in my praise of honest, humble work. |
At first, weeding the garden pained me as I had grown to love the rambling weeds and all the wonders that they had to offer. |
One wonders why they want this information, and what it is used for once they have it. |
Visitors to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington can gaze upon many aeronautical rarities and wonders. |
These days, thanks to the wonders of the Web, being a rate tart is an absolute doddle. |
Like benzoyl peroxide, sulfur keeps bacteria in check and works wonders on whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. |
Still, one wonders what has kept Faber from producing a paperback edition for so long. |
She turns around and sees my wicked grin and immediately wonders what is going on. |
Seat of the mighty Khmer Empire for over six centuries from AD 800, the city of Angkor is one of the world's cultural and architectural wonders. |
After a while I found myself hit by a wave of fatigue, paranoia and depression, but an hour's kip and a wander round the shops worked wonders. |
The island is fast-becoming a destination for hikers and many of the wonders can be explored at leisure during a walk in countryside. |
Explore the wonders of coral reefs, mangrove communities, and seagrass beds while identifying the marine organisms that live there. |
The Grand Canyon is also a place to find and explore the wonders of God's creation. |
She agrees to do so only if Ben will join her in exploring the wonders under the sea. |
An interactive exhibition which will captive inquiring minds with hands of fun and equipment to test and explore the wonders of science. |
The work of the poet, who perceives and attempts to define the wonders, complexities and beauty of nature, is hidden and obscured for many. |
Spot familiar faces, places and scenarios in their lyrics as they explore the wonders of the pubs and the pints of the glorious North. |
It had been almost 10 years since I last put on a pair of goggles and a snorkel to see the wonders of Queensland's coral reef. |
I genuinely think the world is an amazing place, and I imagine I could spend upwards of five lifetimes exploring its wonders. |
So, whilst my friends get dragged off to work every Saturday morning, I'm free to lie in and then explore the wonders of Kiwibox. |
We were exploring the glories and wonders of this fantastic country, which is booming under this Government. |
A place of timeless beauty, it beckons to anyone eager to explore remote natural wonders. |
It is an age of miracles and wonders, of sightings of Mary and warnings, of prophecy, graces and gifts. |
It's no wonder that across the country they increasingly regard their elected representatives as gutless wonders. |
That's why they will someday be seen as heroes, long after the gutless wonders with breathy voices are forgotten. |
Ready or not, the Millennium Year is on us, barraging us with a dizzying array of high-flying hype about the wonders of the New Age. |
As well as ancient sights that rank among the wonders of the world, China now has space-age hotels and superb shopping. |
The Italian cannot help create the impression that he considers final wins to be one-day wonders. |
A teenager who doesn't seize the opportunity to lounge about the house, wonders will never cease. |
Mountain air does wonders for one's appetite, and there's some memorable cuisine to look forward to. |
With time running out, Reed brought Iain Dunn, Matty Albery and Paul Stansfield off the bench and the move worked wonders. |
I have recovered from my trek in the mountains, just about, though one must admit it does wonders for the toning, just not so good for the feet. |
The mid-term break will do wonders to rest the minds too, because this victory was fashioned and won in the head as much as the flesh. |
The loving care of his keepers has worked wonders in Simba, who is able to move around without much difficulty, these days. |
Gunnado Farm near Walkaway has not only wonderful views but it does wonders to help young people find their way. |
He wonders now if he was trying to prolong his pain by allowing Sharon, after the break-up, multiple opportunities to twist the knife. |
Miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed and signs and wonders will follow the believers. |
She wonders whether her investments and retirement accounts are safe from broad fluctuations in stock prices. |
She wonders if she is doing any better by her daughter than her own alcoholic and absent mother did by her. |
We'll be going all out for victory, which would do wonders for the game in this part of the country. |
But with the onset of April month the whole town seems to be reignited in same old legendary charms, and natural wonders. |
The way he acts sometimes, one wonders if he has had any experience of a real lady. |
He wonders why European sportsmen don't wear boxes to protect themselves from such painful eventualities, when Americans are so keen on them. |
Regular brisk summary hangings at the yardarms of the warships worked wonders. |
Redford, Mirren, and Dafoe do wonders with the routine material and create recognizable and relatable characters. |
One wonders if in the morass of cultural relativism, the only sane ground is to eschew all taboo. |
She wonders how the larvae of animals that live in hydrothermal vents get from one vent to another. |
One wonders what will this mean for the latest bright spark from the surging Latin American cinema. |
Though small, they can do wonders because frantically attacking these pests will keep the lazybones on their toes. |
One wonders whether she is a Madonna or a sailor's wife restraining her tears as she watches her husband's ship depart. |
While his changeup works wonders against right-handers, lefties have an easier time picking it up. |
One wonders, however, if he fully subscribes to the vulgar leftism his argument suggests. |
The camera sends the images into a computer network, where they are retouched, catalogued, and subjected to the wonders of technology. |
Kilgas, a Lett with a reputation for joking, wonders when they will get another snowstorm. |
Jordanians are very friendly and hospitable, and a few words of Arabic will work wonders. |
One wonders how the inoperative council is supposed to generate the much needed finances to liquidate the debts. |
One wonders if he knows where the bodies are buried, perhaps quite literally. |
An action romp is good, but one wonders if the story would be better served by slowing down a little. |
His rousing speech did wonders on the spirit and enthusiasm of the men, for a few hours. |
I worried about filming the next morning but Madison assured me that makeup can do wonders and there would be no problems with the love bites. |
The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. |
He is audacious, showing such wilful disrespect to the past that one wonders if it ever existed! |
When looking at Kellerman swimming the Australian crawl in 1912, one wonders if history is repeating itself. |
Within an hour, the mountains, grasslands, kiwis, takahes, and other wonders I want so much to see were hundreds of miles behind us. |
The lobster bake, much more than a dish or even a feast, embodies a day filled with the wonders of water, fire, food, family and friends. |
The local waters offer a wide range of subaquatic wonders including corals, sponges, madrepores, parrot fish and lobsters. |
Turn on the radio and without turning the dial you find one-hit wonders, wanna-be gangsters, lying fools, and most importantly autotune. |
He wonders if it is some of her blacked-out memories that have suddenly awoken in her mind. |
Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. |
One wonders what treasures may still remain buried and undiscovered, such is the awesome scale of the place. |
From this, over the years, the mail coach spread throughout England and soon became one of the wonders of the land. |
He now wonders whether he would have been happier staying married to the same woman, rather than posing as cinema's abiding babe magnet. |
After a successful ram, ships could back water and go after another enemy, but one wonders how many such shocks a ship could take. |
Newspapers bulge with travel advertisements and articles telling us about the wonders of the world. |
The traditional Chinese nets, landscapes and huts by the river or backwaters are evocative of a child's fascination with the wonders around her. |
Could the competitiveness of schoolboy games be fuelled by over-the-top media coverage, one wonders? |
An Olympic gold would have done wonders for badminton's profile in Britain but silver is still a major shot in the arm. |
From Cnidos you could tick off three of the wonders of the world in almost as many days. |
The teocallis of the former are probably the greatest ancient wonders and curiosities on the Western Continent. |
Not all jazz music is made by balding musicians who sit around over copious whiskies discussing the wonders of a middle eight. |
The town is famous for its Norman Cathedral, one of the wonders of the medieval world, glittering with the gold tesserae of a thousand mosaics. |
One wonders how an ad might read when the relationship inevitably busts up. |
The cynic in me wonders about those screamers, knowing MTV auditioned for enthusiastic fans a few days before the event. |
Finally satisfied, I sat down once again, and stared out to the horizon, marvelling at the wonders of the natural world. |
Sinewy and sensuous, these preparatory masterworks are anatomical wonders capturing the longings of the famously impetuous painter. |
The two periods of extra time also failed to separate these two evenly matched teams but one wonders how. |
We offer the natural wonders of whales, icebergs and seabirds framed by dramatic seascape, landscape and unique culture. |
After a few miles our path curved away from the river, the trees thinned out, and we came upon, wonder of wonders, a proper town. |
Plus, back home she has handed out the Royal Maundy in so many of the cathedrals in England and Wales that one wonders which ones she's missed? |
He hopes she may be of some comfort to his sister, although he wonders whether he will ever see her smile again. |
Minerva wonders why it's called a disorder at all, and whether this is another example of the medicalisation of normal human behaviour. |
Apparently going to a business school does wonders for your self-confidence. |
As sales on both sides of the Atlantic in early June revealed, a good provenance works wonders in focussing a collector's eye. |
One wonders how people can find it in them to attend church after priests had betrayed them thus. |
Back in the old days when wood was all we had for stocks, glass bedding did wonders by providing a consistent place for the action to sit. |
I actually still remember the exact table we were sitting at when we first opened it and beheld the wonders inside. |
Someone wonders whether passengers could be persuaded to clean off their own tray tables and suggests giving them a towelette for that purpose. |
When she is on the highway, parked in a traffic jam, she often wonders where is she headed in such great hurry? |
Do not miss the signature Lalot appetizer of betel leaf and beef, a world of wonders in two bites. |
Martin Rowland and Colm Grealis performed wonders in a mime about a visit to the dreaded dentist. |
Nonetheless, by sheer dogged determination I have managed to observe and cogitate on a number of summer's wonders. |
The choir opened with a number of madrigals exulting the joys of love the wonders of travel and men bewailing the pain of unrequited love. |
He has done much to lessen the troubles and to add to the wonders of Nova Scotian life. |
The ministrations of his keepers have worked wonders for Simba, who now is able to walk about in his enclosure for any amount of time. |
I took the missus to recharge the batteries a bit this past weekend and it did us wonders. |
However, on a special occasion like this, a little heavily accented chat might have worked wonders on the birthday girl. |
He wonders if his blackness makes him what Du Bois described as a not-fully human being who occupies the space between human and animal. |
We have done wonders to get to host the conference and it would be a real sickener if financial problems wreck all the hard work. |
Advocaat's patience with the Italian has appeared infinite, but one wonders whether pride has blinkered the manager's approach. |
This is a weekly delve into cryptozoology, ufology, medical marvels, scientific wonders, strange facts or weird goings-on. |
If your doctor wonders if you might have syphilis, he or she will order a blood test. |
Wonder of wonders, your mom blows up at him the next day in front of the whole school. |
One wonders how many of Sharp's critics today would be prepared to sink their own prejudices and defy political correctness in order to do so. |
But to experience the wonders of the heavens, the skywatcher must be in the right place at the right time. |
He was one of history's greatest explorers, whose thrilling undersea adventures introduced the wonders of the deep to millions. |
It is interesting and fascinating only in the sense that one wonders just how far moviemakers will go in stretching for a boffola. |
We had seen whales, narwhals, polar bear, seals, walrus, musk ox, and countless other natural wonders. |
The shock of being ditched from the stock exchange seems to have worked wonders for its sleepy management and forced it to make changes. |
This will work wonders and boost their relationship to levels previously unheard of. |
One wonders if the neocons even know how many are waiting in hopeful anticipation of their unhorsing and humiliation. |
Fresh management has done wonders at the company behind the famous toy trains and the slot car systems. |
And despite the fact I have seen many wonders, the likes of which you can only dream about, I'll not be boring you to death with them. |
One wonders what other accounting nasties lurk beneath the surface in regard to other telecoms companies. |
Criticising unrestrained growth of the city, he wonders whether one could restrict it. |
The father-son legacy had often failed to work wonders at the box-office going by the past records. |
The solo acoustic worked wonders for him, as he seemed to enjoy doing magic tricks on his guitar. |
It's one of those moments when I revel in the wonders of growing your own veg. |
She wonders how someone so quiet could like her noisiness, and wonders if their mutual pity will turn to love. |
Dr. Jim L. Turner, assistant vice chancellor for graduate programs at UCLA, wonders if that isn't misleading. |
Gray's green eyes still dance with boyish excitement as he points out the lagoons' wonders. |
Yeah, because Henry wonders whether people would like his dad to spite him. |
God has his own timetable for working his wonders, and a commitment to vitalism is hardly a robust expression of faith. |
The film's children are all non-professionals, however, and one wonders to what extent they themselves are products of Glasgow's mean streets. |
When experiencing the wonders of off-trail hiking or bushwhacking, remember to disperse your impact. |
The carnage had a huge cost in terms of lost business, but it worked wonders for the bottom line. |
One wonders what would have happened had the Inland Revenue carried out a spot check. |
Oh, the wonders of Euroland, the rip-off merchants can no longer hide behind the vulgar fractions of currency translators. |
Situated on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, Toronto is in easy reach of the wonders of nature. |
Proven scientific methods of training to get over stage fright and personality development can work wonders in children. |
You know, having a child in the house is doing wonders for my New Year's Resolution to quit these cancer sticks. |
Because, even an expert hand at the control board could not work wonders with light and shade there. |
While many solo acts from the '80s are one-hit wonders and has-beens, Finn clearly breaks the mold. |
Judging from So Stylistic, it happily appears that they're not one-hit wonders. |
High Voltage, the Electric 6 had to do a lot to prove they weren't one-hit wonders. |
There was a growing worry that, maybe, they would become one-hit wonders, given how quiet things have been since then. |
Now, the Son Of Dylan is back in a bid to prove that his Wallflowers aren't just one-hit wonders. |
They even have carrot cake, wonder of wonders, although the frozen yogurt is a bit frightening. |
She complains that I don't talk to her and then she wonders why I get so angry because she never listens or hears anything I say. |
I learnt young that if you wanted someone to give you something, celebrity worked wonders. |
Keith began his ascent in the circus, running a sideshow populated with freaks, strongmen, fortune-tellers, and other wonders. |
Thanks to the form-fitting footbeds and Vibram outsoles, these backless wonders breeze through pushy terrain. |
Stress management in the form of daily deep breathing, yoga or prayer can also work wonders as our bodies gear up for the change of life. |
Of course, the fears of the critics may be hysterical or overblown, but in that case, one wonders why they can't just come out and tell us that. |
One wonders if he is being overcautious, since there is a developmental thread connecting his four cases. |
Get a final taste of Coeur d' Alene Lake's winter wonders by hiking the Mineral Ridge Trail. |
And, like an onion unraveling, one wonders, underneath it all is there anything of substance? |
In this state of affairs one wonders why such a regime is subsumed under the heading of democracy and not domination? |
Well-controlled doses of the drug can work wonders, but overexposure can be disastrous. |
He told me to concentrate mostly on the old ball when it would take reverse swing, and his suggestion worked wonders. |
One wonders, with such a star laden cast, how the film so quickly made its way to home video? |
Reflecting on these options, Rachel wonders whether painless death harms a sentient creature. |
Home to cultural and architectural wonders and famous for its fine white china, the German city of Dresden still shone despite six years of war. |
They sneer as much at self-employed plumbers and brickies as they do at those they see as chinless wonders. |
We're talking about stockbrokers, estate agents and sundry chinless wonders, tooled-up with expensive gear and ridiculous clothing. |
The Easter holiday kicks off, with a flood of chinless wonders heading off out of London in their huge cars. |
Now, though, he has discovered a taste for musicals, and wonders whether a career as a hoofer might beckon. |
One wonders whether those who made the decision, and who have now revoked the plan, ought not to be surcharged. |
Seeds are wonders of suspended animation, vehicles for the survival of embryonic plants, but their powers do not last forever. |
One wonders if in fact the intended hijackers didn't use the barrier of oncoming traffic to hem in the panel van and force it to stop. |
For centuries this was the greatest church in Christendom and with its immense dome, it's still one of the architectural wonders of the world. |
It was such a sweeping statement that one wonders just why the president floated it at this time. |
Bucks came back like a house on fire in the second half with dribbling wizard Clement Mazibuko doing wonders with the ball. |
One wonders if advanced models will be parked in home hoverports of the future, nixing the problem of snowbound roads. |
A well-dressed man virtually fed the victim to the mob, then escaped, and Marquez wonders if the supposed assassin was really an innocent patsy. |
He wonders whether the media industry is breeding an immunity to violence, murder and destruction. |
I was in Beirut, at the National Museum, enjoying the wonders of the ancient Phoenicians with my husband. |
It helps ease stress, tension and induce sleep, and some drinkers claim it does wonders for digestion. |
It's a necessary evil, but he wonders how many young fellas will be prepared to do this in the future. |
One wonders what group of mental pygmies in the department of foreign affairs or immigration fixed our gaze on East Timor. |
Suddenly she hands me her torch and wonders off into the thick inky blackness of night. |
Members of all ages bring natural history objects to meetings, using them to discuss the wonders and puzzles of field observation. |
The magic of melody and voice can work wonders with a poem, which would otherwise have been insipid to the ordinary reader. |
First, he wonders how natural selection connects up with mental development. |
An epilogue wonders anxiously how the audience have liked the play, assuring them it was intended only to please. |
An inflatable planetarium is introducing the wonders of the universe into the classroom. |
You, dear reader, can own this piece of literary history by the wonders of Interweb mail order. |
By reading the last portion and the first portion of the Torah contiguously, we connect the miraculous wonders performed by Moses to Creation. |
One wonders how all of these expansive and apparently contradictory conclusions fell within the committee's assigned sphere of responsibility. |
Franklin worked wonders with the company, producing a corps de ballet that truly looked like one body moving, a testament to Franklin's keen eye. |
The addition of surround effects does wonders for the audio space. |
He still wonders if the two abductions were connected in some way. |
These have been decried by some architects, but an apartment with a view of one of these tiered wonders is a prized possession among Muscovites and expatriates. |
Giving ordinary indians a chance to see the film will likely do wonders for the program. |
Having a laugh with the old pair, wonders will never cease, before returning to watch Andy Garcia passing judgement on the TV screen, glass of wine to hand. |
Norine wonders whether it might make things easier if she allowed her husband this one indiscretion. |
I think you are overselling the wonders of liability in several ways. |
Swapping a studio in Portobello for the working environment of a restored watermill in Angus has done wonders for their spirits and health, he said. |
Blake Gopnik takes a stroll and wonders whether the technology will overpower the art. |
It's a creamy off white, and she wonders if that affects the taste of it. |
The crispiness of the crusty bread, the crunchiness of toast and the soft, yielding moistness of freshly baked bread are truly three of the wonders of life. |
It blended the coming-of-age story, inspired largely by Dickens, with the magical wonders of Tolkien. |
Bruce Bartlett wonders if the obstinance of the GOP's conservative wing will lead to a new era of bipartisanship. |
She was also friends with bebop wonders Dizzy Gillespie, Bud Powell, and Theolonious Monk, who often sought her advice on how to write or play their own music. |
Still, given the disaster her earlier attempts at contrition were, this appearance seems to have done wonders for her. |
One wonders why it is not said that the pleasure is simulated. |
Behind Anastasia one of the chinless wonders was smoking a spliff, and, for whatever reason, after each drag he was putting his hand behind his back, like he was hiding it. |
Our client wonders in whose pocket this overcharge ended up. |
In a word, Fuller excepted, they were flat, and despite the bluster one wonders who exactly will muster the requisite spark when he makes his exit. |
Probably not many, which would explain the number of one-hit wonders that flash their star for the requisite 15 minutes and then fade away with the morning's light. |
The book, which recounts the horrors of white supremacy and the wonders of black resiliency, was the first American Book Award winner that has as its theme black genocide. |
So many of these trendy new unguents are one-hit wonders, while others survive the tyranny of being fashionable and come to be favourite companions for all time. |
And the public wonders why people in the fashion industry are so thin! |
As gameplay progresses, you'll place your cities, have your population grow, build wonders, armies, reap the land and generally just try to survive. |
This number has such energy and vigor that one wonders why it was cut. |
In the centuries that followed, as Buddhism took root in the jungles of Southeast Asia, no lesser architectural wonders were carved from hewn sandstone and granite. |
One wonders why this paragon of windbags campaigned so passionately for the republican cause in a country he hadn't lived in for over thirty years. |
Soft focus and an airbrush can do wonders for your appearance. |
They require 700 costumes, some winged wonders more than 20 feet high. |
Her views of the teddy bear duo have a sweet, simple pellucidity, instantly communicating all that the reader needs to know about the wonders of loving and being loved. |
In an age of five-minute wonders some trainers of the traditional martial arts are sceptical whether Krav Maga has the stamina to go the distance. |
Unfortunately, I was pelted with hail as I ran for my car after a hardcore session in the library, so I'm in no mood to ponder the wonders of nature. |
This is a magical world brimming with wonders, diverse and remarkable. |
A successful perfume, aftershave or eau de toilette can work wonders for a fashion label's balance sheet, not to mention its international profile. |
Then again, in amongst all the cack, there have been absolute wonders I have discovered either through recommendation, reading, curiosity or sheer chance. |
Divers can explore the underwater wonders of Eastern Indonesia on seven to eight days cruises to the islands of Komodo, Alor, Flores, Sumbawa and Lombok. |
Every single worry about how we socialise children is laid open to question, until one wonders if society has lost faith in our ability to socialise children at all. |
Witnessing the mystical wonders of the tallest peak of the world through the windows of our 1900C Beechcraft is a different experience altogether. |
They are pathetic, gutless wonders who have the ability to analyse but are always cowardly when it comes to downgrading a company that deserves it. |
This female mbaqanga group was formed in 1958, and has been through so many obstacles that one wonders what kept them going through all these years. |
These people who, while believing in a god and goddess, follow the ancient pagan religions that revere the wonders and beauty of nature and its changing seasons. |
One wonders how doctors reacted to the transformation of restaurants from outlets for bland, healthful fare to centres of gastronomy and gluttony. |
They explore the wonders of nature from songbirds to horned deer. |
Another perfect way to explore the subtle wonders of the wild is on interpretative bush walks, a favourite with bird watchers and plant enthusiasts. |
One wonders if, deep down, she couldn't stand being mean to her husband! |
In her first book, she pursues answers to a sort of question that, once articulated, seems so important and meaningful that one wonders how it escaped being asked for so long. |
Travis openly wonders why, of all her sisters, she survived the seeming tragedy of being shut out of show business while still in the bloom of youth. |
That should knock the snark out of the precocious six-year old who wonders exactly how Santa knows all. |
The stuff I use to make my legs look a little less translucent does wonders for my snow-white legs, but makes my cousin look like she ate a few too many carrots. |
Saying sayonara to your moustache can do wonders for image transformation. |
One wonders if the same will happen to other lines of research, such as attempts to replicate, extend, and understand the correlations between ESP and geomagnetism. |
One wonders how far the military itself is delinked from its old geopolitics to allow projections of conflict to be replaced by projections of economic profit. |
Now that Annabel Goldie has handbagged the awkward squad in her party, Atticus wonders if the new Conservative leader's longer-term ambition lies elsewhere. |
One wonders whether the government is huffing and puffing to cover up its own incompetence. |
One wonders, however, whether the old-timers on the population-policy team will be able to learn the new disciplines necessary in these circumstances. |
The Petronas Towers in are among the architectural wonders of the world. |
It's eccentricity and garish wrapping make the album a supermarket standout but one wonders what motivates sunset strip rock stars produce such obscurities. |
While there, he experiences a multitude of psychedelic wonders and witnesses, one by one, his incorrigibly bratty fellow winners dispatched in gruesomely appropriate ways. |
Thus far the tomb at Amphipolis has produced artistic wonders, adding to speculation that its occupant held very high rank. |
He wonders how so many people can be scientifically illiterate when they come from the same educational system that produces the world's most accomplished scientists. |
It is definitely one of the premier geological wonders of cislunar space. |
As a manual laborer, he wonders how can he ever feel useful again. |
Divinely decadent music which works wonders on your imagination. |
The room smelled predominantly of the alcohol, but was underlaid with the smell of stew, which did wonders to improve my attitude towards the inn. |
That beach breeze is doing wonders for her choppy blonde hair. |
The contradiction between the paleofauna and the uniformitarian paleoclimate is so great that one wonders why scientists do not question the uniformitarian paradigm. |
We know we're not one-hit wonders and that we can perform at that level. |
One wonders what such commentators would make of the recently developed notion that local laws should be ameliorated not by local sympathies but by international conventions. |
Is life just a string of errands, dinner dates, emails, meetings, and to-do lists, she wonders? |
Speak for yourself, but my aromatherapy mist is working wonders. |
The self-promotion, Seelie thinks, is somewhat boastful, and he wonders, is it worth it? |
It's kind of funny, now we actually have punk rock one-hit wonders. |
Jerry wonders how it is that he was in this nice, bright-eyed girl-across-the-hallway's apartment this afternoon and why now, at this infernal moment, he's here, writing. |
One wonders if they ascribed a healing power to the paintings themselves. |
But she wonders if ministers quite understand the real world when she hears ideas such as head teachers' issuing fixed penalty notice fines to truants ' parents. |
Many of the rivers in the area are also suffering from low water, and a good downpour would do wonders for runs of fish, as well as anglers' spirits! |
It was like the chapter in the book in which the golden boy is set upon by gloom and wonders about the purpose of life. |