Grand prize is a vacation package for two upper class tickets to the U.K. and hotel accommodations, and a signed guitar from the band Travis. |
Gandhi was born to the upper class of Indian society and had the privilege to study law in London. |
If it has become a tool for the upper class to maintain their status and power, how can we reach this goal? |
There appears to be a growing percentage enjoying an upper class status in South Africa. |
It conjures up images of upper class society, a world of fancy dress balls and rules for deportment that are anathema to my very soul. |
There is much enthusiasm for recreational boating and water sports among the middle and upper class in India. |
These groups usually are less westernized than the upper class and more oriented to Turkish culture. |
But the upper class is scared stiff of his rise, and plots to foil his attempts through fraud. |
A large kennel of dogs was simply another accoutrement of the landed upper class. |
They are increasingly fashionable, articulate, urban and upper class, even as they know their constituencies backwards. |
During the first stage of life, the upper class larvae who didn't drown in afterbirth were able to move independently. |
Her ample body became a sign of financial abundance afforded by the upper class. |
In the process, his incendiary rhetoric has alienated much of the middle and upper class, who accuse him of being authoritarian. |
But all the projects are aimed at either the upper class, the middle class or lower class, there is nothing for the absolute poor. |
The society is made up of the wealthy upper class, the middle class, and the working or lower class. |
In Edwardian times many lower class woman would work as servants or maids for upper class families. |
This tradition of Sanskrit theatre, now performed only in Kerala, is usually performed by a section of upper class Hindus, known as the Chakyars. |
It should be equally appealing to the upper class elite as well as the man on the street. |
She is, unfortunately, not very well schooled in the rules of upper class behavior. |
It is not the done thing in the upper class circles of public schools and gentlemen's clubs to put the boot in so crudely. |
She threw shade at everyone from Oscar Wilde to the entire English upper class. |
First, the overall plot focuses upon the hubris of an upper class that thinks itself above the powers of mortality. |
There are middle and upper class socialists, just as there are working class Tories. |
I want the working class and the middle class and the upper class, and in Britain I've got it. |
And the upper class of Bahamians are monied families who have made their money illegitimately and then tried to buy respect. |
But some of her descendants behave unacceptably, like the worst kind of upper class twits. |
Many upper class women spent a lot of time on embroidery and became very skilled. |
Behind the curtain was an exclusive world catering to the upper class and the rich and famous. |
Along with it, foreign cars have become a craze for upper class families and the middle class is following the trend. |
Young people from middle and upper class families are far more likely to go to college than those in working class families. |
Revolving around a large weekend hunting party in the 1930s, upper class guests, and their personal valets, arrive in droves. |
Haiku originated as a simple verse form used to entertain the Japanese upper class. |
One of the prime characteristics of the U.S. upper class is its high level of organization. |
It's too bad that our soap operas only show the glamorous and comfy lifestyles of the upper class. |
The military version of bushido was seen as a distortion of samurai ethics by some of the upper class who resented the commoner military. |
We like the larrikin who upsets upper class English manners, but perhaps the ocker protests too much. |
Only true nobles were taught flute, it was an upper class instrument and forbidden to commoners. |
The play has two characters, upper class Mrs Holbrook and charwoman, Mrs Chicky. |
The decorated pots are almost part and parcel of the houses of all middle and upper class women. |
That's why her company coddles and pampers its mostly upper-middle class and upper class clients. |
The social milieu of Hebrew poetry changed, rising from egalitarian synagogical circles to the elite upper class. |
At the same time, whenever given the opportunity, he would mock the English upper class. |
Yet, once you sink into the absolutely hilarious escapades of the English upper class, his books are delightful. |
Their perspective is from the perch of the upper class, particularly those media celebrities who pretend they are men and women of the people. |
There was also some substitution from upper class to upper middle class and a small increase in lower middle class and working class representation. |
The alcohol was so potent that upper class juiceheads turned to all nature of seltzers, tonic waters, juices and citrus to sand the edges off their cocktails. |
The day we visit, we are caught between an American tour group and a group of retired upper class Copts who have come to smoke shisha and gossip about old times. |
The exquisite taste in clothing of the Indian upper class is in sharp contradistinction to its complete indifference to the external appearance of houses and streets. |
There's a growing upper class which can afford to be decadent, at the same time that the vast underclass would desperately like to possess something new, unscarred. |
His play on the word bunyip, with its overtones of anachronistic absurdity, reflected the refusal by Australians to institutionalise an upper class. |
Gone is the Doctor's received pronunciation and upper class background. |
The culture of the new upper class carries with it an unmistakable whiff of a 'we're better than the rabble' mentality. |
Since it could now survive travel over longer distances, lobster became a decadent treat for the American upper class. |
Most persons of the St Lucian upper class lived in balconied houses situated around the Square, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. |
As expected, the results show a clear-cut hierarchy with the upper class on the top rung of the ladder and the unskilled laborers on the bottom rung. |
Most of the girls there were upper middle class, if not upper class. |
Is this the kind of knowledge that most educated, upper class French person would have intuitively? |
Members of an upper class whose time is up, Fleming treat foreigners as objects of suspicion and disdain. |
The upper class elite were the ones using Ciceronian language. |
Fortunately, however, the book is much more than a tale of the shameless arrivisme and social contortions of an outsider determined to be accepted by the British upper class. |
The Roman upper class was accustomed to easy divorce and remarriage, but this story startled even them. |
We need rules to help the upper class and control the lower class. |
The lower class does the work and the upper class gets the recognition. |
Put on your silly voice and pretend to be an upper class thicko. |
There is an element of simplistic categorization in portraying the upper class Raj and his family as decadent, and counterpoising Prem and his family as morally good. |
Her posh accent left no one in doubt as to her upper class breeding. |
Unfortunately, she has no clue about how the upper class society lives. |
Watts does a good, blushing sideways glance and has her flat upper class intonations off to a tee. |
But I don't care that he's really got an upper class accent. |
In the cities most upper class, urban families break the fast with a date in imitation of the Prophet even though dates do not grow natively in most parts of Pakistan. |
Almost all of the upper class and nearly a quarter of the middle class are substantial landowners. |
A Roman villa was a country house built for the upper class, while a domus was a wealthy family's house in a town. |
The inhabitants were growing desperate to remove their belongings from the City, especially the upper class. |
These areas, often built by upper class property owners to rent, were often centred upon collegia or taberna. |
The Grand Tour became a real status symbol for upper class students in the 18th and 19th centuries. |
The English, and later, the Scottish, set up cathedrals, churches, and elite grammar schools for the upper class. |
Christie's father Frederick was a member of the American upper class, and had been sent to Switzerland for his education. |
They see the state as a partisan instrument that primarily serves the interests of the upper class. |
Since the 19th century, the town of Deauville has been a fashionable holiday resort for the international upper class. |
A Roman villa was a country house built for the upper class in the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. |
As far as we know, there are no special dwellings for an upper class, but few settlements have been excavated to any extent. |
The upper class planters controlled the vestry, which ran the parish and chose the minister. |
Infantile scurvy emerged in the late 19th century because children were being fed pasteurized cow's milk, particularly in the urban upper class. |
They belong to the upper class, and in the British class system are considered part of the gentry. |
For example, in the United Kingdom, Received Pronunciation of the English language is associated with the traditional upper class. |
As the upper class English dialect changed, the dialects of the upper class Americans in these areas changed. |
As a result of the Northern Crusades in the Middle Ages, Estonia's upper class had been mostly of German origin until well into the 20th century. |
Labour divisions led to the rise of a leisured upper class and the development of cities, which provided the foundation for civilization. |
Though business has more or less held up so far, a series of drug-related spectaculars sparked an exodus of the city's upper class this summer. |
Coving for homes dates back to Victorian times although in those days it would have only been found in the homes of the rich and upper class. |
The regime does not paste over the clean windows of the upper class. |
British tommies, pommy toffs, upper class and lower, all are convincingly created by this excellent reader. |
When the rest of us look down on the upper class, it's called inverted snobbery. |
Egyptianization and ethnic local patriotism were made synonymous and were juxtaposed against the cosmopolitanism and poly-ethnicity of the upper class. |
Hence, a combination of a bandwagon effect along with an inability to frighten middle and upper class voters may be enough to give the far left the majority it needs. |
From some time during the 19th century, middle and upper middle classes began to adopt affectations, including the RP accent, associated with the upper class. |
Many Mongols of the upper class such as the Jalayir and the Oronar nobles as well as the emperors also patronized Confucian scholars and institutions. |
Early archaeology was mostly done by upper class, scholarly men. |
The French Riviera alongside the Mediterranean had already become a popular destination for the British upper class by the end of the 18th century. |
The old upper class traditions of university life had, at least for the time being, faded, and most of the male students were studying for highly truncated degrees. |
But when he is followed by the Miller, who represents a lower class, it sets the stage for the Tales to reflect both a respect for and a disregard for upper class rules. |
The upper class or nobility, represented chiefly by the Knight and his Squire, was in Chaucer's time steeped in a culture of chivalry and courtliness. |
Still more heretically but conventionally, it suggests the relatively upper class book or manuscript being read, with its central crease or fold, as an eroticized image. |