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How to use turnip in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word turnip? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The Celeriac is known as the beast of vegetables a turnip rooted, celery topped winter crop that is predominantly used in stews or soups.
Even the accompanying potato and turnip gratin play off tuber and root, the warmth of one, the tang of the other.
Add the celeriac, potato, turnip, rutabaga, and carrots and stir to coat with butter.
The daily soup was a healthy vegetable broth containing rice, onion, celery, carrot and turnip.
Examples of cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and turnip greens.
And there was some unspeakable bubble and squeak in a dry, pot-shaped lump that had the flavour of frostbitten turnip.
The gently spiced meatballs are lightly textured, served on a bed of couscous with steamed carrots, turnip and onion.
The barley and the remaining diced, cooked carrot, turnip and celeriac can now be added.
The soup was filled out with herbs, small carrot batons, thin slices of chanterelles, and translucent slices of turnip.
The pe-tsai of the Chinese is an annual, apparently intermediate between cabbage and the turnip but with much thinner leaves than the former.
The Cruciferae are any of a family of plants including cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and mustard.
Vegetables were not cultivated, but came in the form of wild carrots, turnip and garlic, along with salad leaves such as sorrel, nettle and dock.
Some grass is grown on the farm for hay or silage, together with swede, turnip or kale for winter forage.
Kimchimori is a light, mildly spicy dish of Korean pickles made from assorted vegetables such as turnip and Chinese cabbage.
Remove the lid from the clam pan and throw in the turnip tops, chard or spinach, and stir.
Nao was a person who wouldn't even throw away the wilted leaves of turnip greens.
A typical meal would consist of pork, greens like turnip tops, collard, kale and mustard, and cornbread.
Folate is found naturally in dark leafy green vegetables, like spinach and turnip greens, citrus fruits and juices, and dried beans and peas.
Because I've made it, I can rescue anyone who hasn't planned ahead to grow the beet or turnip greens the recipe specifies.
Milk, cheese, eggs, green leafy vegetables, carrot, radish, turnip and fruits like apple and guava contain these.
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Examples from Classical Literature
To express the cubic content of a turnip, you must be all round it at once.
The edible part of kohlrabi is the enlarged stem, which has the flavor of both turnip and cabbage.
In the true turnip the swelling is underground, but like the cabbage, kohlrabi forms its edible part above ground.
The seeds are larger than those of the Ruta-baga, or Swedish turnip, but in other respects not distinguishable.
We see something of the same kind even in our domestic varieties, as in the thickened stems of the common and Swedish turnip.
The next day Aunt Martha was in bed, slowly eating a bowl of potlicker and turnip greens into which cornbread had been crumbled.
An old-time trader, who was lost for forty days and only able to get the prairie turnip, practically subsisted in this way.
The crisp strips of turnip sprinkled quietly down onto a heap of gold which grew beneath the pulper.
Had about as much sympathy for a down-and-out, Steele did, as you'd find milk in a turnip.
One who has made a turnip lantern in his youth will seldom be at a loss to extemporise a shelter for his bit of candle.
I go now into my cellar to bring out the gladiola bulb and the homesick turnip of last year.
Those who have seen our turnip fields in early summer, with the hoers at their work, will understand our reference.
If you wish to have them very mild, put in a turnip with them at the first boiling.
If no beets are to be had, a turnip, a carrot, or a parsnip will do as well.
In early summer the best forage is on the warm hill-sides where the quamash and the Indian turnip grow.
In early summer the best forage is on the warm hillsides where the quamash and the Indian turnip grow.
Early purple-top strap-leaf turnip, early cabbage, lettuce, rutabaga turnips.
They served, too, a pie with onion and steamed turnip with kvass.
Then he yoked his oxen, and drew the turnip to the court, and gave it to the king.
The turnip and some of the leguminous plants also contain it abundantly.
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