The Celeriac is known as the beast of vegetables a turnip rooted, celery topped winter crop that is predominantly used in stews or soups. |
Even the accompanying potato and turnip gratin play off tuber and root, the warmth of one, the tang of the other. |
Add the celeriac, potato, turnip, rutabaga, and carrots and stir to coat with butter. |
The daily soup was a healthy vegetable broth containing rice, onion, celery, carrot and turnip. |
Examples of cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and turnip greens. |
And there was some unspeakable bubble and squeak in a dry, pot-shaped lump that had the flavour of frostbitten turnip. |
The gently spiced meatballs are lightly textured, served on a bed of couscous with steamed carrots, turnip and onion. |
The barley and the remaining diced, cooked carrot, turnip and celeriac can now be added. |
The soup was filled out with herbs, small carrot batons, thin slices of chanterelles, and translucent slices of turnip. |
The pe-tsai of the Chinese is an annual, apparently intermediate between cabbage and the turnip but with much thinner leaves than the former. |
The Cruciferae are any of a family of plants including cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and mustard. |
Vegetables were not cultivated, but came in the form of wild carrots, turnip and garlic, along with salad leaves such as sorrel, nettle and dock. |
Some grass is grown on the farm for hay or silage, together with swede, turnip or kale for winter forage. |
Kimchimori is a light, mildly spicy dish of Korean pickles made from assorted vegetables such as turnip and Chinese cabbage. |
Remove the lid from the clam pan and throw in the turnip tops, chard or spinach, and stir. |
Nao was a person who wouldn't even throw away the wilted leaves of turnip greens. |
A typical meal would consist of pork, greens like turnip tops, collard, kale and mustard, and cornbread. |
Folate is found naturally in dark leafy green vegetables, like spinach and turnip greens, citrus fruits and juices, and dried beans and peas. |
Because I've made it, I can rescue anyone who hasn't planned ahead to grow the beet or turnip greens the recipe specifies. |
Milk, cheese, eggs, green leafy vegetables, carrot, radish, turnip and fruits like apple and guava contain these. |
While oats can be seeded anywhere from zero to three inches deep, be careful with the turnip seed. |
Of course, getting money out of two characters like these brothers would be like getting blood out of a turnip. |
I took the roast fillet of beef in a parsley crust with asparagus polonaise and turnip and turned carrots. |
Besides getting money out of me would be like getting blood out of turnip, it isn't gonna happen so don't even try to sue me. |
I think you ought to cut back on the fruitcake, perhaps toss back a tasty rhubarb and turnip smoothie. |
There's nothing I enjoy more than planting some turnips, going to sleep and waking up in the morning to turnip sprouts. |
Both plants belong to the crucifer family which also includes turnip, cabbage, and mustard. |
A few turnip seeds sown now for Summer and Fall, reserving for a larger planting in late July for winter storage, is a good rule to follow. |
There was even the most finely slivered vegetables, which turned out to be turnip and carrot, with the assorted raw dishes. |
I've bought some turnip seeds and intend to grow turnips until they're coming out of my ears. |
I don't see socialist society as just sackcloth and turnip soup. |
Reviews seemed to range a short spectrum between turnip and not-a-complete-turnip. |
Be sure to try the turnip greens, corn bread, and peach cobbler. |
We had an extremely nutritious soup and salad, and I gratefully devoured sliced and peculiarly tasty turnip greens with green kale, onions, tomatoes, and peppers. |
I don't know why, as they maintained they had no shoes, they were often so hungry that they ate raw turnip and their only entertainment was playing handball against a wall. |
A large colourful platter was produced which had a large helping of roast lamb garnished with diced turnip, fluffy creamed potatoes and carrot julienne. |
Other foods children requested after the tour included horned melon, pomelo, vegetable soup, turnip, spinach, soymilk, red cabbage, sweet potato, and tofu. |
In a more original way you will marry it with the turnip, the rabbit and the duck. |
Good suppliers of iron are banana, watermelon, guava, kidney beans, spinach, grains, beans, cabbage, turnip, and radish. |
They have done experiments to see whether kale and turnip plants could possibly take up the excess that sometimes builds up in drainage water from irrigation operations. |
Peel the turnip, carrots and blach salsifies and cut them into 2 mm thick slices. |
Growing beet, carrot, tomato and turnip provides a more balanced healthy diet and an extra income. |
Each item was skewered on a cocktail stick and laid like sun rays around the plate, which also had a flower intricately carved out of turnip for decoration. |
The neat rows will soon show signs of spring onions, carrots, onions, potatoes, garlic, radishes, beetroot, turnip, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, sweetcorn and rhubarb. |
These parts of the plant swell during growth, forming a storage organ resembling a turnip. |
Some grass is grown on the farm for hay or silage, together with swede, turnip or kale for winter forage because grass growth declines drastically in the winter. |
Wiseman points out that most of the vegetables grown in Newfoundland and Labrador are traditional root crops like potatoes, carrots and turnip. |
Cut a turnip into small pieces and add it to your seasoned meat dish. |
Variation: Replace carrots and turnip by squash and sweet potatoes. |
Materials needed for a carved turnip head. |
Until the 18th century, the turnip was truly the high-speed motorboat of the daily food, in particular during the food shortage, before the potato does not appear and does not plunge it in the lapse of memory. |
Jack, an Irish character personifying the spirit of Halloween, is wandering in purgatory with only a little lantern he has carved from a turnip to light his way. |
Minced beancurd fritters, fish head clay pot and pan-fried turnip cake are some of the most coveted dishes here. |
When I like to munch into a pear I like it to taste soft and juicy, not like a rock-hard turnip. |
Veal blanquette is a dialogue between the velvety, almost fonduelike white-wine sauce and the fibrous textures of the underdone root vegetables — turnip squares, a beet the palest pink imaginable. |
Simple meat dishes and boiled vegetables such as the potato, carrot, turnip and parsnip form the principal ingredients of traditional Irish cooking. |
Garden beet, sugar beet, carrot, celeriac, chervil, chicory, ginseng, horseradish, parsley, parsnip, potato, radish, Oriental radish, rutabaga, salsify, sweet potato turnip. |
And this might also explain the extraordinary humanity of her work, the same grace and reserve invoked whether photographing a head of state or a turnip. |
If you prefer it cooked, you can boil your turnip cabbage in a pan with a dash of naturally brewed soy sauce, sauté it in cream or put a filling inside it and bake it in the oven. |
Processing and packaging of turnip greens must be carried out within the defined geographical area because of the delicate conditions under which the product must be handled and preserved after harvesting. |
One good turnip may provide as much nutrition as two poor ones, and if we can grow the same number of good turnips as poor ones we have thereby doubled our crop of food. |
We have an old saying in Scotland that you cannot polish a turnip and no amount of presentation will disguise the fact that the EU has a structural problem which we are not addressing. |
For instance, I've just recently introduced the turnip stick product. |
He was a cloddish man, like he'd just fallen off the turnip wagon and hadn't quite woken up yet from his long trip from the country. |
Swede is sometimes called turnip in Cornwall, but the recipe requires use of actual swede, not turnip. |
I look over and see that the ingredients for this would be turnip, rhubarb and cabbage. Yumtastic, not! |
It is grouped with cabbage, kale, turnip, radish, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, collard, mustard and brussels sprout as one of the cole crops. |
Other insect herbivores found on turnip plants included aphids, several lepidopteran species, and other leaf beetles. |
She'll tell you what to do for black spot on tomatoes, while she weighs out your turnip seed, or slices you a pound of hoop cheese off the wheel. |
Mating behavior and reproductive potential in the turnip moth Agrotis segetum. |
The hydrolysis of potato and Swedish turnip peels was very limited, because of the high cutin or suberin content on the vegetable surface. |
Down there in the turnip greene and the tears, hope remained alive. |
Jack put it into a turnip and it became known as a Jack O'Lantern. |
Pork chops boiled with turnip greens makes a mighty fine meal. |