Kapiti is home to birds only seen in sanctuaries or on islands including stitchbirds, North Island saddlebacks, takahe and Little Spotted kiwi. |
Wouldn't it be great if kiwi, takahe and other native birds could one day be that abundant? |
Some birds compensate for a lack of structural modification to the intestinal tract by consuming large quantities of grass e.g., ducks, geese and the takahe. |
It's a takahe, an extraordinary, huge flightless gallinule long believed to be extinct until rediscovered in a remote mountain range 50 years ago. |
The takahe, once thought extinct, now has a population of 120 birds. |
Grouse, Tapir, Takahe, Rhinoceros, Bison and Iguanas all jump aboard the big green bus being driven by a friendly penguin. |
We visit a captive breeding programme for the critically endangered takahe, a 2ft-high bird clinging by its beak to survival. |
Causes of low reproductive success of translocated Takahe on predator-free islands. |
Some of the more well known and distinctive bird species in New Zealand are the kiwi, kea, takahe, kakapo, mohua, tui and the bellbird. |
They are an integral part of the conservation management of the New Zealand takahe, an endangered flightless rail. |
Here we will see the Takahe, a large six pound Rail, the Saddleback, one of New Zealand's two remaining wattlebirds and the Stitchbird, a rare endemic honeyeater. |
Other species, including the remaining varieties of huia, the kiwi, the flightless rail, the takahe and the kakapo are all on the verge of disappearance. |
The takahe, kakapo, mohua and kokako are birds from which country? |