Alex, motivated by this rare compliment from Lance, set back to work on the mechanics of the machine. |
The case for affirmative action in Bermuda has likely been set back by years. |
Rather than test the validity of those claims, the sailors quickly set back to sea in a longboat. |
The house is approached via a tree-lined avenue and is set back from the main road. |
When the parents arrive it's as if a switch has been thrown and behaviour patterns set back twenty or more years. |
By 8pm that night she was moved back to the intensive care unit but her recovery was set back the following day when she had a cardiac arrest. |
Attempts to split up a parish council could be set back a year because of administrative delays, campaigners fear. |
If revolutionary new therapies are delayed or outlawed, we could be set back for years, if not decades. |
Police also want to hear from landowners who have a gate made of tubular steel, which is set back from the road, on their grounds. |
When the loaves are done, cool for 10 minutes on baking racks, then turn them out of their pans and set back on the racks. |
The property on Alexandra Avenue is set back from the street and can only be accessed down a narrow side street. |
The old vintage wines in the market may set back a restaurateur hundreds of dollars, but there's no risk. |
Both properties are set back from the road and lie behind cast iron railings. |
Hopes of cementing the recent rapprochement between Nato allies, Greece and Turkey, have been set back. |
Anyway, the initial set back apart, the evening was most convivial, beers were consumed, food was ingested and chit was chatted. |
In fact, a serious shortage of potable fresh water is about to set back the city's continued development. |
He sought to allay fears that he would set back attempts at interfaith dialogue. |
The 218 flats are arranged in three blocks, set back from the road to preserve an existing belt of trees and minimise noise disturbance. |
She noticed with some annoyance that anyone standing in the entranceway, set back under the building a few meters as it was, would be dry. |
Across the water the grand York Road houses are set back, strung along a hillside skyline, spacing out as you go. |
The frame house, set back from Highway 29 which slices from south to north right down through the Napa Valley, needed some work. |
Unfortunately they do not accept the holiday season as a valid reason to set back the question of adjudication. |
Premature implementation will set back the cause of regional reform and development and aggravate political problems. |
The town centre partnership is fearful that an amusement arcade will set back the recent regeneration activity. |
Once you get the business back on track, branch out by doing workshops and writing booklets, and maybe even start a blog helping others to reboot their lives after a set back. |
On the other hand, their campaign clearly set back the cause by antagonizing many non-militant women and by alienating pro-suffrage members of Parliament. |
The Contacts Division suffered a set back in its development over the last few years. |
But at the same time they should challenge critics of the deal who argue that Canada would set back the cause of human rights by signing a pact. |
So after some post-harvest reprieve, the market is not apt to set back too far. |
This eight-room pavilion with its permeating country charm is just slightly set back in the woods. |
Having just returned from their trip to Brussels, Carol and her friends sit in her house in one of the broad avenues set back from the town's harbour, to take stock. |
Often, water-related disasters set back the development process for decades. |
Abdulahi Majeed said the recent tsunami set back Maldivian development by two decades. |
His rookie flailing set back the peace process and made him look like a doormat. |
Figure 2, having the treadle set back from the door captures more wary birds. |
Do this and the progress of this city will be set back a generation! |
When fishing, the gillnet is hauled in around the horn, the fish and debris are removed, then the cleared net is set back into the water. |
The new rules should not cause a set back for already functioning competitive public transport systems. |
There is also a risk that the capability to manage user fees that has been developed over the past few years will be set back. |
The building is set back from the street which, on entering the property, provides an unobstructed view of the parklands and the building. |
Between the two side elements, the east-west facing facades are glazed completely to room height and set back from the building line. |
The Dutch colonial houses were graceful and large, set back amid cocas, kanary, and nutmeg trees, while the rest of the small town lay half hidden in the foliage of palms. |
Where there is a lot of surface growth, or when ploughing in straw, the pre-ploughing implements should be set back as far as possible. |
Soils are best in the river valley systems and the upland areas of older settlement set back from them. |
We have now been set back at least three and a half years, probably five years, in dealing with the climate change crisis. |
The top floor will be set back from the main face of the building. |
Slightly set back from the facade, adjoining a gable wall, a later extension with a roof terrace receives the stone stairway that leads to the porch way which is protected by a wrought iron and glass canopy. |
A constellation of ignited eyes that edged the ring of light all bound in a precarious truce before this torch whose brightness had set back the stars in their sockets. |
Clearly we must not allow this assassination to set back the remarkable progress which has been made by Serbia in rejoining the European family, not least thanks to the bravery of men and women like Mr Djindjic. |
This can set back your troubleshooting quite a bit. |
Argentina's collapse has set back these hopes. |
Civilisation would be set back several centuries. |
Sinclair was not really set back personally. |
Civil unrest set back production in Nigeria. |
Technological development has been set back five years. |
The sustainable practice of agriculture could be set back years. |
While responsible arms transfers are a legitimate part of international trade and can contribute to international peace, security and stability, irresponsible transfers can fuel all kinds of conflict and set back development. |
If you were like many investors last year that saw their investments suffer a major set back, you may be evaluating whether or not you could have sheltered yourself from the severe market correction. |
Best not to hurt Grandma's feelings, and no need to worry that her giving you a glittery hair band will set back womankind. |
The company argued that even a relatively short delay that jeopardized its ability to take advantage of the winter road to the mine site could result in the project schedule being set back by an entire year. |
That has put at risk the consolidation of peace and stability in the Western Balkans has and set back more than a decade of hard work by this Council. |
Despite a set back earlier this year, the Ranchers Choice Beef Co op Ltd continues to try and find a way to deal with the increasing number of cull cows in Manitoba. |
However, the Horizon 2012 plan has been set back by significant delays in deliveries of the Panamax ordered in India, none of which will be delivered this year. |
Though the existing injury was not aggravated too much, Beckham's recovery process was set back by about a week. |
Michael Crichton chose Hard Case Crime to bring this set back, even re-editing two of the Lange books and writing new chapters for one of them. |
Guests stay at Sally Port Cottage, which nestles behind it, set back in a recessed position that protects it from the worst of the weather. |
Although the Chechens were eventually allowed to return home, Chechen social development was set back at least a generation. |
Euston Station is set back from Euston Square and Euston Road on the London Inner Ring Road, between Cardington Street and Eversholt Street in the London Borough of Camden. |
These works are from the period of peak achievement of Insular art, which lasted from the 7th to the 9th centuries, before the Viking attacks sharply set back cultural life. |