After sixteen summers a child of the plain, no matter what gender or tribe, goes through the rite of passage. |
It is at once a coming of age story, a rite of passage, a road trip and a buddy movie. |
Her first class with him was the proseminar on archaeological method and theory, every graduate student's rite of passage. |
I had this kid in mind, Romen, who is unable to participate in this male rite of passage and is ashamed of the fact that he is unable to do it. |
Indeed, attendance at the Naval War College became a virtual rite of passage to obtain flag rank during this period. |
They were usually sour and gave us bellyache, but it felt like a rite of passage of sorts. |
Whether you plan on attending a prom or tying the knot, renting a tux is a rite of passage in any man's life. |
Time was when being offered a tipple for the first time was a rite of passage, a coming of age. |
There's a rite of passage in many tribes of taking off all your clothes and going off into the woods to survive with your bare hands. |
In others, it may include completion of a rite of passage, such as getting buried up to your chin in an ant nest on your thirteenth birthday. |
You get an all-American rite of passage, gangsta rap, and terror on the bunny slope. |
Getting thrown out of it, preferably after signing in under a fictitious and assumed name, was always a local rite of passage. |
Drinking a pint or two of sweet cider in the belief that it is the elixir of adulthood is a rite of passage every teenager undergoes. |
With teen boys, their rite of passage is getting their first girlie magazine and talking about it with their buddies. |
School graduation ceremonies are a primary rite of passage for most children and young adults. |
Most people consider acne to be a consequence of being a teenager, as though it were a rite of passage marking the ascent into adulthood. |
Alcohol is cheap, access is easy and abuse almost part of a rite of passage. |
This novel sensitively describes the psychological struggles of this rite of passage to maturity. |
A formal acknowledgement of 'graduation', such as a certificate from the paediatric facility can mark transfer as a rite of passage. |
It is often viewed as a rite of passage for children, preparing them to become responsible adults. |
I think a lot of people who are drawn to witchcraft sometimes will get a tattoo, or mark themselves in some way to denote a rite of passage or an experience. |
Teenage smoking is a rite of passage for the lower class in Ireland. |
The show proposes to follow the Amish youths as they enter rumspringa, a rite of passage that occurs when Amish teenagers turn 16 and are allowed to leave their families. |
Horns develop as individuals come of age and tattoos are received during a ceremonial rite of passage that occurs soon after they appear. |
In Toronto's inner city, a teenager prepares for the rite of passage of her first fist fight, while searching for her First Nations roots. |
If we consider the presidential succession process an institutional rite of passage, the rituals and symbols of the inauguration invest the president as primary representative of the institution. |
In most, if not all, ancient religions with a belief in reincarnation, the soul entering a body is seen as a metaphysical demotion, a sullying and impure rite of passage. |
They weren't hazing me, they were teaching me the rite of passage. |
But Cole is no flat white hat and this no horse opera: it's a rite of passage story which does not lead toward the light. |
A rite of passage solely reserved for adolescent girls, the painful custom is believed to be as old as the local creation myth. |
At Big Valley, a co-ed pre-K-12 in hardscrabble Modesto, Calif., the trip to Washington D.C. has been an annual rite of passage. |
From our seats in the bleachers, we stared west, hoping that another kaleidoscopic Florida sunset would add symbolic luster to this most American rite of passage. |
Her trip is about more than just packing family into an RV, it is a rite of passage for Alaskans. |
And the ordeal of initiation necessitates this brush with exotic death, for the liminal space in the journey of the rite of passage is about the annihilation of self. |
The purchase of the first car is an important rite of passage, as is reaching the age of eighteen when it becomes legal to drive, to vote, and to drink alcohol. |
Confirmation as a member of the church is an important rite of passage. |
Maybe we have to go through a rite of passage abroad before we can be credible in France? |
Doing well at the gridiron is a rite of passage that not everybody survives. |
For anyone whose political sympathies lie left of center, discovering and reading Chomsky is a rite of passage. |
He explained that whether it is done as a rite of passage or to serve some other purpose, tattoos are common to every society from Africa to China. |
The Mandan suspension ritual was used primarily as a rite of passage. |
The war in Afghanistan-notwithstanding the technocratic bon mots of the Manley reportis a rite of passage. |
In this discussion, attempt is devoted to discern the political symbolism he should now titivate himself with in the light of fulfilling the presidential rite of passage. |
Making it to the NASDAQ 100 is seen by many as a rite of passage from fledgling startup to serious player. |
In the neighborhoods they grow up in, prison is a rite of passage and being a street gangster is a viable career choice. |
For me, the new album's a bit like a rite of passage with a clear-cut beginning and end. |
One couch was very close to a bookshelf, and Barbara explained to me that bumping your head on this bookshelf was a rite of passage for members of the English Department. |
Walking up to the edge of propriety and stepping over the line are all a rite of passage to self-definition. |
When you think about it, the only rite of passage we have for our young sons is drinking. |
It is within this context that every family dinner is a communion rite, every party a spiritual festival, and every graduation a rite of passage. |
Particular ritual places and structures symbolise ancestral connections in this rite of passage. |
Traditionally, this rite of passage is reserved for those who cross the Arctic Circle by vessel, not by jet. |
Full of hope, I traversed my makeup rite of passage with Max Factor's pancake, seen in Picturegoer bestowing perfection on film stars. |
Baptism is not a rite of passage into a privileged club. |
Burial of the dead is the Norse rite of passage about which we have most archaeological evidence. |
To launch oneself completely alone into an alien culture, carrying only that symbol of lightness and detachment, the backpack, is an expansive and peculiarly western rite of passage. |
Genital mutilation had originally been a rite of passage in certain societies, to which the woman had to submit to be respectable and able to marry. |
For some, this rite of passage is not without its problems or struggles. |
Riding a bicycle is often seen as a rite of passage to the adult world. |
For young men, travel abroad can be a rite of passage. |
This stele bears an inscription inside an arch reminiscent of the mihrab niche, evoking the idea of death as a journey and burial as a rite of passage. |
When I invited women to decide for themselves which rite of passage to talk or write about, I found that only a few chose their sexual awakening. |
After John officially attained his majority, Robert bought him his first legal beer. This is a common American rite of passage. |
Dissecting a human cadaver has been a rite of passage for medical students for centuries. |
Suppression of the neighbours two stops down the District Line has not always been a rite of passage for Chelsea. |
But there is growing evidence to link gang rapes to inner-city gun gangs, who are said to use the attacks as a rite of passage to their ranks. |
Throughout the night, Fred will have to face the cold, hunger and isolation while waiting to be rescued. His fishing trip becomes a rite of passage for the young boy. |
Since phone-tapping was a rite of passage in East Germany, Rosler feared he would be called to account by the Stasi again. |
If these rite of passage theories are critized today, it is because of their weak relationship to empirical and material evidence, or even the total absence of such. |
Set mainly in Venice, it portrayed the Grand Tour as a rite of passage. |
This is the rite of passage where the asocial can be contained. |
While some new mothers can dismiss baby fat as a rite of passage, entertainers are expected to bounce back to their former thin, glamorous selves at lightning speed. |
At that time, beating Southampton 5-0 was a rite of passage, like getting drunk on your dad's cheap brandy, or scrumping apples to get into the school gang. |