He was a realist, a pragmatist who saw little sense in advocating all-out attack if there were no players to execute it. |
Although a hard-nosed pragmatist, Waugh was hurt that his batting was not given due credit. |
The foxy temptress and swooning beauty of popular imagination was a violent pragmatist for whom death held no chill. |
Most modern philosophers sympathetic to the pragmatist outlook think that the instrumentalist account of truth is unnecessarily revisionist. |
The Iranian voting public put a hardliner and a conservative pragmatist into a run-off election with their ballots on Friday. |
He's a pragmatist who's painfully aware of how hard it is to effect change in large organizations. |
Edison is the paradigm of the blind pragmatist, making hundreds of bad prototypes to 'bottle' light. |
He was just as fierce a survivor and business pragmatist as he was a gifted cinematic artist. |
The cruel potentate is toppled by a vengeful pragmatist who can't wait to get his hands on his mineral resources. |
Often the visionary has to work hand in glove with a pragmatist to get results. |
She is dangerously charismatic as a ruthless pragmatist in a sharp gangster suit. |
He is a pragmatist to the last breath and would never have indulged a personal folly, like Bacon did, in appointing a governor. |
My own view is that it is sensible to start by adopting the pragmatist idea that beliefs involve dispositions to action. |
But I was interested in the degree to which his vision was essentially pragmatist, or to be more specific, formalism justified by pragmatism. |
In practice, being a pragmatist is much more like being a realist than a crude relativist. |
A pragmatist does not think that what we think is true is the same as what is true, since we may think something to be true which doesn't work. |
I agreed to stop calling my position either a coherence or a correspondence theory if he would give up the pragmatist theory of truth. |
Dewey emphasized the pragmatist thesis that our actions have a fundamental role in shaping our understanding of the world. |
But for all his reputation as a pragmatist, there's a steely and obdurate side to him that comes to the surface every so often. |
I wish we would stop seeing him as either the prophet who will deliver us or the pragmatist who will deny us. |
He was a consummate pragmatist, but he was guided by fixed views. |
The old pillars of the pragmatist traditions were still active in 1945, but the new positions being developed captured the attention of post-war students of philosophy. |
It should be noted that the abductive method is associated with the pragmatist school of philosophy, which does not hold a realist view of knowledge. |
In mediaspeak, if you thought invading Iraq and signing the NAFTA trade pact were good ideas, you're a pragmatist. |
I fully support the bill as it stands, and I support it because I'm a pragmatist on such matters. |
Furthermore, I am a pragmatist, even though I believe in the usefulness of utopia. |
This seems to be the pragmatist game, but it has little to do with science or economics. |
Three of the most commonly asked questions about Gorbachev's outlook are: Is he strictly a pragmatist? |
The pragmatist only shows interest in cars when it is time to replace his or her current vehicle with a new one every three or four years or so. |
The four learning styles: activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist are linked to the four stages of learning. |
Jean Monnet, at once a visionary and a pragmatist, has a sharp feeling for the economy. |
Ever the pragmatist, his exclusion of Michael Owen showed a desire to select players on form alone rather than reputation. |
I'm a pragmatist. We must deal with our problems now, because this is what will determine the future. |
He was a pragmatist and his spirituality was simple, down-to-earth and practical. |
A pragmatist and a moderate, she serves as a role model for other blue dog women running for election in Red states. |
From a pragmatist point of view, this looks like regression to the Platonist idea that we have responsibilities not only to our fellow humans, but to something non-human. |
One is a practical optimist, the other a level-headed pragmatist. |
Dewey was a pragmatist, not any kind of dialectical materialist. |
Tait embodied the best of the idealist and the pragmatist. |
Abstract: The final in a series of three papers on the Soviet Union, this issue answers three fundamental questions about Gorbachev: Is he strictly a pragmatist? |
Instead of a party henchman we now have a pragmatist in charge of the delicate relationship between central and local government, a relationship that will dictate how the crisis is solved. |
He is a theoretician, people say, where Mr Bond is a pragmatist. |
I was immediately smitten with Pierre Massé and the fact that he held the glorious position of general commissar of French planning, which was highly regarded by Charles de Gaulle, himself a pragmatist. |
I'm not going to say this is the perfect bill, but I am a pragmatist. |
As for Merkel, some saw a stubborn control freak acting in her country's interests, while others were more charitable, viewing her as a pragmatist who could see the bigger picture. |
In this instance I regard myself as a pragmatist, I want to ensure that the legislation is workable and does not impose crippling burdens on industry or on agricultural producers. |
Ever the pragmatist, Bismarck understood the possibilities, obstacles, and advantages of a unified state. |
Ter Petrosian, a pragmatist who understands that in dreams begin responsibilities, believes that although Armenian reunification with Karabakh is justified, it is unattainable for now. |
Don Scott is a self-described pragmatist and a retired African American born and raised in Cleveland. |
One of the strengths of the pragmatist approach conveyed by Rescher is the justification of inductive and deductive inference. |
Bowles is a committed centrist, a fiscal conservative, and a pragmatist. |
He himself was too much the pragmatist to hanker after a lost country. |
In offering more, Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan's boss, hopes to recast himself not as a plunderer but as a pragmatist focused on people as well as price. Other things needed revisiting, too. |
Known as a pragmatist, he had the trust of Democratic members for working in a bipartisan, independent manner. |
Historians also suggest that Roosevelt was a pragmatist in foreign affairs, in that his policies were determined by practical consequences rather than by any philosophy. |
He was a pragmatist, not an idealist or a limousine liberal. |
Connolly himself proved the complete pragmatist and it lies ill in his mouth to rail against lack of creativity when his influence has contributed to it. |
Kipling who famously justified the Western colonisation and European imperialism in the now infamous poem, The White Man's Burden, was nothing if not a pragmatist. |
Kipling who famously justified the Western colonization and European imperialism in the now infamous poem, The White Man's Burden, was nothing if not a pragmatist. |
Her main support came from the Conservative 1922 Committee, but Thatcher's time in office gave her the reputation of a pragmatist instead of an ideologue. |
A pragmatist would never plant such a messy tree, but I like its flowers. |
I'm not a thief, I am a pragmatist. I need this bread to feed my family. |