But Pietro is too lost in his own daydreams and dispirited behavior to pay attention to his studies. |
If you're on the Atkins diet or something similar, you ought to pay attention to this study. |
Somewhere east of the Mojave Desert my mother began to urge her brood to pay attention to the landscape. |
I think if more people should pay attention to me and what I like because I obviously have refined taste in everything. |
We have so many issues here in our own backyard that we need to pay attention to that this is where the Peace movement is going. |
Whilst being trained, I began to pay attention to the massive amounts of money changing hands at the track. |
She's mature beyond her years in terms of her ability to pay attention to every single detail of her preparation. |
I had many other paintings, nudes, modern, and so on, but they didn't pay attention to those. |
For example, moving slowly and steadily while lifting weights helps you pay attention to body sensations and spot pain before you're injured. |
If you want to make anybody take you seriously, you'll have to pay attention to details like that. |
Did you ever pay attention to the manual toothbrushes with the elaborate handles? |
Experts also suggest to pay attention to the color spots and dots on your tires. |
It shouldn't be news at all that plenty of people don't pay attention to the conference at hand when they dial in to a conference call. |
She was trying to pay attention to what her host was saying, but she was being distracted by the fairies busily unknotting her tangled hair. |
When you have to drive your car through a heavy snowstorm, you can't help but pay attention to every bump and slide. |
The politicians need to pay attention to the people that are trying to make it and give them a break once in a while. |
In his urging, he resists the dehumanizing notion that the court must not pay attention to human reality but only to the law. |
Why females should pay attention to male song when choosing mates is less well understood, however. |
A knowledgeable friend told me, that is also very interesting to pay attention to the position of the windmill vanes when they are at rest. |
As his voice trailed I became more irritated, vexed at how he refused to answer me, let alone really pay attention to me. |
For example, we should still pay attention to human rights, non-proliferation, free trade, and democracy. |
Can everyone please pay attention to the list-ridden post below, because apparently it's dead on. |
When you hear a pack of wolves calling, you don't pay attention to anything else. |
I personally don't pay attention to the pop culture here in Japan, since my mind was still stateside. |
But once he develops a trusting relationship with someone who will pay attention to what he wants, said Rosen, he's a happy camper. |
These events are often called signs, omens, etc., by those who pay attention to them. |
Nobody is going to pay attention to your online store unless something catches their eye. |
My homeboys are so not into politics, but they need to pay attention to this one. |
I'm trying to conjure up the good-fairy presence, trying to get her to pay attention to me. |
The center may need to pay attention to the periphery and accept its influence simply in order to survive. |
It's pretty fail-safe, but you still have to pay attention to what you're doing. |
A hungry emu photobombed a holidaying couple after they stopped feeding it to pay attention to other animals on the farm they were visiting. |
If your child's a picky eater, pay attention to the foods he or she especially likes and adapt the menu as these preferences change. |
Let the film-makers first give us a compelling reason to pay attention to their work. |
But nobody bothers to pay attention to the way the subjects comport themselves. |
Maybe that's the day something clicked inside of me, but it just took a year for me to pay attention to it. |
Why would any right-minded reader pay attention to the outcome of what this pornographer votes for? |
He hid his face in the cowl of his coat, trying not to pay attention to the people staring at him. |
This tolerance is less forgiving than PCI and also requires layout designers to pay attention to an additional set of constraints. |
One must pay attention to his ramblings, as they furnish important clues for what the player is supposed to do next. |
Large numbers of people are only now beginning to pay attention to the presidential race. |
He readily conceded that he did not pay attention to less pressing matters during the fall. |
And probably we do drink desalinated water all the time in various forms while we don't pay attention to it. |
Making household finances work will mean that couples must pay attention to details and diligently handle legal and financial matters. |
I can't emphasize enough how important it is to pay attention to your body. |
People who can still pay attention to the road and judge speed and distance with reasonable accuracy may be able to give up driving in stages. |
This was even more likely before fellow collectors started to pay attention to formula air letter sheets. |
Every time she is on screen, her resourcefulness commands you pay attention to her. |
He advised town councils to pay attention to high water losses through the reticulation system because every litre lost means money lost. |
I debated whether to retort with a witty comeback or to not pay attention to him. |
It's best just to go along for the ride and not really pay attention to the story. |
Some people pay attention to aptonyms because they appear to provide evidence that a person's name may indicate a person's professional destiny. |
I suppose the best encouragement I can offer is to pay attention to all the little details. |
Water joins together biological life in a seamless dance of exchange, so bioregionalists particularly pay attention to the health, quality, and sources of water. |
She was in too much of a snit to really pay attention to him. |
I don't even pay attention to political cartoons in newspapers. |
So we hope that people in our party will continue to pay attention to this. |
Getting people to pay attention to a possible new round of slaughter in the region proved difficult. |
And if you don't pay attention to the alarm sounded by the loss of a species then you run the risk of major, cataclysmic upheaval and suffering in the future. |
Because the better operational police officers are the ones who pay attention to what their staff need to perform the job well, which includes the way you manage them. |
Why pay attention to something that's just going to get scuffed up? |
Biblical preaching calls us to pay attention to the portents of death masquerading as success and the tokens of resurrection hope in the midst of despair. |
But criticizing alchemy as an inexact science is not a valid reason not to pay attention to it since, as stated earlier, this is not the ground of its knowledge claims. |
A professor was howled down when he suggested some years ago that Australia should pay attention to the numbers, pace and ethnic mix of our migration intake. |
My parents were very sympathetic to my need to pay attention to detail. |
West European countries that have embraced high levels of social spending choose taxes that have relatively small deadweight losses and pay attention to disincentive effects. |
As you massage your partner's hands, pay attention to the way your fingers can interlock and how your partner's hands can respond to yours in return. |
Good companies prevent their servers from forwarding mail that do not originate from their clients, but more negligent companies do not pay attention to such trifles. |
It is quite a good idea to pay attention to low price fur products in the US market, such as Asiatic raccoon garments, corsac fox garments, or mountain cat products. |
Even more important, we need to pay attention to the emergence of militarism among some military officers. |
Instead of just cutting out whole food groups, bacon says people should pay attention to how food makes them feel. |
Though the national media may bray and belittle her, they continue to pay attention to her. |
When we pay attention to what we are experiencing now, through awareness, we are able to determine our future karma by making it take a different course. |
We rarely do, in part because not as many people of color pay attention to country music. |
Most people pay attention to this only in regards the Supreme Court, but the lower courts are also critically important. |
Lilly was too keyed up to pay attention to Heather's doses of sarcasm. |
Instead, they pay attention to signals and cues about what matters most to a president. |
Perky blond Allie is a latchkey kid, her mother too rich and too distracted by her serial dating to pay attention to how her daughter spends her time. |
Too crabby and distracted to pay attention to where he's walking, Greg barely manages to sidestep a pair of nurses wheeling a gurney down the hall. |
Eat at regular mealtimes and pay attention to your food instead of multitasking. |
One also needs to pay attention to the syntactic form of the sentences. |
The Krummens pay attention to politics, but are more concerned about the impact of the wobbling economy on their family. |
The author claims it is the definitive guide to non-verbal communication development, helping children and parents to pay attention to this. |
I worried a bit that their colorful gameboard screen would be distracting to the students behind them who wanted to pay attention to class. |
Sorry about the mixed metaphor there, it's just I'm too excited about the final to pay attention to things like that right now. |
A heads-up posture meant the pilot couldn't pay attention to his instruments. |
Millions of records are selling right now by several crooners, and that's hard not to pay attention to. |
Just pay attention to potential side effects such as dizziness or nausea. |
The danger of being beneath the machines meant that they had to constantly pay attention to its movements in order to avoid serious injury. |
If you pay attention to the dynamics as you play, it's a very moving piece. |
By ensuring we don't pay attention to the real killers in America. |
You can retro-engineer it. You look at a roomful of junk and you pay attention to what's lying on what, because that will eventually tell you what fell first. |
Since dentistry, or oral medicine, and eating are so closely linked, it is important for dentists to pay attention to their patients' nutritional status. |
My hope is that it causes someone to pay attention to a tiny seed pod or to the feeling of grass under ones feet, to pay attention to the small mundane things in one's life. |
We recommend that environmental agencies pay attention to submontane shrubland around urban areas because this species appears to use this type of vegetation for nesting. |
When designing diacritics, it is necessary to pay attention to their thickness, position, size and eigenvalue of the letterform from the font-face concerned. |
Aside from conventional benefits of specialization, an additional motive for Beijing to pay attention to Xinjiang is Chinese sensitivity to Uigur rebelliousness. |